
Viewing 641 - 660 of 1,715 results

Episode Re-Review: Keep Calm and Flutter On · 6:35pm Mar 19th, 2021

With Season 3 winding down, word began to spill out about what was coming: Namely Twilight Sparkle becoming an alicorn princess and that Season 3 would supposedly be the final season. Fans were shocked and many were outraged at the very idea, the debate over whether or not Twilight should be an alicorn divided the fandom and quite a few threatened to leave the fandom all together if indeed Twilight becoming an alicorn turned out to be true. Amidst all this drama, almost no one seemed to pay

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Episode Re-Review: Three's A Crowd · 7:28pm Apr 2nd, 2021

Although she had been seen frequently throughout the season, Twilight had yet to get an episode centered around her since the premiere. Well, that was all going to change. And it was also going to be a Discord episode and a sort of sick day episode. Suffice it to say, the title for the episode was incredibly accurate because there was a lot on this episode's plate. Ed Valentine was on tap to write it, but strangely enough Meghan McCarthy was helping him. Considering Meghan had already done a

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Episode Re-Review: Read It and Weep · 7:40pm Mar 1st, 2021

Season 2's second half was not looking so hot after Derpgate overshadowed "The Last Roundup" and "The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000" left no question in people's minds that M. A. Larson wasn't as on top of the world as he had appeared to be earlier. Cindy Morrow, coming off her forgotten episode "Family Appreciation Day" and still riding a high from "Sisterhooves Social", cranked out this episode centered not on Applejack but on Rainbow Dash even though she'd already gotten two focus episodes

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Episode Re-Review: Princess Twilight Sparkle Parts 1 and 2 · 3:11pm Mar 24th, 2021

So, after only the original "Equestria Girls", there was a really long wait for Season 4 as fans were both anticipating it and dreading it, and it all stemmed back to one thing: Alicorn Twilight. There was a very big asertik about what (if anything) would be different now that Twilight had wings and a royal title. Meghan McCarthy, the show runner once again, was tasked with trying to answer those questions in this two parter. Was she up to the task, especially after "Equestria Girls" came and

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Redo review: Season 4 · 3:05am Nov 22nd, 2019

Let's continue looking back to the entire show. Remember, this review will assume you've already seen the show, so spoilers ahead. Shall we?

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Episode Re-Review: Rainbow Falls · 6:04pm Apr 1st, 2021

So we had what would be a key episode and an episode continuing the plot for the Equestria Games. An episode like this should've been a top priority, but for whatever reason it was given to relative newcomer Corey Powell who had never written a focus episode for any mane six member before. And keep in mind that Corey had gone from "Sleepless in Ponyville" which was highly praised to "Just For Sidekicks" which was rather forgettable and disappointing. So Corey was definitely out of her league

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Episode Re-Review: Pinkie Pride · 6:46pm Apr 3rd, 2021

By now Season 4 was starting to show signs of running out of steam. "Pinkie Apple Pie" was good but a noticeably low key episode, "Rainbow Falls" was a disaster riddled with plot holes and decisions lacking explanation and "Three's A Crowd" seemed to cram three different episodes into one overcrowded mess. Even "Rarity Takes Manehattan" and "Bats!" were only being talked about for one thing, and how much you loved or hated the episodes seemed to depend on that (Coco Pommel for the former and

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Episode Re-Review: The Cutie Pox · 6:05pm Feb 19th, 2021

Season 2 seemed to be doing well for most people up to this point, and there's no denying that with "The Return of Harmony" through "Sisterhooves Social" they were showing a desire to be more bold and explore avenues and characters that hadn't been explored before. Lauren Faust's contributing presence likely helped, since now the writers didn't have to worry as much about trying to please both Lauren and Hasbro (at least for the time being). However, this is widely regarded as the first true

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Episode Re-Review: Daring Don't · 4:17pm Mar 26th, 2021

So after "Castle Mane-Ia" established a new method for delivering the aesop and also teased the prospect of a continued search for the keys, what was next for Season 4? Well, the short answer was not much. The search for the keys would not in fact take up every episode even just in the background, and in what was ultimately a sign to come the show would not commit to the possibility of a story arc. Dave Polsky was brought on to write again despite his track record in Season 3 being rather mixed

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Episode Re-Review: Winter Wrap Up · 6:42pm Jan 30th, 2021

So the writing team had been assembled and every writer had written at least one episode by now. But after ten episodes the show was all over the place, quality was impossible to pin down and the show still didn't seem to know what it wanted to do. For the last episode to air in 2010 the show decided to do an episode involving winter, or rather cleaning up after winter. Cindy Morrow returned to the writer's chair here, but all anyone ever talks about is the song of the same name? Is there a

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Ranking The Mane Five of G5 · 6:13pm Nov 10th, 2021

By now I think almost everyone has seen "A New Generation" or at least a review of it, but just in case there are some who haven't for whatever reason, I'm tagging this blog post with spoilers.

