
Viewing 1 - 20 of 24 results

Fang Gang Shorts #66 · 8:14pm Aug 30th, 2020

Hivehunter sat down on a bench, looking around while being bored as always. At least, until a pair of female changelings caught his attention. They were smiling like some of Pharynx’s mad fangirls.

“U-Uhhh… can I help you-”


What the buck?

“Ohmygosh! It’s really him!” one squealed, wrapping her hooves around him, making him squeak.

“Eep! H-Hey! Get off!” he squirmed.

“Aww! He’s so cuuuute!” they both said at the same time, moving closer.

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Fang Gang Shorts #91 · 2:07am Sep 19th, 2020

Pharynx looked at his soldier, who was holding a crossbow. “Okay, now aim down the sights.”

The changeling did so, aiming at a training dummy.

“Good. Now, turn the safety off.”

The changeling did that.

“Good, good. Now... shoot the dummy.”

The changeling fired, but missed.

Pharynx sighed. “The dummy.”

He fired again, but missed. He began unloading the entire magazine, missing each shot until...

“I said shoot the—”


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Fang Gang Shorts #80 · 12:34am Sep 10th, 2020

A young Kydra sat in the cafeteria, eating. She soon noticed another changeling walking over. She put on a pleasant smile, watching him trot by. He smiled and slipped her a paper and trotted off to a separate table.

She blinked and opened it.

Did you know that the more ‘y’’s at the end of ‘hey’, the more some on likes you.

That being said, heyyyyyyyyyy.

Kydra blushed, before writing on the paper. She walked over to the changeling and delivered it. He opened it eagerly.

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Fang Gang Shorts #40 · 4:42am Aug 3rd, 2020

Zenex happily walked through the hallways, holding his journal. As he walked, an older changeling snatched his journal and took off to a nearby crowd and began reading it aloud. Zen felt his heart drop like an atomic bomb as he started reading his more embarrassing entries. The crowd began laughing as the nymph stared in shock. He immediately ran off, crying.

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Fang Gang Shorts #90 · 8:23pm Sep 18th, 2020

Zenex looked at his sidehoof crossbows. As he cleaned it, a changeling walked over. “Hey, you!”

Zen looked over. “Hm?”

“You’re that doll-eyed nymph that purple miss pigtails hangs with!”

“Um... yes...?” Zenex said, trying not to run away to Hive.

The female changeling glared. “That nymph beat the hell outta me!”

Zenex blinked. “Um... if she did, then you probably deserved it.”

The changeling growled, then a sheet of paper fell from her bags. Zenex examined them.

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Fang Gang Shorts #42 · 9:56pm Aug 5th, 2020

Stinger has seen many cases, some weirder than others. A changeling with an entire watermelon lodged in their jaws was the weirdest thin he'd ever seen. He blinked, staring at the reformed changeling who had the watermelon in their mouth.

"Argh ug ah!" they said

Stinger blinked, before dropping his medical bag. "I quit." With that, he walked off.

"Guahhg! Hoowahh!"


This skit (probably) proves you have a dirty mind · 4:46am Aug 2nd, 2020

A changeling walked down the halls when...

"Ow! H-Hive!"

Their ears perk up and he puts his ears to the door of a room.

"Shh! Zen! Someone might hear you!"

"It hurts! Take it out!"

The changeling blinks. What?!

"Ow! Hive!"

"Stop squirming! It's only going to go deeper!"

"Please just take it out!"

The changeling stared at the door before stepping back, then turning and running.


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“Other fish in the sea” · 6:36pm Oct 25th, 2020

“Yo, Hivehunter! How’d it go with Snapdra—” the changeling froze as soon as he saw Hive’s spit-covered face. “Oh, jeez... what happened to you?”

“What do you think?” was Hive’s only response.

“...I’m guessing it didn’t go well—”

“You think?! She just treated me like a spitvase then and there! Literally and figuratively! Of course it didn’t go well!”

His friend flinched under his outburst. “Did she take the bouquet at least?”

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In Conclusion, Get Fricked · 11:01pm Dec 20th, 2020

Snapdragon sat at a table with some other girls, as well as a boy, who had (somehow) impressed Snapdragon enough that she decided to become his girlfriend. Snapdragon was scratching off lottery tickets when one came up with 25,000 bits. She squeed and held the ticket up. Her boyfriend was also excited, but she cut him off and eventually broke up with him to keep all the savings for herself.

Well, it turns out that her boyfriend bought the tickets. So, the check got sent to him instead of her


Don’t Call Him an Orphan · 5:31pm Aug 21st, 2020

*Walking through the hallways*

“Hey! You!”

“Um... yeah?”

“Ain’t you that orphan changeling?”

