
Viewing 61 - 75 of 75 results

Plot Bunny Theater: Fixing Flash Sentry... Again · 4:39am Jul 9th, 2023

One of the most frustrating parts about Flash Sentry is that he was made WAY too bland. So bland that there wasn't a reason for Twilight to actually fall for him. Not until later movies and episodes actually GAVE him some.

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New Headcanon · 11:53pm Sep 12th, 2015

After the events of "Rarity takes Manehatten," Coco Pommel had to take up prostitution to make ends meet

Sassy Saddle, fresh from ruining yet another Boutique, finds her, learns about Rarity and heads to Canterlot, where she learns about Rarity wanting to open up another Boutique and applies for the job of overseeing it

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Plot Bunny Theater: Stupid Earth Pony Tricks 1 · 7:52pm Dec 20th, 2019

I've liked the idea that Earth Ponies are the longest lived of the Tribes thanks to their connection to the Earth. After all, Granny Smith is easily two hundred years old if she was at the founding of Ponyville. They can stay in their prime longer than most other ponies, but eventually it just takes too much effort to keep up and they physically become aged. Certain healer Earth ponies can transfer boosts of Earth magic into older ponies as therapy to help them, but this has diminishing returns

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Plot Bunny Theater: The Clockwork Pony 2 · 4:48pm Jan 7th, 2020

Given the response to the previous blog, I decided to expand upon the Clockworks in a further post. I do want to stress, however, that my initial idea did not have Rainbow Dash be one of these artificial ponies. I just chose that artwork because I liked it.

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Plot Bunny Theater: Rainbow Dash, Single Mother · 4:39pm Feb 18th, 2020

There's just one change to the story of Friendship is Magic: Rainbow Dash is a single mother. She had a male rival/friend at Flight Academy, who was named Thundercloud. Both of them wanted to join the Wonderbolts, but took different routes: Dash became a weather control officer, and Thundercloud went into the Royal Guard to get military service and experience. The night before he left, they had sex, he left, and Dash ended up pregnant. Thundercloud unfortunately was lost in action, missing and

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Plot Bunny Theater: SHAZAM! · 4:45pm Dec 29th, 2019

Little orphan Pipsqueak was wandering alone in the woods when he ran into a bright red trolley in the middle of nowhere. Curious, he boarded it. It took him into an underground cavern, where an old but kindly man sat on a throne over a great rock. He was an ancient wizard-Older even than Starswirl the Bearded. And he had chosen the plucky young colt to wield an incredible power.

By speaking the wizard's name, the colt could transform into the Mightiest Mortal! And defend Equestria!

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Stupid Unicorn Tricks 1 · 9:19pm Jan 2nd, 2020

(In continuity with the other convention posts)

Spike was out, enjoying the convention, a pouch full of bits from his allowance being delivered to him early. He was on top of the world!

Snips: "Hey Spike! Hey Spike!"

Well, that was a quick trip to rock bottom. Spike sighed.

Spike: "Hey Snips... Enjoying the convention?"

Snips: "Oh, completely! Hey! You wanna see my dad's demonstration?!"

Spike: "Your dad's got a demonstration? Of what?"

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I Really Like Writing Horror Crossover Fics · 3:23am Dec 2nd, 2017

They're really unpopular, and I seriously don't give a shit. :ajsmug: I've got incomplete crossovers with Don't Hug Me I'm Scared and At the Mountains of Madness on my hard drive. Previous experience indicates they'll get done.

The DHMIS one probably won't have these two in in but you never know. (source)

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Hrm. · 12:57am Jun 5th, 2020

Well, it seems I ran out of steam and can no longer post another update right now. That's quite alright. With current events, it's going to be tricky to find the proper motivation to write. I did learn a new trick, so a good chunk can be written, though it may still be just a bit prior to everything being done.

I've got so many ideas...

If you want to know more about my current stories or wanna just chat with me, I have a Discord now! Join here!

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Guardians of Canterlot · 2:22am Oct 5th, 2016

I've had this enormous plot bunny ever since the release of Legend of Everfree. The summary goes as such:

A few days after the Gaia Everfree incident, monsters from another dimension appear at Canterlot City every Friday night. Sunset Shimmer was unfortunate enough to encounter one on her way home, but is saved by a mysterious cloaked duo who call themselves the Phantom Guardians. She pursues the two for several days, trying to get information on the monster hunters' identities.

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Great Idea! >:D ((Spoilers for future story, ahead!!!)) · 5:24am Feb 11th, 2022

I just had a great idea for an in-the-works story as I try to slog through ADHD and bipolar finishing currently posted stories!!

Don't read this if you don't want to know what story I'm going to write and what's going to happen...

So, as many folks here may know, I'm certainly a fan-fiction crossover writer.

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cleverpun’s Idea Graveyard/”How NOT to Write” #3: The Astronomy ‘Verse · 6:23am Nov 27th, 2016

Many moons ago, I saw all those Multi-story-spanning alternate universes rampant at the time. I thought to myself, “I could do that.” As the title of this blog series may hint, it never truly congealed into a good story, let alone multiple stories. For today’s idea graveyard, I’d like to share the meandering process with you all. After all, as John Dewey said, “Failure is instructive. The person who really thinks learns quite as much from his failures as from his successes.”

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cleverpun’s Idea Graveyard: Sorrow No More · 2:23am Jan 2nd, 2017

Another new year is here. That means lots of new beginnings, looking forward, etc. All those platitudes and cliches we've come to know and possibly tolerate. But just as important as looking to the future, perhaps even more important, is examining the past. Learning from our mistakes and critiquing our own work is crucial if we want to grow as writers (and as people).

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Plot Bunny Theater: The Starlight Brigade! · 2:37am Dec 31st, 2019

In the northern wastelands of the Crystal Empire, Spike the Dragon and Shining Armor stumble over a crashed, crystalline starship. One that bonds to Spike immediately, and obeys him. But it requires a few different pilots to reach its full potential. It seems resistant to magic and to magic drain, and may be possible of faster than light travel.

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cleverpun’s Idea Graveyard: Never Tamed · 8:27am Jan 19th, 2018

Another year, another in my series of Idea Graveyard posts, where I discuss an idea of mine that failed to get off the ground for one reason or another. What made me discard the idea, and why haven’t I tried again. Today’s subject is different from my previous failures: its shortcomings are more narrow and simple, but in some ways that makes them harder to fix.

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Viewing 61 - 75 of 75 results