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MLP Season 5 Episode 13 · 3:52pm Jul 12th, 2015

So yeah, basically, Inception.....with ponies and no Édith Piaf songs or Hans Zimmer music.

Am I the only guy who felt the dreams weren't weird enough? Like, too liniar?

Probably nitpicking.

But yeah, I felt it was fine, if somewhat marred by the fact that Luna was foolish/guilty enough to basically torture herself night after night.

Damn girl, move on.


S5E19: "The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows" (SPOILERS) · 4:01pm Oct 17th, 2015

Well, here we go.

G.M. Berrow's first foray into writing for the actual show.

I'm not going to lie: I went into this episode with low expectations. I severely dislike the chapter books and thus had a poor opinion of Berrow's writing abilities going into this.

And frankly, it's not helping AT ALL that Berrow has to follow, well...last week's jaw-dropping episode that could have been the series finale and we'd all have died happy.

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Report MythrilMoth · 831 views · #season 5

Season 5 Episode 13: "Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?" (SPOILERS) · 4:00pm Jul 11th, 2015

Okay that was a weird way to start the ep.

...Owlowiscious! Out of nowhere!

Looks like the Mane Six aren't sleeping well. Must be related to Luna's nightmares!

...Spike, give it a rest. :facehoof:

Tantabus, huh? I wonder if it hangs out with Nekobus...

...Pinkie snores WEIRD.

Rarity's nightmare is about dress monsters. Figures.

I expected Pinkie's dream to be stranger.

...Fluttershy's dream scares me.

Applejack has boring dreams.

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Report MythrilMoth · 662 views · #season 5

Better Late Than Never? · 8:14pm Oct 14th, 2017

Hi. Just finished s5. Well, netflix says I did. I don't really remember about... three episodes. Yeah I'm late, and yeah, no one is really going to care, but I'm trying to work out my own feelings still. So thanks for everyone who reads and comments.

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Report kits · 709 views · #season 5

Season 5 Bingo · 10:07am Apr 5th, 2015

Did you all see that neat new pony stuff that came out recently?

I can see why people are so enamored with Sonata Dusk and Sunset now. :trollestia:

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S5E23: "The Hooffields and the McColts" (SPOILERS) · 5:00pm Nov 14th, 2015

Twilight FINALLY gets summoned by the map!

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Report MythrilMoth · 833 views · #season 5

S5E24: "The Mane Attraction" · 5:00pm Nov 21st, 2015

I don't really have much to say about this one. It was a pure feels episode with a moral about being true to yourself. It was touching, it was low-key, there was almost no comedy.

Next week is the season finale.

Report MythrilMoth · 827 views · #season 5

S5E16: "Made in Manehattan" (SPOILERS) · 4:00pm Sep 26th, 2015

You know, this season's gonna be really confusing on Netflix, with so many episodes being shown out of production order...

Anyway, Rarity pulls a hat trick today with the third episode in a row that focuses on her, even though this episode is actually a Rarity/Applejack episode.

With the return of Coco Pommel!

Twilight's so bored she's blowing raspberries at books. That's wacky.

Poor Twilight got snubbed by the map again. :fluttercry:

Rarity's having a citygasm!

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Report MythrilMoth · 668 views · #season 5

S5E21 (though it's really S5E15): "Scare-Master" (SPOILERS) · 4:01pm Oct 31st, 2015

Preface: Because of the iTunes leak a while back, most of us have already seen this episode. As such, this will be slightly different and slightly more detailed than my usual stream-of-consciousness write-ups.

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Report MythrilMoth · 732 views · #season 5

Season 5 Part 2 Dates Confirmed! · 3:25am Aug 12th, 2015

So the hiatus is apparently ending a little sooner than expected.

Season 5 episode 14 will air on September 12, followed by S5E15 the following week.

