
Viewing 121 - 140 of 402 results

It's happened! (Dad's Drunk) · 9:02pm Dec 31st, 2022

Ugh!! I never thought this would be my last blog entry of 2022, not to mention my 400th...

My old man is drinking again (After months, of swearing off of it)

He's been drinking all his life, and causing loads of stress and chaos.

-Ruins holidays
-Special occasions.

...He just drinks so much and then he turns into this creep looking for a fight!

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What is YOUR Definition... · 4:27am April 29th

People often yak at me

"Try better yourself"

"Grow up"


They say all that, but they don't provide actual definitions or explanations of what they mean by all that. It's like I'm supposed to guess what they want.

The same thing follows with fiction, when people whine and complain.

"This sucks"

"Write them In character"

But again, no proper definition or explanation to back it up or make it clear.

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How I broke someone (Mentally) · 4:11am Jun 17th, 2018

(This post is not intended to cause fights)

Normally it's not in my best judgment to do this, but this is too good to pass up, and perhaps educational too (To show people how NOT to behave)

For weeks I've been cyber brawling with someone from this site in chatzy, I won't tell you who they are... but I think I really broke them if they had all this to day...

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Raven VS Twilight Deathbattle: Arguments/Flame wars · 4:28pm Mar 3rd, 2018

People have been complaining to me a lot that I and others have been gloating over Raven's victory over that miserable misguided mule!

(Figured flame wars would be triggered round the net by all this)

Not that it matters, because even if that Putrid Pony had won, then people would be rubbing it in my face and the faces of others, and don't try to say you wouldn't because I know how you people behave.

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How I make Videos on Youtube · 12:59am Jul 21st, 2019

Firstly, let's watch one of them...

the Starfleet/MLP Cast playing "Wind Waker's Theme"

The video may be just over 5 and a half minutes long, but it took me 27 days to make.

Here's the Equipment I use...

Microsoft Paint.

Windows Movie Maker 2.6

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Point of No Return (Review) · 9:55pm Apr 28th, 2019

Would have had this up yesterday if I weren't out of country...

Still, trip is over, time to be real again... REAL SICK that is...


LP: 8000

Memories... I hate them, even good ones, they bring me more pain than comfort.

-200 for making me feel bad.

LP: 8000 -----> 7800

Using magic in everyday chores... and this is why my Space Ponies are human-shaped.

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Picking Character Traits (So-called Flanderizing) · 10:57pm Nov 29th, 2021

And then, he stripped the canon characters of their likable traits when it came to crossing over with Equestria.

Likeable to you... disgusting to me.

As I have said before, there are certain ways a character may act, or certain traits they may have, or even certain developments that they go through over the course of the series... That I absolutely WILL NOT TOLERATE.

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Happy 100th Birthday Grandma (I stand with Ukraine) · 6:41pm Mar 22nd, 2022

My Grandmother Olga (Ukrainian)

Born: March 22, 1922

Died: March 24, 2018 (Aged 96)

Today would have been her 100th Birthday.

According to my dad, she fled the country to escape WW 2. Which indeed makes her a heroine in the family.

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Jason David Frank (RIP) · 4:26pm Nov 20th, 2022

I can't believe it!! Not him... Not the King of Rangers!!!!

(Confirmed: Death by Suicide)

I mean WHY?!!!! He was so well-known and beloved. He TAUGHT us all never to give up and things like this!!! And he goes and does himself in?!!!

I 'm so thankful to have met him in 2018, but... Awwwww man this hurts so much!!!


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Tara Strong has COVID?!!! · 8:32pm Apr 15th, 2022

I don't believe it... but there it is...

At least she says she feels okay (She obviously was vaccinated)

And this is also a good eye-opener not to take things lightly. COVID IS NOT OVER, and just because you're vaxxed doesn't make you immune (But at least you can still fight it)

According to my mom, my Sister-in-law's sister's had it 4 times!

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Starfleet Magic (10 years) · 5:03am Dec 25th, 2022

10 Years ago, today (Christmas Day) I made my very first MLP fic (Magic is believing, which eventual was changed into Starfleet)

I am very proud of it...

