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  • 176 weeks
    What's up, guys?

    I'm writing an essay for English class reflecting on how I've grown as a writer, and I decided to hop on this old account to see how things have changed.
    My stories were... well. From my 19-year-old perspective I think a lot of them lacked substance. I cringe to think about them, but at the same time it's nice to know I've grown. We all had to start somewhere, lol.

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  • 283 weeks
    Publishing Old Drafts

    What's up guys, long time, no see. So I've been mulling this over for a while: publishing the drafts of unfinished stories. In particular, there was one story on which I was hard at work, an extended Capdagio narrative (crackship, if you're not in the know). I wish I could finish that story, but it's been a while so I don't think that'll happen. However I worked hard on the seven-or-so chapters I

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  • 368 weeks

    Twilight sends a copy of the Friendship Journal to Sunset and the girls at CHS. The HuMane Six get so confused over the differenes between themselves and their pony counterparts. Twilight feels inadequate. Eventually, they decide to start their own friendship journal.

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  • 372 weeks
    Oh nooooooooo

    I can't see the new EqG shorts right away because I'll be at Youth Group. :raritydespair:

    I guess I've been out of the loop, because I didn't even realize we were getting new shorts until a few minutes ago. Can't wait, though. We're getting a Twilight song, Rainbow's Daring Do antics, Pinkie Pie at the cafe, Rarity with her S1 butterfly wings... Sounds awesome!

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  • 374 weeks
    Angel Pulse and Shortstack designs

    Aight so if you've been following my most recent story, Lack of Faith, you'll know my concepts for Scootaloo's parents. Her father, Shortstack Outflow, the CEO of Cloudsdale's plumbing company, and Angel Pulse, her stay-at-home mother.

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Season 5 spoilers · 9:10pm Jul 22nd, 2015

HOLY SHIT LOOK AT NEXT TO TWILIGHT! :pinkiegasp: It's Starlight Glimmer! Standing so close to the mane cast, she's obviously going to be reformed...

Near Maud and Granny Smith I can clearly see Igneous Rock and Cloudy Quartz, Pinkie's parents. Two other shadows look like Marble and Limestone! :rainbowkiss: We already knew they were going to be in this season, I just can't wait!

What's next? What about the three foals next to Lyra and SASD (Bon Bon)? One of them have a really long tail! :derpytongue2:

Also, considering the CMC are blurred out, they might get their cutie marks this season! :pinkiehappy: That was always a possibilty! :rainbowkiss:

Anyways, this is all known information, but I still wanted to fangirl about it! :rainbowkiss:

Report Tennis Match Fan · 643 views · #season 5
Comments ( 81 )

Look at Diamond Tiara's face! Reform!

I can also seem Mare Do Well's hat, ear the Smooze.

Cool. The pose of the one at the back near the door is kinda weird.

Squeee! That foal with the really long tail might be Cadence and Shining Armor's child! :pinkiecrazy:

Not counting the others blurred at the top of the image... too many!

Oh man I can't wait!

3260870 See that pony in the beret in the back? Behind Cadence and the other stallion? Apparently that's Coco Pommel! :pinkiehappy:

3260863 But wouldn't she be a foal, even younger than Pound and Pumpkin? :rainbowhuh:

The only way I can see Starlight Glimmer getting reformed is that the Mane 6 goes back in time to her childhood or whenever point in life where the event happened that cause her to become evil and prevent it

3260914 :applejackunsure: Then they'd risk drastically altering the future. There has to be some way they can stop Starlight without time travel.

3260918 Starlight Glimmer seems to be a lost cause at the present time. The only way I can see the Mane 6 defeating her is to defeat her like they did with King Sombra

3260926 Or they could just let her live her life. She isn't hurting anypony if they believe her philosophy. :derpyderp2:

3260847 Despite the look on her face (and Silver Spoon's), I wouldn't bet the farm on that if I were you.

3260888 Good point. Though I'm still sticking to my theory that Cadence ans Shining are having a baby, because the cake in between them has a cradle and baby bottles on it. :raritystarry:

Those cutie mark are form the G3/3.5 Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle

Wonder why Spike is distant from the rest of the cast

3260936 But if the Mane 6 believes Starlight Glimmer's sick ideas, then that would make the Mane 6 villains. Everything Starlight Glimmer stands for is against what the Mane 6 and Equestria stands for. Starlight Glimmer is the pony who sadistically starved her victims for days in a brainwashing room.

3262057 But if the ponies joined her willingly, she's not hurting anypony else. Admittedly, there would be few that share her viewpoint, but that's better for her than nopony.

