
Viewing 1 - 20 of 48 results

My Story for Nightmare Night 2021 releases tomorrow! · 12:09am Oct 25th, 2021

Scary Dark Season, everypony and everycreature! Nightmare Night is finally approaching again after twelve months of significantly less spooky times! And I am a little late for it this year, because I have deeply celebrated the start of Generation 5, but I have been working on my Nightmare Night story for this year over the past ten days. And this time, it will be two years in a row that I am publishing a story for Nightmare Night! I am finally succeeding in making Nightmare Night stories

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Nightmare Night Break's over! Back to Writing! · 3:13am Nov 25th, 2021

Every year, I extend my Nightmare Night celebration by a couple days, because I have a hard time letting go of Nightmare Night..... This year, the extension was longer than it usually is. Mostly because of this adventure, which you should also go on and I recommend it, because it's awesome and the most immersive experience I had

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"The Sky is Gone" will return next week! · 9:56pm Sep 30th, 2022

So, I have just finished writing my backlog for "The Sky is Gone" that I talked about in my Late Writing Plans for 2022! I have written down ten days worth of messages by Silverstream and 244 messages by her in total! Which means, the story is ready to be updated and to pick up releases again!

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A Sky Without Stars · 2:17am Aug 25th, 2023

If you ever wondered what Silverstream sees when she looks up into the sky, I can give you an impression now:

Click on the picture for the best view.

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Day 235 in the Dark Equestria · 7:58pm Sep 7th, 2023

My tooth pain is better now, still pending an actual treatment, but the pain is away now thanks to antibiotics, so "The Sky is Gone" can continue! I am making this short, cause I just had to mop the floor in five rooms of the apartment (don't you love it when you have a roommate who doesn't do anything to clean?) and I'm pretty tired after that, so there is no fancy presentation in this blog entry, but the messages of today have started releasing where you always find them.

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Reminder: "The Sky is Gone" returns to tomorrow! · 1:12am Nov 3rd, 2023

Here is just a little reminder, for everyone who missed the announcement last week. "The Sky is Gone" will return here tomorrow, after it already continued 10 days ago on my Patreon.

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Epiphany · 3:43am Oct 26th, 2022

"The Sky is Gone" goes on a little, scheduled release break for 3 days. Silverstream and Rumble need to get some rest after their disturbing encounter. But today is the 1st Anniversary of "The Sky is Gone". And to celebrate that, I have big news and a special announcement to make.
Everyone who followed the story until now and has taken a look at the message count lately should already be able to make a good guess.....

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The Dark Season is over, but the spooks continue: "The Sky is Gone: Repentance" has released! · 5:11am Dec 3rd, 2023

The Dark Season has passed by and the Hearth's Warming Season begins.... But that does not mean that the horrors and spooks are over..... Part 4 of "The Sky is Gone" is here.

The verdict has happened and Silverstream has changed. Her powers are lost and her company is gone. She is weak and alone, in a strange, new place that is filled with an uncanny amount of light. Is this what she wanted? The return of the light she has hoped for a long time ago?

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The Prophecy of Darkness · 1:46am Oct 26th, 2021

The eternal darkness is here. There is no sun anymore, no moon and no stars. Everypony is gone. Every animal as well. The world is empty. Monsters prowl the streets. And Silverstream is in the middle of it all. She only has her mobile phone and her own voice to keep her company.
How do you survive in a world that has gone completely dark, where everything tries to kill you and your only glimmer of hope is the electricity that charges your phone?

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After having to stay in bed yesterday, "The Sky is Gone: Epiphany" continues! · 11:28pm Jan 24th, 2023

I have been spending too much time in the cold lately, so I was in bed with a strong fever yesterday. But I feel somewhat better, so the releases continue!

Stay easy as a filly!

~ Fluttercheer


Today, there will be two sets of released messages again. · 12:21pm Nov 2nd, 2022

New messages by Silverstream start to release now. Another set of messages will release later today, at 7 PM EDT.

Stay not where it lurks, lock the door, turn off the light.

~ Flutterscare


Day 229 in the Dark Equestria · 2:51am Aug 15th, 2023


More messages by Silverstream are getting released now · 12:32am Oct 25th, 2022

I'm sorry there haven't been new messages yesterday. I was getting ready to release them and also to write more, but Twitter has unexpectedly shadowbanned me and that kept me busy in the worst ways possible for the whole night yesterday and the whole day today. It's still not resolved and won't be for a while, but the show must go on for "The Sky is Gone".

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Who is Silverstream's savior? · 10:45pm Oct 7th, 2022

Silverstream has finally found her savior and mysterious messenger. But who is it? There are a few hints in today's messages.
The big reveal will happen tomorrow, in about 24 hours. Can you guess who it is in time?

Stay not where it lurks, lock the door, turn off the light.

~ Flutterscare


I have finished Part 2 of "The Sky is Gone"! – Part 3 will begin in July and "The Sky is Gone: Epiphany" continues next Friday! (6̵̛̥̻̰̙͆͑ͣ̔͡6̷̡̘̪̫̺̫̩̞̩͉̗̪̠̱̌͐́͘͟ͅ6̍̊ͪ̏̔͂̂ͩ̈́͜͞҉̷̷̟̬̰͉̙̝̻͔͙͚͎͓) · 9:27pm Jun 23rd, 2023

"The Sky is Gone: Epiphany" is finished. This means that Part 3 of Silverstream's story will happen soon, but most importantly, it means that the story will pick up releases again and that new messages by Silverstream will be revealed beginning with next Friday.

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The Sky is Gone: Two Year Anniversary · 10:45pm Oct 25th, 2023

"The Sky is Gone" is two years old today. And as it is fitting for an anniversary, I had planned to prepare a worthy celebration of it.

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A Few Logistical Improvements to Make Reading Easier and to Combat Viewership Decline: Most Recently Released "Chapter" Link in the Description & Manually Marking a "Chapter" as "Read" · 1:48am Oct 9th, 2022


Day 288 in the Dark Equestria (+ Missing Message!) · 7:33pm Nov 13th, 2023

A small, special and spontaneous, unplanned blog entry for "The Sky is Gone: Acceptance" today. Because all I need to say is that I forgot to publish one message yesterday.

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"The Sky is Gone: Epiphany" will resume tomorrow, as well! · 1:04am Dec 22nd, 2022

Tomorrow is the day when my freshly-optimized Patreon and Ko-fi account will relaunch. But that's not the only thing that will happen tomorrow, "The Sky is Gone: Epiphany" resumes updating, as well!

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New messages by Silverstream have started to release! · 11:42pm Nov 2nd, 2022

Silverstream's new messages for today have started releasing! Enjoy!

Stay not where it lurks, lock the door, turn off the light.

~ Flutterscare

Viewing 1 - 20 of 48 results