*Chuckles sheepishly* “Heheh... ‘orphan‘ is a strong word...”

“Ha! I knew it! You’re an orphan! How’s it feel not having any parents?”


“Orphan! Orphan! OrphanOrphanOrpan Orpan!”


*Blinking* “Y-You mind explaining?”

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Fang Gang Shorts #48 · 6:53pm Aug 14th, 2020

Zen sat in a class full of other nymphs his age. Hive had sent him to this class to try and socially interact with others. He looked around before pulling out a bag of chips, which he promptly began eating.

The teacher walked over. “Don’t eat unless you have enough for the rest of the class,” the reformed changeling said sternly.

Zenex looked at her, before pulling out thirty seven more bags of chips, which he proceeded to give out to the class.

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Holding On · 10:43pm Mar 14th, 2021

“Hmph. Thorax keeps rambling about how I have to work on ‘be the bigger bug and let things go. ’ Guess I do have to work on it, but only to make him shut up about it for once. I’ll start on that today.”


Venom flinched, before glaring at the cackling changeling in front of him.

“Haha! Oh, you should’ve seen your face! I got you good!”

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He Has A Point · 11:45pm Dec 21st, 2020

The hive had been hit by another blizzard. To make sure noling would get hurt or something, Thorax organized a clean up thing to shovel the snow. However, not everyling was pulling their weight.

“Gender equality until it’s time to shovel the snow!” Hero snapped at a changeling, who was on her phone.

She looked up. “I-I was gonna do it, I—”

“SHUT UP!” literally every changeling in a fifteen mile radius snapped.


He’s Tired of This Crap · 12:13am Sep 5th, 2020

*Reading a book grasped in his hooves*

“Hey! Nymph!”

*Sigh* “Oh boy, what now.” *Turns around. “What is it?”

“Heh, hey hole-hoo—”

“Yeah, yeah, hole-hooves I get it. What the hell do you want?”

“How do you think you—”

“I’m talkin’ to the big scaaaary bully, I’ve heard it all before.”

“Pffft, you damn right! I’d be surprised if you ha—”

“Yeah, yeah, I have no friends, whatever.”

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Report MlpHero · 125 views · #Hero #Random Changeling

Fang Gang Shorts #98 · 2:12am Oct 6th, 2020

During the Saddle Arabian campaign, Mantis has been given the job of piloting a CT through the desert. During one of his drives, he came under fire from an enemy infantry division that was on the defensive. Mantis poked his head out, looking at the wall they were defending.

“Heavy CT is under infantry attack!” Mantis shouted. “Why am I shouting this?!” He looked down. “We have a tank! Blow those bucks into next week!”

“Hura sir!” another changeling shouted, firing the cannon at the wall.


The Zenslayer · 3:32am Sep 20th, 2020

Zenex smiled at Eclipse. The tiny kitten was curled up, sleeping. He chuckled and looked at his book. As he read, a group of nymphs ran in a snatched the kitten away.

“H-Hey! Get back here!” Zenex ran after them. He followed them to the nursery, where they’d drawn a circle with a star in the middle. Also in the middle, was a certain snow white kitten with blue and yellow eyes. “Hey! Let him go!”

The nymphs looked over. “What? Are you gonna tell Hivey—”

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Fang Gang Shorts #57 · 6:18pm Aug 23rd, 2020

Kydra sat in the cafeteria, waiting for Blue Fang when someone sat down in front of her. Normally, Kydra was polite and quite cheerful and was usually happy to answer questions. This changeling kind of pushed her a bit too far when he found out she was Chrysalis’ heir.

“Go away, I’m waiting for someone,” Kydra said.

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Sibling Defense · 6:34pm Jun 3rd, 2021

“So, what’s been going on, sis?” Cricket asked Flutterwings as they trotted through the Hive side-by-side.

“A lot of things, really. One thing I’ve been dealing with, however, is that stupid stereotype.”

“What are you talking about? Which stereotype?”

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One · 11:24pm Jul 31st, 2021

Bass ignored the unpleasant texture of the grass beneath him as he hung his head. How long had he been like this? He didn’t know, and honestly, he didn’t really care.

He shut his eyes tightly. For a moment, he could almost see himself, marching alone, his only company being the five other lifeless changelings stacked on top of him; Conductor, Melodic, Harmonic, Strings, and Wind…

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Common Fears · 8:52pm May 11th, 2021

Hydrax grunted as he was harshly shoved to the side, only to be caught by a pair of male changelings, who glared at the perpetrator.

“Come on, man! Stop it!”

“Leave him alone, will ya?”

“What are you two lifeless losers gonna do about it? It’s about time someone taught this little freak a lesson.” He smirked, raising his foreleg up.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 24 results