Report MythrilMoth · 504 views · #season 5

A Christian INFJ Psychology Major’s Thoughts on Season Five Partially in Response to joshscorcher/Commander Firebrand’s Reviews Part 3: Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Psychology? · 4:57am Mar 6th, 2016

In the closing paragraph of my last post, I conjured the most unsympathetic backstory I could possibly think of in order to test the limits of my desire to see Starlight Glimmer redeemed. I ended the paragraph by giving my grudging approval for an even more unsympathetic Starlight’s redemption and by questioning this version of Starlight’s psychological stability. After further thought, I realized that even with her canon backstory, Starlight Glimmer may have some psychological issues to

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S5E20 "Hearthbreakers" (SPOILERS) · 4:02pm Oct 24th, 2015

It's winter again! For the second time this season!

Christmas at Halloween? What is this, Tim Burton's My Little Pony?

The Apples and the Pies are spending Hearth's Warming together.

Twilight is STILL giving Spike books as gifts! Didn't she learn like, back in season two?

Ah, the commercialization of Christmas. Even in Equestria...

And Applejack decides to recap the season two episode about Hearth's Warming Eve.

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Report MythrilMoth · 754 views · #season 5

Season 5 thoughts · 6:02pm Nov 28th, 2015

After watching the finale I have come to this conclusion.

Season 5 is the worst season to date.

While there were a few really good episodes too many where either badly written or wasted potential. This even applies to Friendship Games. SO much wasted potential there.

It's sad that I am more eager for fimfic stories updating then seeing the show.

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S5E15 "Rarity Investigates" (SPOILERS) · 4:03pm Sep 19th, 2015

So Rarity's a detective novel buff.

Geez, Rainbow, don't just slam open doors like that!

...yeah they really need to do something about that door.

Wow, Rainbow, could you have made a bigger stain over Wind Rider?

Rainbow's dorky celebration dance is so adorable. It's already all over Derpibooru. It'll be memed to hell and back.

And now we're in a detective noir film.

Incidentally, this is how I would have written it:

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Report MythrilMoth · 568 views · #season 5

Season 5 spoilers · 9:10pm Jul 22nd, 2015


A Christian INFJ Psychology Major’s Thoughts on Season Five Partially in Response to joshscorcher/Commander Firebrand’s Reviews Part 1: Starlight Glimmer · 4:50am Mar 6th, 2016

I would like to start off by making clear the purpose of this blog post. This post was not intended to start trouble or create enemies. It was not intended to coerce others into sharing my opinion, and it certainly was not intended to undercut Mr. Scorcher’s credibility as an analyst or invalidate his opinions. This post is simply an expression of my thoughts, and I have made the decision to risk gaining the brony community’s ire and derision by sharing my thoughts in hopes that maybe my

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Finally finished Season 5 · 9:09pm Feb 21st, 2016

Other than the cripling lack of Trixie Lulamoon, I must say, we most adored it, we did!

Report Tau22 · 340 views · #season 5

NEW Trailer for Season 5b :3 · 9:14pm Sep 11th, 2015

Well I'm hyped.
(Edit) LOL even twilight is disappointed we have barely had any "map sends us to explore Equestria" episodes.
You know I was under the impression we were going to get more of these back when season 5 started, but at this point I think we will be lucky to get 3 that are not part of the premier or finale. Oh well. I've been enjoying the season regardless so I cant complain that much. BRING ON MORE SEASON 5!

Report MegAnimefreakx3 · 215 views · #season 5

I think I might be leaving the fandom for a while · 9:02pm Nov 22nd, 2015

I have been thinking about leaving the mlp fandom, there have been a lot of determining factors for me just by watching the show, I kind of lost interest after the mid season finale for this season (5) I have been a fan since the beginning and that was thanks to one of my best friends.

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Report MiloBlackwood · 284 views · #season 5

Season 5, Later Half Bulk Reviews · 2:05am Dec 1st, 2015

So, I just finished off the finale. All in all, not too shabby all around. Season 5 was pretty solid over all. Below the break (I'm not actually sure how to do that. I assume a Page Break is sufficient) are my semi-live reactions and thoughts during my viewing session. It was a 9 episode binge, so this post will probably be lengthy. Each episode is headed in bold by episode number and title. Possible spoilers, I guess?

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Report Rao the Red Sun · 234 views · #Season 5
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