
Viewing 1 - 20 of 529 results

"Slice of Life" and the Zeitgeist · 12:14pm Jun 14th, 2015

Well, all the fans' dumbest theories are now canon. The show is over. Goodbye everybody. Seriously though, I cringed all the way through this episode. Fanon is perfectly good as fanon, but it doesn't mesh with canon at all. "Steven Magnet"? "The Doctor"? Please, this is My Little Pony, not Crossover Central.

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Report JudgeDeadd · 445 views · #slice of life

Why Slice of Life Was Not Pandering to Fans · 10:05pm Jul 17th, 2015

I absolutely had to comment on the 100th episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. This was not only because I enjoyed the episode but because I was surprised with some of the criticism I saw. Namely, I was surprised that not all fans of the show enjoyed seeing the staff canonize some of their fan head canons. I also saw many call it “all over the place” and too wacky at times. Then there are the Bronies who say this was their favorite episode ever and find no fault at all. Over all most

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Report JLBDreamer · 614 views · #slice of life

Who am I? · 1:14am Nov 28th, 2019

A nobody, really. Not a big deal.

Well... doing reviews and giving advice to young fresh authors is what I do, maybe write in the future again, who knows.


Education chapter 4 · 5:11am Mar 7th, 2017

I hope everypony has fun reading this chapter it took a while and knowing it was 12 pages in google docs.

Education chapter 4 has now release.

Report Rye Snoot · 419 views · #Slice of Life

Hello! · 4:07am Jun 19th, 2018

Hi everyone I have been a user for awhile now tried writing didn't even get past admins because im crap anyways but I do love reading 📚
If anyone is intrested I do have a bit of content and cool things I made @
I am mostly better with web design or being staff on a server ona game anyways but hey thats all I got to say so yeah... Im doing this on the last day of school at 12:07pm lol ugh.... So tired see ya guys even though I know that no one will read this.

Report DuskDew · 316 views · #Slice of life

Story Idea #6. This Time It's Personal. · 6:36pm Dec 22nd, 2015

This is my first pure "Slice of life" concept idea.
A smile. A sign of pleasure, comfort, and happiness.
A grimace. A sign of displeasure, discomfort, and unhappiness.
Usually, when someone shows either a smile or a grimace it is an easy way to tell if what we are doing is amusing them or bothering them. But what happens in the life of someone who's smile and grimace both look like a genuine smile?

Use this concept, find a story using this concept, just be sure to link me.

Report Draco Loco · 341 views · #Slice of Life

WHAT HAVE I DONE?!?!?! · 4:51pm Jan 12th, 2018

I awoke a sleeping giant, that's what. Why do I always do the craziest things. I try not to spam with blogs, but I was scared this morning. He isn't active anymore, and I triggered him. It was terrifying.

Report Zaknel · 340 views · #Slice of life

My first fan fic · 3:22pm Aug 1st, 2018

I got some inspiration from a song I found on YouTube. I hope you will like it.

Report DCSlayer1 · 236 views · #Slice of life

Red the dragon · 12:45pm Sep 2nd, 2015

Hi there, everyone. I'm Black and I'm attempting to write my first story about a dragon named Red. I know improving is necessary, if you can share your ideas, I would love to hear so my writing may be better in future.

I was done making two chapters, you could see them in 'New life in Ponyville'.


1 Year Anniversary · 6:52pm Nov 2nd, 2020

It's been 1 year since I started this account and been having a great time being on this site.

Report Skyblazer9 · 188 views · #Slice of life

Just want to add · 11:10pm Jun 13th, 2015

View on Derpibooru (Original source unknown at time of posting)


You know what we need? · 12:27pm Jun 14th, 2015

An episode full of that. We need a Celestia and Luna episode.

If there's ONE gripe I have with Slice of Life, it would be that I felt they were a bit too heavy on the Doctor Who references. He took up entirely too much screen time, and the "ALLONS-Y" line is what broke the camel's back for me. There's references, then there's blatant crap like that where non-fans are left confused.

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What I Thought About "Slice of Life" · 4:44am Jun 18th, 2015

Episode Review
Alright, I lied. I'm gonna review this one, too. I seriously doubt that it's gonna have an impact on the season as a whole or tie into the story arcs, so that's my excuse. Besides, it's the 100th episode. It's a special occasion. So, let's get on with this.

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100th episode fun facts · 5:24pm Jun 18th, 2015

My favorites:
~ Flash Sentry was originally in the script. He was following Cranky asking why no one likes him. :rainbowlaugh:

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Panstormer! No, Barn Flash? · 9:38pm Jun 26th, 2016

One of my editors has started shipping Actingverse characters. Starcover is OTP, of course, but he had a bit of a soft spot for Panstormer. Which really, means the next chapter I have to write is less a touching and introspective slice of life story, and more...

Yeah, that. Oh well.

Have a pony!

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Winter wrap-up, because tomorrow Blue Spring is here · 3:22pm Jul 8th, 2018

Been wondering for years. What IS a "slice of life"?

And how do you distinguish it from what the critics call "fluff" - cute and enjoyable yet shallow and disposable?

I suspect some critics will say there's no difference between the two :trollestia:

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Cipher Balance (Small Bio Blurb) [Under Reconstruction] · 1:47am Oct 30th, 2021

Cipher Harmony

Kind: Earth Pony Deer/Zebra hybrid

Sex: Female

Residence: Outside of Ponyville, in a cottage neat the Everfree Forest (she’s Fluttershy’s “roommate”)
The Lunar Core Colony (formerly)

Occupation: Currently N/A
“Shadow Dweller”/Lunar Core Colony Resident (formerly)
Loner (Formerly)

More Info

Eyes: Chocolate brown (right)
Titanium silver-blue (left)

Mane: Obsidian black
Snow white

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Slice of Life · 6:08am May 14th, 2016

See, I'm under the impression that every story [on this site] is secretly a slice of life story. Orwellian horror? Slice of life for dystopian AU. Adventure? Slice of life for exciting person. Clop? Slice of life for porn star.

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Report Lazauya · 367 views · #slice of life #ideas #tags

update time · 9:37pm Jun 29th, 2016

Its been quite some time since I last posted on here so I thought its high time I did another of these.
Things that have changed since my first blog:
I have two kids now, my son is 3 and my daughter is 2
No I am not with the sire any longer, no I dont want to talk about it much because it was an ugly situation and its been 3 years and its behind me now. We're better off without him.

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If Fluttershy had a sister... · 6:28pm Dec 16th, 2015

I wrote a fanfiction about Fluttershy's sister Rosie Shy coming to visit from Vanhoover. Sadly, I can't post it due to it not being long enough. But I'll post it here just in case you want to read it. I'm working on my first major story now that will be MUCH longer! Enjoy!
(Sorry if it's kinda short; I'm still new to this)

Sisterly Bonds

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 529 results