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Current Projects · 6:01pm March 25th

This is a list of ongoing or planned projects

Firstly, I have a new saga that’s not MLP!



This is a new fic series based on a Pokémon AU I’ve had for some time now, but it’s out now on Ao3! Two chapters so far, but many more to come!

Now, for the MLP stuff here. This will just be the list of projects, so enjoy!


Fang Gang Saga
-Blue Fang, Reignited (ongoing)
-Fang Gang: Special Operations, Reignited (planned)
-Resurrection (Planned)

First Changeling-Pony War Saga
The First Changeling-Pony War, Reignited (Planned)
The Killer Angel (Planned)
Queens and Goddesses (Planned)
The Queen’s Last Measure (Planned)

Terra Harmonia

Terra Harmonia, Bell Saga
-The Changeling Princess (Ongoing)
-The Land of Alicorns (Planned)
-Dra-Kore, Dark King of the Dragonlands (Planned)
-Her-Ruse (Planned)
-Legendary Tale (Planned)
-The Final Holy War of Terra Harmonia (Planned)
-The Dead Reality (Planned)

Terra Harmonia, Dark Disciple Saga (Planned)
-The Dark Disciple
-Queen Amore’s Frozen Tears
-The Land of Chaos
-Caves of Resuria (Act IV)
-From Evil to Harmonia

Terra Harmonia side-stories (Planned)
-Legends of Harmonia
-Power of the Sparkleforce
-Hivehunter, Dark Prince of the Land of Chaos

Harmonia Dark (Planned)
-Harmonia Dark: Angelus Mortis
Harmonia Dark: Luna’s Empire I-III

Misc (stories that might happen but I’m not sure)

-Dark RP Series
-Gangland/Gangs of Fillydelphia
-RBYG (Red, Blue, Yellow, Green)
-To Tame a Land

Report MlpHero · 76 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

Ooh, goody more Remaster planned. *excited uboat captain noises*

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