It all started back in 2012... FIM was already 2 years old, but I didn't know about it-- I saw no commercials, or any major publicity (Most likely, it's popularity hadn't flared yet)

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My Personal Preference/Spite (Once again, explained) · 8:36pm Dec 22nd, 2022

Relating to the previous blog before this one...

We all watch the canon of cartoons. Sometimes we like it, sometimes we applaud what happened int he end, how the characters handled things, ect, ect...

...and sometimes we don't. Sometimes we are totally frustrated with "WHAT IFs" (Meaning there are still so many possibilities and alternate ways things could have gone)

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Some of my Christmas vids · 8:47pm Dec 18th, 2021

December 18 2018, my grandmother passed away; she had Cancer. She came to live with us for about half a month as her situation deteriorated. We hoped she would make it to Christmas one last time because she loved it so much... she didn't.

That's why I post this blog today.

Every year around the holidays I usually make TWO Christmas vids for my BEAST BOY'S MAGIC VOICES SERIES.

A Happy and Cheerful one, and a Downer one...

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My Style and Reason for writing, and dealing with people! · 12:48am Apr 23rd, 2016

I am very angry right now (With all that's been happening lately) But I'm not trying to start any fights here, I'm just finally standing up for myself and Speaking my opinions

As you know, I write a certain way (My way) which many people seem to take a pleasure riffing me, throwing it my face and being unecessarily rude and obnoxious to me, and even then some they tell me things like...

"Make your characters believable"
"Make them suck less"

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That's nice of Tara (Revive Teen Titans OG) · 3:04am January 4th

Like I said, the majority of people were not pleased the way Teen Titans OG ended (18 years ago) even the actors didn't like the way the show ended, not just because Terra dumped BB in such a horrid manner, but...

When I met Khary Payton (Cyborg) he told me "It was a good show, we all loved working on it. We felt like family... but when it broke up, we all had to break up too, and we loved each other."

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Ideas for Friendship is Failure. · 12:00am Aug 13th, 2020

Since I can't make the fics just yet, I thought I'd leave myself a memo...

1: Moondancer's mother disowned her after Moondancer reconciled with Twilight. She hates Twilight with a bitter taste, and will rant about her, and let Moondancer have it really hard.

"You are no daughter I would want! Your're dead to me, even more than your dead father, may at least HE rest in peace. I'm just thankful he's not here to see what a disgrace you've become!"

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Psychology (Moving On and Letting Go...) · 12:37am January 18th

In relation to my fic...

When someone refuses to Let Go or Move on...

-How will you treat this person?
-What will you do about them?
-(In both cases:) Why Would you do that?
-Above all, what if every method you try including psychiatric help fails?

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LegendBringer's disgust (Starfleet Season 4) · 3:14am Feb 7th, 2018

All I can say, I have never seen so much immaturity, stupidity, thoughtlessness, as well as moronic reading.

1: *Esroh has only sent out like ONE MOTW* When clearly, and he supposedly read it, he sent out TWO monsters thus far, making this his third. (Proof he cannot read properly)

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Response Blog: (My gloating Twilight lost the Death Battle) · 6:29pm Mar 2nd, 2018

Look what someone gave me for praising me for predicting the Death Battle...


Despite all the whine-fests and yaks, and blogs posted about me in this pitiful attempts to reprimand me over something SILLY and PETTY, I could respond to all that with long explanations, but I won't...

1: I already have many times

2: The people will just crap all over them and on me anyway, even regardless of fact.

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In response to someone's opinion regarding how to write · 3:52pm Jul 30th, 2018

So, Mykan has done another blog post. Now I would act like this is a riff of his opinion. But lets be honest: It is not. A riff or msting would actually be funny and less preachy. This is more like making a shitty response video for youtube, but lacking the mic and stupid avatar.

So anyway, here is my response to Mykan’s defense for his style of writing. Or lack thereof, depending on who you ask.

My Style of Writing (Word limit Rule is LEGIT)

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Viewing 121 - 140 of 402 results