Spike found himself woken up at sunrise as Pinkie Pie’s cuddle buddy; held very tightly. Under her soft pelt, skin and layer of fat she was rippled with muscles developed from working a rock farm for her childhood. It always felt like being wrapped in a blanket that never wanted to let go.
“Pinkie, can you let me up?”
“No.” She answered as clearly as she did last night then went back to snoring.
“Pinkie, I gotta get home before Blitz sneaks out on Twilight.”
He blinked and she was standing in front of him, eyes wide open and smiling, mane properly coifed. “Silly, he’s not going anywhere.”
Rolling off the bed Spike bumped his head and asked how she knew while rubbing his forehead.
“He knows if he abandoned Twilight she would tell me. And where could Rainbow Blitz hide from Pinkemena Diane Pie?” She gave a smirk that always freaked him out.
Remembering Blitz’s stories of trying to escape from Pinkie before, Spike untangled himself from the bed covers and started his walk to the library, a bouncing Earth Pony at his side.
** ** **
The water splashed on his coat as he poured oatmeal into Twilight’s pan, he should have learned by now to be more gentle with food. Sighing he stirred it a few times and went to set the table. The door opened and he heard Spike cry out, “Twilight, I’m sorry I wasn’t here on…time”
“Hey Spike! Fancy seeing you here!” He balanced a glass on his nose while fluttering over to the table and softly laying it down.
“Hi Blitz!” Pinkie kept springing in place, grinning like an idiot.
“Hey Pinks. I guess you know already?” A knowing smile crept to his face.
“Yeah. And you didn’t choose me. You better make her happy happy mister!” She bounded over and leaned her face right into his scowling.
“Ah, Pinkie Pie, she and I already talked about it. We are happy. Breakfast is to be our first real date, and I doubt she would have much problem with you joining us.” His voice sounded far more relaxed and inviting than normal. If Twilight was this happy…
“Well, as long as breakfast doesn't become your regular chore,” Spike dipped a finger into the pan and licked it clean. His face and voice brightened up at once, “Actually, as long as breakfast does become your regular chore!”
“No, no. She and I are taking things much slower after this. And we’re hoping to keep last night quite. Amongst us seven. Okay?”
Both of them nodded. He felt hooves wrap themselves around his withers and his head was pulled to his left followed by a smooch on his cheek. “Good morning beautiful.”
“Good morning handsome. Thank you for not bragging,” Twilight told him turning around and tracing a hoof down his back. Three chairs magically pulled away from the table so she and the new arrivals could take their seats.
“Pinkie, we would love to have breakfast with us. Spike, I’m sorry. We didn’t think about you last night-“
“I should hope not!”
All three ponies giggled at his outburst.
Blitz tried apologizing himself, “I’m sorry we didn’t consider you being so close when we…uh, started.”
“So, what were your plans for today Blitz?” Twilight asked him.
“I was going to go home and clop to Daring Do all day.”
“YOUR plans, not my own.” Twilight snapped, Pinkie and Spike giggled again.
“But normally I take the whole day off and do read. You wanna join me?”
“No I can’t. I just received word from the Princess, she wants me to escort a package from Oatslando to Canterlot so I’m going to leave right after breakfast.”
“Okay then. Foods getting there.”
“Soo Twilight, how did it happen?” Pinkie asked.
“How did what happen?”
“How did you two get together? This,” pointing between the two of them. “This wasn’t here yesterday. So what happened last night?”
“Uhh, well, Twilight? What made you do it?”
“Me! What did I do?”
“You kissed me. Twice!”
Twilight looked down. “Well, yeah. You see, you’ve always been so nice to me, so loyal, you always challenge me to do my best. But last night you gave me something and it just…showed how much you care.” Looking back to him, her eyes glistened. “I never looked at you that way before, and I love you.”
"I got you a book about organization, and you came onto me. You are such a nerd." He laughed while he embraced her and she returned it. Pinkie let loose a d’aww and Spike turned away from the display of affection in childlike disgust.
A short silence was interrupted by Twilight. “Sing a song for me Rainbow,”
“Did your parents or brother sing to you when making breakfast?”
“No. Why?”
Rainbow Blitz started singing the most fun song he could think of:
This is your time to pay,
This is your judgment day,
Twilight and Pinkie joined in on the third line knowing it just as well as him. Twilight suggested since all six of them knew it they use it as a code phrase in case any of them were suspected of being a Changeling. And Pinkie Pie introduced them all to the song.
We’ve made the sacrifice,
And now we get to take your life.
We shoot without a gun,
We take on any-one,
It’s really nothing new,
It’s just the thing we like to do!
Pinkie had so much fun teaching her friends how to bake, (except Applejack of course) she just burst into random song. Blitz had the hardest time being impatient, so she taught him this number. As he memorized the song his baking skills improved until he could make puff pastries with his own two hooves. She was so proud of him.
You better get ready to die,
You better get ready to kill,
You better get ready to run,
Cause here we come,
You better get ready to die!
uring the first instrumental Twilight and Pinkie stood on their hinds and started dancing around. It wasn’t much more than throwing their hooves back and forth but Spike and Blitz smiled at how cute they looked.
Your life is over now,
Your life is running out,
When your time is at an end,
Then it's time to kill again,
We cut without a knife,
We live in black and white,
You’re just a parasite,
Now close your eyes and say good-night.
You better get ready to die,
You better get ready to kill,
You better get ready to run,
Cause here we come,
You better get ready to die!
Get ready to die!
Get ready to die!
With his oatmeal bubbling he took if off the stove and started splitting it among four bowls he set out and sprinkled brown sugar over them.
Been a long time comin,
Now you better get running,
And you better get ready to die!
Three ponies and a dragon took their seats and dug into breakfast.
Isn't that the song that plays during “Cupcakes" ?
Also. (Warning, those links are NSFW, be cautioned.)
And Cupcakes.
bwaaaaaaaalove it loveit