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S5E24: "The Mane Attraction" · 5:00pm Nov 21st, 2015

I don't really have much to say about this one. It was a pure feels episode with a moral about being true to yourself. It was touching, it was low-key, there was almost no comedy.

Next week is the season finale.

Report MythrilMoth · 835 views · #season 5
Comments ( 15 )

I definitely agree that this was mostly feels, with all of the comedy being just before and just after the theme song.

Next week, though, it'll be time for epicness

It was so adorable with Rara in the flashback, and her song.:rainbowkiss::yay:

Liquid pride was shed this day. :'(

BTW, did anyone else turn away from the finale promo as to not spoil anything?

Song-wise, some of the best this season.:pinkiehappy:

Story-wise, straightforward and uncomplicated. The way AJ would like it.:ajsmug:

Bonus points for the accurate use of an obscure reference (i.e. Svengali/ Svengallop). :raritywink:

Farewell, Amy Keating Rogers. Good luck in the future.

3558471 Shoot, I forgot to mention that!

New ship introduced: AJ x Rara

I ship it, do you?


One thing that peeved me was a little inconcistency between this episode and "Games Ponies Play" (The introduction of Ms. Harshwhinny).

In this episode, AJ and pinkie confirm that Countess Coloratura and Rara are the same pony by the design of her Cutie Mark.

However, in "Games Ponies Play," the Mane 6 get the complete wrong pony, mistaking her as the Pony Games Inspector. Why? Because the only description they had to go by was her luggage... Sure, because there's not other MORE defining feature of a pony than her accesories. Can you smell the fail?

From a logical standpoint, that was a major idiot moment. The whole mix up could have been avoided if they just told the girls to look for a crumpy-mare with a Sports Trophy Cutie Mark.

3559307 Maybe Cadance didn't know what Harshwhinny's Cutie Mark looked like either?

Still, only her luggage? I mean, a pink handbag with a flowe pattern is a fairly common design. At least Harshwhinny could have sent a description or herself: Brown Earth Pony mare with burnt-yellow mane and tail.

Again, it's just a pet-peeve of mine.

3559439 It IS kind of a silly mix-up.

I wonder if there was more bureaucracy/indirection involved in getting the message through in "Games Ponies Play". Maybe the original description was longer, but someone in the middle cut it down to one thing chosen at random.

(But I loosely agree anyway.)

Almost no comedy?
I feel like I got something wrong then, because I laughed like crazy everytime Rara came on the screen, because I instantly thought 'pony lady gaga!' and I found that wildly amusing for some reason.

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