
Viewing 81 - 100 of 220 results

New Fics: Thrown Into a Downspiral of Emotions and Stop Thinking, Twilight! · 2:10am April 19th

So, I knew I was going to slam out some fics this week. No idea why. Don't ask. Golabi's idea was unintentional, it just happened.

TThrown Into a Downspiral of Emotions
Spitfire is about to retire and Fleetfoot is upset at her for a multitude of reasons, ones that she hopes Spitfire will answer.
Soaring · 3k words  ·  45  3 · 473 views
TStop Thinking, Twilight!
Anon's goal is to make Twilight to stop thinking and just vibe. Twilight doesn't know how to do that.
Soaring · 1.4k words  ·  144  8 · 1.9k views

Go give them a read (if you haven't already read the 2nd one). First one is really fresh right now!

Hope you all enjoy them. :twilightsmile:


[rant] Experimentation · 7:07am Feb 22nd, 2016

Experimentation in Writing


Readers expect you to write a certain way. They don't like to dig deep. If it's too deep, then it doesn't make sense to them. They'll just throw words at it in hopes that the author changes his or her ways.

I'm sorry to all who I reviewed like this. I don't like it when they throw words at me either.

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TrySailing into Makers · 1:51am Jun 7th, 2016

New story, have fun reading. ^_^

Meeting Her Maker

Just letting you know, there's no picture on this one.

Report 1234 · 278 views · #Soaring #blog #xd #fresh story

Free Therapists... That Aren't Actually Certified Therapists? · 6:41pm Jul 4th, 2016

Now before anyone gets their pants, underwear, undergarments--whatever the heck you wear--in a knot, realize that this is something that I have experienced way too often: people wanting to help others with severe disabilities or conditions without having experience in treating them whatsoever. It's heartwarming that we have a community that cares about each other and so on and so forth, but shit guys and gals, this is not good when you put this in your heading:

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New Look for 2016. · 3:49pm Dec 31st, 2015

My profile looks all new and shit for the new year.

Like the new look? What should I add? Should I subtract? Why am I using math terms right now?

Fuck it, happy new year, and cheers for sticking with me. So close to 400 followers, I can almost taste it.

Totally not a Spongebob reference.

I'm full of spongy goodness today.



What I've Been Doing · 8:47am Jan 4th, 2021

Progress. I had some free time the past two weeks due to Christmas and all that jazz. Been busy though regardless. The big shocker is that I decided to start reviewing again.

Yes, that's not a joke. It's there, staring at you.

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Short blog to say I'm alive for those who don't talk to me personally · 6:55pm Jul 8th, 2021

It's coming home.

“Same to you, Applejack. First of the group I get to meet. Interesting that you have a southern accent.”

Applejack let out a breathy laugh. “Southern accent?”

I shrugged. “Well, yeah. Didn’t think accents would just translate super well into a world like this, but you have the exact twang of one of them. Didn’t expect to meet someone who was the epitome of southern drawl, y’know?”

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I'm alive · 6:01pm Dec 27th, 2021

Don't worry, I really am.

Couple things:

1. Going through the process of re-reading/editing Why Do You Speak My Language. Don't worry, any of the edits I make are not going to effect the story as it is already told. Think of this as putting some needed polish on the fic. Chapter one should show that with the last line Twilight says getting buffed to oblivion.

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Another chapter out soon. · 7:00pm Nov 27th, 2015

Gotta check for a minor detail and then this bad boy is out.

So much for a hiatus.

I love trap. :heart:


Anon 2 | The "What The Fuck" Response · 9:05pm May 20th

I thought I was done with blogging about the green dude with an attitude. Seriously, I thought we could move on, go back to enjoying horsewords, and move forward as a group, a collective, a fandom.

But no, instead, I'm having to see this shit in 2024:

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Mental Health of the Author · 3:27pm June 5th

If you've commented on anything of mine as of late, just know I will get to those, I have to say some stuff first. Gotta be real with you all.

Mental health has taken a backseat. I can't divulge too much, but I have no desire to eat, I slept like shit last night, and I'm wondering what is going to happen next for me. I'm supposed to be happy that I turned a year older, but instead I'm absolutely upset with myself.

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Dust Somewhat Settled, Might as Well Say a Few Words · 2:57pm Nov 16th, 2016

Twitter promotes censorship, Clinton lost because she has bad policies (in addition to the Benghazi attack, the e-mail scandal, mainstream media bias, and not even showing up to majority of her campaign speeches), and liberal rioters attack others for simply voting for Trump (some even actors [nice job taking advice from Joey Salads LUL]).

There you go. Just a few words.

Oh, and don't worry, I'm still alive for having this opinion about the election. Watch me jinx this though.

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Drama - Real Talk · 7:03pm Dec 20th, 2015

Just going to be real with everyone here.

Drama lightens up a place once in a while, but when it's done weekly with the same old shit, that's when we got a problem.

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Actually streamed writing and had a blast! · 7:06am Jun 22nd, 2015

Thanks to everyone who came! You're all great!

We wrote a chapter of A Slave's Freedom and did some CS:GO (lost 11-16 on Cache :L)!

I'll be doing another stream tomorrow to write some more of the story and I will be answering questions that anyone wants to me to answer (as long as they are appropriate [aka rated T for teen])!

Hopefully we'll have some more fun. =]



New Update: Why Do You Speak My Language?! · 8:06pm Nov 15th, 2020

To quote a good friend of mine: "A six thousand word chapter makes a shitpost into a shitlegend."

Go give it a look! Lots of fuckery was in this chapter. And there will be more as we progress further and further into the shitstorm Rick now lives!



Story Blog: A Slave's Freedom #1 - Story Update Soon? · 8:38pm Sep 20th, 2015

Finally finished the next chapter of A Slave's Freedom. I've been having second, third, and fourth thoughts as to how I want this story to go, and I think I have the route planned out (in my head)! Hopefully all will go according to plan, and hopefully the story will be enjoyable for you all!

I'm kind of waiting for a pre-reader to pre-read before I post it, so that's why it's delayed. It's almost 3k words o_O.

Also, chapter title is a reference to someone in history. Take a guess!

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My First Live Reading Ever! · 2:21am Nov 6th, 2020

Very happy to see something like this for one of my stories. Granted, it also made me realize that I had some bad grammar, so instead of leaving the errors there, I went back into chapter one and fixed the majority of them. If there are more grammar issues in the first chapter, don't hesitate to send them my way! Want to make this story easy to read, and any grammar error can cause a slow down to happen.

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A Slave's Freedom Update! · 1:15am Mar 27th, 2022

Random as fuck, I know, but here you go. Hope you all enjoy the update!


Another round of Wingdings and more! · 5:13am Aug 1st, 2021

Serious chapter update. Lots of plot to reveal. Also a Wingdings translator was finally added when it should've been added in the first place. Oops! Go take a look!


New Fic, New Year, and New Expectations · 4:00pm January 4th

New Fic: link. It's got some nice back and forth between Spitfire and some guy named Anon. If you're interested, take a look!

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Viewing 81 - 100 of 220 results