
Viewing 1 - 12 of 12 results

The True Nightmare ~ Replication - Repost · 6:20pm Mar 23rd, 2020

As promised I have set Replication for a repost. Auto-approval this time so it doesn't take all day. But regardless, I know I haven't made it much further than the previous chapter length, but, oddly enough, reposting it again has... oddly peaked a small little fire once more. Honestly I feel like I could return to this story very soon. And that's not just to sound like I'm puffing air out my mouth for the fun of it. I feel like I need to just... get set back onto this story. For the reader's

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The True Nightmare: Replication · 5:55pm May 5th, 2018

It's out, son! This thing is finally out! The True Nightmare: Replication I hope you all enjoy!


Replicated Wanderer Crossover · 8:07am Mar 21st, 2018

So here we are... crossovers. An actual crossover with other authors. It's been a long time coming honestly. I'm sure all of you were like What story is he gonna crossover with? or Will it actually be good?

So who is the lucky story I'm apparently going to crossover with. I'm hoping these two authors talked about it before hand.

TA Passing Through Kamen Rider
A young man goes to a convention and finds he has the powers of Kamen Rider Decade in a world of ponies and monsters. Can he rise up and fight evil?
thunderclap · 423k words  ·  181  30 · 9.8k views

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Future Arcs · 5:02am Jun 7th, 2018

So as far as the poll goes for story arcs I'm closing it now. The story arcs will go as follows:

  1. Thestral
  2. Deer
  3. Griffon
  4. Minotaur
  5. Zebra
  6. Hippogriff
  7. Diamond Dog
  8. Yak
  9. Buffalo

Changelings will be integrated at a certain point. There will also be an arc of the Pony of Shadows and one of Discord. Truthfully Discord will have multiple but that's pretty much obvious.

I'll add a title list for the arcs later.


Three Day Hiatus · 9:29pm Apr 26th, 2018

Woo! That three day hiatus though. To let you all know as to why I was gone for three days from FIMFiction. It has to do with the fact that my computer crapped out on me. The cooling fan had gotten stuck and wouldn't move so I refused to use the computer until it got the fan fixed. Turns out the fan had just accumulated a mass amount of dust which then caused it to stick in place and kept it from moving. Now, however, I got that fixed. So... yay!

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NieR Gestalt & Replicant OST Disk 2 · 10:03pm Feb 1st, 2021


The True Nightmare: Replication ~ Update #2 · 6:06pm Apr 7th, 2018

I'll figure out a way to keep track of these updates somehow. This may or may not be number eight. But oh well.

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The Very, Very Long and Blustery Hiatus · 6:33pm Oct 29th, 2018

Hey there, peoples! Look who’s finally found his way back! Unfortunately I still do not have my own personal computer yet, as I am using the university’s computers to type this blog out, but at least I can communicate with you guys. So, I believe it’s time for a little information overload.

The Computer Situation

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Sick · 4:39am Jun 4th, 2018

I'm sick. My whole body is like overheating and I keep coughing up green phlegm every six coughs. My eyes burn and my nose clogs. There are times when I can't stand straight. I tried to work today but as soon as loud noises started my head felt like it was splitting open.

Being sick is making me delusion I think because I'm starting to willingly think about writing a clop story. I don't know why but maybe I'm getting too delusional.

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Week of 5/20/2018 - 5/26/2018 · 2:36am May 22nd, 2018

Welp. I'm back. Sorry about that delay there. XD I still need to get better about updating these damn blog posts. Anywho. I got the fourth and final DI blog story done with. Meaning that I may or may not get to work on the story itself. As I have a ton of stories that I want to get to without clogging up the already busy writing schedule I have. Not to mention that I'm being lazy about a few other different things I need to work on. So yeah... busy, busy, busy.

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Another Unintended Hiatus + Some Good News & Some Other Much Needed Info · 2:26pm Jun 24th, 2019

Hey there, everyone. Sorry about the sudden lapse in communication. I've just been... having a rough bit of time with real life stuff at the moment. It's been distracting me from FIMFiction so I haven't been able to get a lot done. Plus my own easily distracted mind has been getting in the way quite a bit as of late. So I cannot apologize enough for my lazy nature.

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Project · 11:37pm Jul 22nd, 2019

Hello people. Long time since I made a post so sorry about that. As you all know I'm kind of weird on my update schedule. I've been working hard on things when lo and behold... WRITER'S BLOCK!!

So I've been stuck not knowing what to write for any of my stories here on Fim. I've been a bit listless on them as well and that didn't help even though I've spent so much time working on these stories already. So I thought to myself what should I do to alleviate that. And I figured out what to do.

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Viewing 1 - 12 of 12 results