• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013
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Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

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My Story for Nightmare Night 2021 releases tomorrow! · 12:09am Oct 25th, 2021

Scary Dark Season, everypony and everycreature! Nightmare Night is finally approaching again after twelve months of significantly less spooky times! And I am a little late for it this year, because I have deeply celebrated the start of Generation 5, but I have been working on my Nightmare Night story for this year over the past ten days. And this time, it will be two years in a row that I am publishing a story for Nightmare Night! I am finally succeeding in making Nightmare Night stories a yearly tradition as they are supposed to be.
I am trying something that's completely new to me with this year's Nightmare Night story: An attempt at minimalistic storytelling, or, to write a horror story that has few words, but is still rich in atmosphere. It's a post-apocalyptic horror story set in an alternate Equestria that is, with the exception of a longer prologue to meet the minimum wordcount for posting a new story, entirely comprised of short updates by the only survivor of an apocalyptic event who documents her life after the apocalypse.
I am still keeping it a secret who this survivor is, for some more suspense before the release tomorrow, but she is probably a rather unique choice for a character in a story like that. Not as unique as Hyper Sonic and Gooseberry in my first post-apocalyptic story Sisters in Frost and Snow from last year, but most in the fandom probably won't expect that it's her I'm writing about.
This story will be my second post-apocalyptic story overall, and first post-apocalyptic horror story, I am a little nervous about how it will be received as the format is an unusual one that you don't see here often, if at all, but I also haven't felt so inspired for new stories as I do now in a very long time. It's not quite the type of horror stories I want to get really good at, but this story feels like a huge step into the right direction.
It's only one week until Nightmare Night, the best holiday of the year, anymore now and tomorrow at 5 PM EDT, you can join me and somecreature else on a horrifying and dark, post-apocalyptic adventure!

Stay easy as a filly!

~ Flutterscare

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