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Dammit All! · 2:51am Aug 28th, 2016

Dammit! My editor went and got himself banned! My editor, Bry7x7x7, became my editor after he read Are You Afraid of The Dark? and asked me to create a prequel and gave me his ideas to put into writing. I agreed to do it for him only if he helped me edit and he said yes. I have been holding the story back since, what? June?? I had put off the prequel for a while waiting for answer to one message only to find out he had been banned. Dammit. Just my luck.

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Report Coconut of Doom · 332 views · #Bad News

Being a Better Writer Delayed · 2:33pm Oct 9th, 2017

Just a heads-up, guys, but you probably won’t see this week’s Being a Better Writer post until tomorrow. I’ve got an early-morning work shift today, then a physical therapy appointment (one of the last, thankfully, as my knee is healing) right afterwards. Then another early-morning shift tomorrow. And in my current financial situation (which is really bad), I need every shift I can get.

BaBW for this week will likely hit tomorrow morning or afternoon, as a result.

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Report Viking ZX · 365 views · #Bad News

Bad News · 3:13am Aug 10th, 2015

Hey guys! Just thought I should share some bad news with you.

The next two weeks, I will not be able to update my story, and that includes today. So, technically today and next Sunday. Why? Because my computer kinda bleched on me and I had to take it in to get it fixed. And that's going to take this week. Why not next Sunday though? Because I'm going to my cousins for the weekend and I kinda wanna be able to spend time with them. So, yeah...I won't be able to update then either.

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Report MuddyWaters · 399 views · #bad news

I've just been given probably the worst news I've heard · 11:51am Jan 2nd, 2020

I'm scared right now. I was told my grandma was taken to hospital by ambulance after she went into the doctor's office for a routine bandage change for her leg. She's had a number of problems with her blood pressure and her heart, as you do when you get older, but dad just told me that she might not make it out this time.

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Report Ribe_FireRain · 233 views · #Bad news

Medical problems · 1:22am Mar 19th, 2016

Hey guys and gals, update of horribleness. You all might be wondering why I've dropped off the face of the earth. Well, I am finally at a place where I am able to say. One month before my daughter was born (now 2 months old) I was diagnosed with CNS lymphoma. For those of you unaware, that's cancer that is currently attacking my spinal column. I haven't had much time to write because of how much time and energy is spent fighting my disease. I am scheduled for some pretty intense surgery

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Report BaryonBrony · 1,170 views · #Bad news

Some bad new... · 7:36pm May 24th, 2017

Unfortunately, my co-writer for Bleak Sails will not be able to write for a few months, so I can't really
write much for Bleak Sails until they get back since they own some characters in the story and I do
not wish to piss them off my fucking them up.

Report RedRandom · 392 views · #Bad news

Emergency Status Update (THIS CHANGE MADE FROM DESKTOP) · 7:34am Jan 7th, 2021

UPDATE: For the moment, all is well. Backing up and watching closely. Going to perform system tests.

This post has nothing to do with politics.

Just heading this appropriately, before anyone panics for the wrong reasons.

So what’s up? Yesterday, as I was working on the print copy of Axtara – Banking and Finance, my computer stuttered, froze, and died. Then powered back on … only to shut off a moment later, without even a BIOS POST beep.

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Report Viking ZX · 398 views · #Bad News

The Knee Post · 6:45pm Mar 23rd, 2018

Yeah, this one’s actually newsworthy enough it’s getting it’s own post.

First of all, don’t worry about this affecting my writing. That’s one thing I can say is that the news I got back after my MRI this week isn’t going to affect my writing life. Other facets, however …

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Report Viking ZX · 433 views · #Bad News #Knee #Injury

Umm..... · 6:29pm Jul 4th, 2016

Okay so bad news, it seems I'll be a tad late on the first chapter of Memories because of Independence Day and all..... So um yeah sorry.:ajsleepy:
Your Cookie Muncher,


Two Betrayals · 9:03pm Oct 25th, 2018

Insert obligatory Halo voiceover here.

So, who’s doing the betraying that I’m talking about? Well, if I’m honest, it’s me. And my body. Against one another.

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Report Viking ZX · 388 views · #Bad News #Sick

Bad News · 6:06am Apr 20th, 2018

I've been putting this off because I'm scared of disappointing all of you, but I guess I have to come out and say it at some point.