3262413 I know that Starlight Glimmer has a following of Useful Idiots but I don't think that the vast majority of the ponies of Equestria is going to join her cult and overthrow the alicorn princesses. And once you join Starlight Glimmer's cult, you can't get out. Those who can still think for themselves in Stalright Glimmer's town live in constant fear of being punished by her. Starlight Glimmer's cause is equally noble as King Sombra's cause

3263587 Remember there was a very good reason why The Map sent the Mane 6 to Starlight Glimmer's compound. And also taking away ponies ability to dream is quite evil

3263616 Ha, true. If she changed some parts of her philosophy, it would work just fine.

3264101 Her sick and unnatural ideology would never work. All Starlight Glimmer's philosophy was about brainwashing and handicapping ponies so that way Starlight Glimmer would be the most powerful and talented pony since she can't ascend as a alicorn. Remember Starlight Glimmer does not practise what she preaches since she kept her cutie mark therefore making her a big hypocrite. And she did kidnapped the Mane 6 and removed their cutie marks without their consent. If Princess Celestia was like Starlight Glimmer then she would have Twilight Sparkle's wings cut off when she became an alicorn because she wants to be the only alicorn. I highly recommend that you read this story A Mad Glimmer because it shows the horrific consequences of her philosophy being imposed on all of Equestria

3265123 Well, Celestia wouldn't have had Twilight as her student in the first place if she didn't want Twi to be an alicorn. :derpytongue2: We don't know Starlight's backstory yet, but she obviously needed to keep her cutie mark and magic so that she could remove others' cutie marks. And if they meet some horrific end, it the ponies' own fault for being so submissive. And what about Discord? I'm sure the cutie mark-less spirit of chaos could defeat Starlight.

3265682 I have a feeling that Discord is going to be involved in the final battle with Nightmare Starlight Glimmer in the Season 5 finale. You do realise that the ponies who are so submissive towards Starlight Glimmer think just like you because they don't see anything wrong with Starlight Glimmer's bizarre ideas. It is very clear that Pinkie Pie is one of the smartest ponies in Equestria because as soon she saw Starlight Glimmer's compound she immediately knew that there was something very wrong going on there. Did you read the story I gave you?

3265925 No, it's dark. I try to avoid dark stuff because I don't want t depress myself. :derpyderp2:

3266591 But it does show that Starlight Glimmer's entire philosophy is bad for Equestria. The story is basically Discord talking to Starlight Glimmer in the caves telling her how bad things would get if she got her way. The pegasi would not be able to control the weather, the earth ponies would be weak, and the unicorns would be exactly like the earth ponies but with useless horns. Equestria would suffer from famine and bad weather. Also the story ends with Discord threatening Starlight Glimmer with torture if she hurts Fluttershy again

3266638 :rainbowlaugh: Good for Discord. I almost ship it! :derpytongue2:

3268908 Also Discord said that because of Starlight Glimmer shutting off the Mane 6's ability to dream, him, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna thought that the Mane 6 were dead and they almost lost their minds during that time when the Mane 6 was imprisoned in Starlight Glimmer's compound

3268981 Wait, she meant literally, physically unable to dream? :rainbowhuh: I thought she meant "You will never have aspirations in life" not "You are no longer able to process your daily thoughts during you sleep."

3271752 Yes she literally meant to take away dreams. She partly did this in order to hide her compound from Princess Luna because she would notice an entire town having very disturbing and peculiar dreams at the same time. And Starlight Glimmer wanted her compound to be a secret from the princesses. And also Starlight Glimmer did this because she wants every moment of awareness of her followers to be devoted to pleasing her. So not even in sleep her followers can't have a break from Starlight Glimmer. Their lives are all about worshipping and make Starlight Glimmer happy and avoid making her angry and going to bed just to black out and wake up the next day and do the exact same things all over again. That's how much Starlight Glimmer deeply violated her victims. I bet that Princess Luna had a lot of work in the dream world once all those ponies got back their cutie marks. Just listen to the lyrics of this song at 1:23 when they sing "You can't have a nightmare if you never dream"

3273001 How does she even do that?! :pinkiegasp: Her magic must be way on par with Twilight's to take away ability, a fur pattern, and the ability to process daily thoughts! Dreaming is necessary to process what we learn during the day! HOW DOES SHE DO THIS?!

3274272 She is obviously at least as powerful as Princess Twilight Sparkle. She must have been studying and experimenting Starswhirl The Bearded's spells

3275876 True. But Twilight's magic increased when she became an alicorn, right? That means Starlight, as a mere unicorn, is as powerful as an alicorn. :pinkiegasp: I wonder how she'd fare against Celestia

3292152 I think that Celestia would have a bit of a challenge if she fought with Starlight Glimmer

3294879 I also think that the reason why Starlight was harvesting cutie marks is to take all the powers and talents of the cutie marks especially Twilight's in order to become a super powerful alicorn

3294916 So similar to Sunset, I guess. :derpyderp2:

3295449 Starlight might be a ex student of Princess Celestia just like Sunset Shimmer was too

3296180 I can't wait for the finale so we can finally learn her backstory. Was Starlight before or after Sunset Shimmer?

3296516 I am not sure but my guess is that Starlight came before Sunset

3299424 She seems older, definitely.

3299975 I have a feeling that Starlight might be as old as Twilight's mother

3300996 There is a theory out there that claims that Starlight might be the wife of Filthy Rich and mother of Diamond Tiara

3301038 People said the same of Suri. :duck:

3301172 Well both Starlight and Diamond Tiara are obsessed with cutie marks and they are unusually mean and they look kind of similar

3301770 True, but that raises a bunch if questions. If Starlight really was Celestia's student, why did she quit/was she banished from her studies? Why did she leave Filthy and Diamond in Ponyville?

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