
Viewing 1 - 8 of 8 results

New Story: You · 11:51pm May 12th

Hey guys, I'm not even sure if anypony will even read this, but my name is Willow NightSong24. I originally created this account so I could comment on a story I read, (The Misty Saga by Admiral Producer, it's really good, you guys should check it out.), but then I realized that I'm constantly writing stories and maybe I should ponify them and publish them on here. Here's to hoping this is actually successful.

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Movie Review: The Producers (1967) · 10:59pm Jun 8th, 2018

The movie that launched Mel Brooks' career, and one of his most popular, The Producers is a classic of American comedy.

I had the special fortune of watching this movie on the big screen, thanks to a special event at one of the movie theaters in Bristol, Tennessee. Every month they show a classic movie, and for the month of June it was The Producers. :twilightsmile: My dad and I made an evening to drive out and catch a showing, and had a grand time. XD

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OC Extended · 10:53am Apr 24th, 2016

Alright, so far I have my main OC fleshed out fairly decently I think. I had posted a background of him some time ago on a thread, explaining his main attributes. But I thought I'd put a little more, since I found my little black notebook with most of his original information intact.

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Gotta Have That Funk · 4:03am Aug 27th, 2015

Life is funky. Truly, it can smell funky, sound funky, look funky, and is generally just strange... and funky.

I put Tidal Flows on hiatus years ago, and I never really paid much attention to Fimfiction - too wrapped up in my own boring business of life. However, I want to turn a new leaf, put my best hoof forward, and try my best to keep things updated.

So, here is the updatesies!

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A Passing Comet - Admiral Producer (Random Recommendations in <50 words #13) · 7:50am May 19th

EA Passing Comet
Comet contemplates the new life he has been given with his friends in Equestria and what he’ll do with it….
Admiral Producer · 2.6k words  ·  36  2 · 750 views

Overall. Melancholic stargazing in Maretime bay with Izzy.

Best lines:

The Smallest Gesture[...]

“I know peachy and this certainly isn’t it.” the energetic unicorn remarked.

Sometimes, the grandest form of living was just being in the moment and doing what you could for your fellow ponies.

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And So, New Years and Valentine's Day Have Come And Gone... · 10:30pm Feb 15th, 2022

Woof, it's been a while since I've updated. A month and a half. Yeah, I suck.

But, I have some good news. I've started work on a new chapter for "Beautiful Stories for Ugly Children", which will round off the initial chapters, freeing up the rest of the anthology to be done in whatever order I want.

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Major Music Project · 4:17am May 24th, 2015

It has been a while since I have updated my journal so I thought I would let everyone know that I am working on a major music project right now. I am excited because I am getting my songs officially produced.

If you want to check out my music and support the project, you can follow the links below.

Check out my Facebook Music Page:

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Check Out My YouTube Music Channel · 1:29pm May 24th, 2016

Check Out My YouTube Music Channel

Hello everyone! I just thought I would share my YouTube music channel for anyone who would like to listen to some of the original songs I have written.

I am the one singing in the videos, since a lot of people have asked that, just to clarify things.

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Viewing 1 - 8 of 8 results