I lost it all. The duel. The next chapter. It's gone. I'd rather not explain how.

I honestly don't know if I have it in me to rewrite all of that. I'll try, but I just don't know if I can.

Report Wolfgang · 550 views · #Bad news #lost data

It's been a while. · 6:36pm Dec 22nd, 2015

So, how mad would you guys be if I put some of my stories on hiatus? By some of my stories, I mean A Doctor's Duty and The Flower of Despair. Also, I was thinking about canceling Notes of Assassination and Persona: Omega Chronicles because I just got bored writing them.

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Report Free2424 · 366 views · #Update #Good/Bad news

Bad News... · 8:19pm Apr 14th, 2017

I'm facing some family stuffs IRL, so I'm not sure how much I'll be updating and stuff, so I just wanted to let you guys know.
At this point, I might only be able to update sometimes at school when I have a computer, or if I ever get up early in the mornings. Along with the possible free time I will have when I'm at home/throughout my day. Wish me luck... :ajsleepy:

Report Script Singer · 246 views · #Bad News #Update

I wish I didn't have to say this but it's time for good new bad news(Good for some but not for me) · 3:11pm Mar 3rd, 2022

Okay first things first, the good news is good I've been working on Chapter 15 while on a trip away from Wednesday 23rd to Monday and finally made progress. So it'll be ready soon but Tuesday had some horrible news for me, the news being some of the worst I've ever received so I'm going to put the bad news in a spoiler(You don't have to read it if you don't want to but it will be mentioned in Chapter 16)


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Report Garfield23 · 178 views · #News #bad news #good news

I'm Going away again · 11:29pm Jul 20th, 2015

Another ACF camp today, Annual this time. This is the big one. I'll be gone a full ten days for this one, so don't expect me back at a moment's notice. And when I do I'll be absolutely knackered, so no updates either. And on top of that I may be getting a job three days after which will decrease my writing time even more.

But I think a day job would drive me to write more often so I can relax. So I'll still be trying to get updates in after the camp is up.

See you all in August!

Report Lazy_ · 223 views · #ACF #Bad news #wombo combo

Axtara Paperback Not Yet Available Due to Amazon Issues · 7:28pm Jan 26th, 2021

Hey readers! Max here with a quick update. I know I anticipated the paperback for Axtara – Banking and Finance being available today, but alas, it is not. Why? Well … therein lies a bit of a story. Mostly because once again, Amazon went cheap, and that’s created problems.

See, Amazon has a bunch of tools you need to satisfy in order to print a book. Straightforward enough … save that one of them is, well … a little broken. To be specific, their cover program.

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In Which the Universe Attempts Symmetry · 7:16pm Jul 17th, 2020

Hello readers! Bit of an update here! You may have noticed that like last week I was a bit silent this week, despite not having made any plans in that direction. And, well, you’re right. I was planning on posting more this week. And starting Alpha Feedback response for Axtara – Banking and Finance. And finishing my Jungle reread so that work could begin in earnest on Starforge.

So what happened? Well … my ribs happened. Or rather, idiot teenagers happened to my ribs.

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Report Viking ZX · 253 views · #Bad News #Injury #News #Ribs

I have to say I just got to tell you some bad news. · 3:16am Apr 13th, 2023

1. I have liver disease and hopefully it isn't serious. I'm going back to the dr. soon. hopefully soon.

2. Economics is going into a serious recession that is worse than 2008 ever did.

3. CBDCs are going to ruin every country.


News of All Sorts · 11:24pm Aug 11th, 2016

Duplicate Post from Unusual Things

Hey guys! I’m here with a few updates. News both good and bad (hence the “All Sorts” in the title).

So, the bad news first. Just going to get it out of the way right away. It’s not that bad … but it will likely be disappointing for many of you.

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Report Viking ZX · 643 views · #Good News #Bad News #News

UPDATE: I'm Sorry... · 12:03pm Dec 28th, 2018

Hey, everyone who is reading this. I know I have been inactive for awhile and I come with some bad news. Forever Inferno is officially cancelled. I'm sorry but I wasn't getting anywhere with the story and writer's block has been crushing my creativity lately. Sorry to those who were really enjoying the story but sometimes plans change and stories go unfinished.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 70 results