Fang Gang Shorts #40 · 4:42am Aug 3rd, 2020
Zenex happily walked through the hallways, holding his journal. As he walked, an older changeling snatched his journal and took off to a nearby crowd and began reading it aloud. Zen felt his heart drop like an atomic bomb as he started reading his more embarrassing entries. The crowd began laughing as the nymph stared in shock. He immediately ran off, crying.
As the older changeling began laughing, he was tackled by, and beat the crap out of, by an even older changeling. The red changeling took the journal and followed after Zenex
Whoo! Go Hive! Way to defend Zenny!
“Heh, yeah. No one messes with my Zenex.”
That's so sweet. You've got to be the best brother-figure ever. Zenny's really lucky to have you
“I guess.”
You are, really. I'm sure Zenny would agree
“Heh, thanks.”
No problem