
Viewing 1 - 9 of 9 results

Conversation-Focused Game · 11:25pm Feb 18th, 2018

I've been deeply focused for the last few days on version 4 of a long-running game idea: something where you mostly talk to people instead of fighting. Not as in "there's a battle system but you can click a thing to say you talk your way out of killing". As in, "you walk up to NPCs and have something resembling a sane human conversation with them".

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Report KrisSnow · 327 views · #ai #games #game design

New Stories; Conversation Game Project · 5:25am Jul 29th, 2020

I have a series of fantasy novellas out now called "Wavebound", about a novice water goddess:
They're unusual in that they're generated partly by using tabletop RPG rules. Cards and dice determined important facts and interesting details. I'm 10K words into a third story arc for this project!

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Report KrisSnow · 222 views · #writing #game design #AI

Scarlet Plays Magic: What Format Should I Play? · 2:43pm Oct 4th, 2016

My previous Scarlet Plays Magic blog, which can be found here if you haven't read it, was mostly a rebuttal to a popular Magic: The Gathering youtuber's flawed review of the new Planeswalker decks released by Wizards of the Coast. Short summary: I felt like his approach to rating the deck was skewed due to his inability to accurately understand the needs and goals of new players just entering

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Choices in 80 Days and Planescape: Torment · 7:04am Jul 5th, 2016

(Photopia © Adam Cadre)

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My thoughts on game design · 6:40pm Dec 10th, 2020

Here's yet another of my rambles that I've taken upon doing. For this one, I want to have a more focused line of thought throughout it, and as per the title, it'll be about game design. There are many forms of game design that can be discussed such as pieces from fighting games, shooters, exploration-based games, etc. Recently I've been playing Genshin Impact and I'd like to talk about the design that was put into that game as it is one of the only games of its kind with Breathe of the Wild as

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How NOT To Make Virtual Reality MMOs · 7:16am Dec 19th, 2016

From what I took from this video:
1. Do not make dropdown menus within menus.

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NaNoWriMo Week 4: Infinite Mountains · 8:22pm Nov 27th, 2016

Good day, folks!

I hope you all have had a lovely Thanksgiving, even if you aren’t in the US. And I hope you’re a good person who didn’t shop on Thanksgiving. Because there’s a special spot in Tartarus for those who shop during Thanksgiving.

...okay, no. Not going to go into a rant about retail. After 12 years, I am free of retail. Have been for two and a half years. But some things… they stay with you.

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Speculation and Worldbuilding: a Pony Trading Card Game · 10:45pm Jul 3rd, 2016

In a previous musing post, I covered the idea of pony playing cards. In another, I discussed magic pony sports. Both of these are the sort of things influenced by tradition and simplicity. Today, I'd like to discuss a type of game that is the opposite: something that is explicitly constructed and designed. That's right, today we're discussing the cultural fixture that is the Trading Card Game.

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Once More Unto the Breach · 8:56pm Dec 4th, 2016

Viewing 1 - 9 of 9 results