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Ranking the Rarity Songs (From Worst to Best) · 8:13pm Jan 5th, 2022

Inspired by a poll on Equestria Daily asking what the best Rarity song is, I decided to give my opinions on the various songs Rarity had throughout the show, all of them performed by singing double Kazumi Evans. Equestria Daily counts six songs as Rarity songs, including two by human Rarity from Equestria Girls. But there's two songs not included on the poll that I think counts as a Rarity song, which bumps the total up to seven. However, not all songs are created equal. So which songs truly

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Halo Infinite: A Home Run, a Bunt, and a Strike All at Once · 8:43pm Jan 6th, 2022

Yep, it’s a gaming piece.

I don’t feel too bad about this because I don’t often talk about my other hobbies on this site, so I figure breaking the mold every once in a while is fine. Maybe some of you aren’t interested, but that’s fine.

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Report Viking ZX · 202 views · #Halo #Gaming #Opinion

My Opinion on Fandoms · 7:25pm Jul 29th, 2022

I think that while there will always be praise and criticism and it depends on how we respond to it, we should never bully, degrade, or discourage each other nor others for making fanfiction, fan-art, OCs, etc. Because everyone is different and we should embrace those differences and spread love and acceptance for the amount of effort, creativity, and care put into what we create, in my opinion.

What do you think? Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?

Have a great day!


Make Your Mark: Portrait of a Princess Review · 4:31pm Sep 28th, 2022

After an Izzy and Pipp episode, and a Hitch solo episode, it was now time for a Zipp and Pipp episode. Weird how Sunny, the supposed main character, didn't get her own focus episode until four episodes into the season and series. But then again, it's the quality of the spotlight time that matters most. Zipp and Pipp have always been polar opposities, and any opportunity to potentially flesh out Pipp is a welcome one. So, was this episode able to juggle two characters sharing the spotlight

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Make Your Mark: Ali-Conned Review · 3:40pm Sep 29th, 2022

So it is that at last, halfway through the first eight episodes that were dropped, we have our first Sunny focused episode. Weird that they would choose to do so, I can't think of any show that ever started off by not focusing on its main character or characters. Still, it's a Sunny Starscout episode, and one focusing on her ability to turn into an alicorn to boot. Maybe that will be enough to break Make Your Mark: Chapter 2 out of the abrupt dry spell it seems to have found

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Episode Re-Review: Hard to Say Anything · 4:58pm Jun 12th, 2021

It looked like Season 7 had finally found what could be said to be a central theme for it with "Forever Filly" and "Parental Glideance", family. We had an episode of Rarity going through a mid-life crisis and accepting that Sweetie Belle was growing up which turned out to be better than it had any right to be. But then we had a painfully annoying episode in "Parental Glideance" that way overdid it on the embarrassing parents trope and suggested Rainbow Dash was in the wrong for being mad at her

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Episode Re-Review: Fluttershy Leans In · 3:50pm Jun 11th, 2021

Season 7 finally had a hit on its hands with "Rock Solid Friendship", but there was still no clear direction for it after four episodes. What (if anything) was the overall theme? Where was this season going to take our characters? Well, this episode wasn't going to offer up much in the way of answers. What it would feature was another "achieving the dream" episode, in this case it would be Fluttershy achieving her never before mentioned dream of opening an animal sanctuary. And who was

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Episode Re-Review: A Flurry of Emotions · 4:46pm Jun 9th, 2021

So it was that Twilight was now freed up from having to be Starlight's teacher, which meant her character could hopefully get back on track after Season 6 seemed to exaggerate her flaws more than was necessary. And for the sake of fanservice, this first episode to focus on her as an individual in over a season would involve a concept so many fanfics had been written about: Twilight foalsitting her niece, Flurry Heart. However, much like "Castle, Sweet Castle" we had two new writers making their

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Episode Re-Review: Shadow Play Parts 1 and 2 · 6:57pm Jun 21st, 2021

And so we come to the finale of Season 7, the salvaged plans for the pillars after Hasbro insisted on ending the show at nine seasons and just over 220 episodes. By now, Josh Haber had taken back the reigns of story editor completely from Lewis and Songco, beginning with "Secrets and Pies". The IDW comics had been promoting the plans for quite a while now via their Legends of Magic comics, and Nicole Dubac was being brought on to help write this two parter with Josh Haber (Haber retained solo

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Viewing 641 - 660 of 1,715 results