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Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

It's been bantered about a bit on whether or not this trio actually exists in the Lunaverse. I had kinda thought that there was at least a loose consensus against it, but after a bit of a scare involving the way DatB's was written (which turned out to be unintentional), I thought that maybe it was all just me reading between the lines. So I thought maybe we should open up an actual discussion on the matter.

Technically there is no reason for them not to all still hook up as very little, if any, of Call of the Cutie is wholly dependent on the actions and influences of the M6. That said, I think that like the M6 never really finding each other, it's sort of fitting if the same holds true for the CMC. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle seemed to be friends beforehand, but leave Apple Bloom more on her own or always paired up with the oft forgotten Twist.

I could even venture a guess as to easily explain away why it worked out different. In the Lunaverse the Apple Trust is a pretty big deal, this might reduce, though probably not negate, the teasing Diamond Tiara directs at AB, due to her father's business being at least somewhat dependent on good relations with the Apples. Also since family pride seems to be even more important to L!AB, she's probably more secure in the confidence that she'll eventually take her place in the family business, or if she does ever panic about how long it's taking, would keep her find-it-now antics strictly apple related, for fear of disappointing the clan by having an unrelated talent.

So anyway, those are my thoughts on the matter. How 'bout the rest of all y'all?

Well, we know who won't be in it: Dinky. She doesn't need to grow up any faster than she is now. Besides, what with Mommy's on-going issues with Amethyst Star, she's got enough to worry about.

(I am, of course, assuming that "Family Matters" somehow leads into the Crisis Crossover AND that what I assume will be Amethyst Star's ongoing need to hate Ditzy will affect the plot.)

Anyways, the CMC will be a two-filly group; that's because Apple Bloom is a lot more secure what with being better able to get behind her family's monopoly than AJ.

Maybe the CMC form without Apple Bloom but with some other third pony? Like Pipsqueak, maybe?

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

Word of god has it that there are other plans for Pipsqueak. Also, it really seemed to be mostly AB that pushed the whole find our cutie marks angle of the team, even if it tends to be Scootaloo that comes up with the crazier schemes.


(I am, of course, assuming that "Family Matters" somehow leads into the Crisis Crossover AND that what I assume will be Amethyst Star's ongoing need to hate Ditzy will affect the plot.)

I really hate to go off topic so quickly but, Huh-wuh? :rainbowhuh:

Maybe you should check the chronology guide again because Family Matters is one of the earlier ones on that list. Also, while I can't say for certain, I'd wager that even if they never like each other, Sparkler finding a way to at least coexist with Ditzy, for Dinky's sake if nothing else, is going to be part of the resolution to that story. I certainly don't see how Sparkler's attitude toward Ditzy would have much if any relevance to the much more future, not to mention epically scaled, crisis crossover.

I just really don't see her sticking around long enough to do that. After all, it has to end with somepony escaping, right? Corona, Twilight, Zizanie...they all escaped so she's gotta book, right?

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

Pretty sure RDD was joking when he said he had a pattern to maintain.

I know. We're probably going to see blind rage turning into simmering resentment.

Group Contributor

I would say they might not crusade... but there's no reason for them not to be friends, at least. And I think that might be a good idea-show the adults that the kids can sometimes act more mature than them. :scootangel: Have Twist, Appleblom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Dinky and heck even Diamond Tiara-fulfilling the Trixie role?-meet and get along. Not worry about cutie marks and such.

Group Admin

Um...yes! Joking! That was a thing, that I was doing! Yes!

*hurries and starts re-plotting ending*

Group Contributor

The way I always pictures things was that Diamond Tiara never picks on Applebloom (Ponyville is an Apple town, so as far as DT is concerned, AB is off limits) so that means the formation of the cmc ever happened due to wanting for a nail.

I picture Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle as best friends inany case.

308428 I'm with Blackbelt on this one, if you go back and look at the episode it's really applebloom that sparked the whole CMC movement. not that the girls wouldn't be on friendly terms with AB or anything. Just not BBFs like in canon.

What of other foals? Like Maybe Ruby Pinch (in fanon, Berry Punch's daughter) or Tootsie Flute?

Group Contributor

308428 We've seen in Family Matters that DT can be nice to Dinky. And therefore maybe she can be some sort of... link between her and Applebloom? I mean the foals can all be friendly with each other without checking their flanks every thirty seconds is what I'm saying. That make sense?

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

308417 You mean I don't need to have Fluttershy run away at the end of the episode?!

Group Contributor


I link DT being nice to Dinky more to the fact that Dinky was doing something nice for her mom. That seems to be a major thing with DT when she isn't going all tseundere over Scootaloo.

Group Admin


Wh-what? I don't like Scootaloo! There's nothing to like about her! So what if - if she's the best ever on her scooter? ...that doesn't mean anything! What good is a scooter, anyway?

Group Contributor


See? Straight from gods brain to your mouth.

Anyway, let us ask ourselves: If the CMC isn't formed, than how does that effect the individual members?

I haven't given much thought how this would effect Sweetie Belle or Apple Bloom, but I have given thought to jow this would effect Scootaloo.

Basically, all that energy she has that would go towardscrusading instead goes to either scooter tricks and/or extreme sports (especially extreme sports involving a scooter) And, of course, this means boring stuff puts her to sleep.

Really, if I had to describe Lunaverse Scootaloo in two words, those word would be "Adrenaline Junkie"

So yeah, she's alot more focused in this universe, just not on anything safe.

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

I fully agree that they can be on friendly terms, but as 308443 said, they aren't BBF. Apple Bloom can still talk and play with Scoots and Sweetie, but they don't really hang out much outside of school.

Agreed, plus after saying her bit of niceness Tiara very quickly added that she would basically ruin Dinky if word ever got around, she's got a reputation to maintain and all. So no, I really don't see her publicly hanging out with any of the others.

Yeup. I mean heck it's not like Gilda runs away at the end of my fic. Nope, she and Raindrops move in together for lasting Odd Couple hijinks.

Nah, only kidding. I wouldn't drop a major spoiler like that anyway.

...or would I?

Does Noi/sweet wheat exist in the lunaverse?

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

Pretty sure at this point that most characters exist unless circumstance would specifically preclude it. I'd chalk up the reason for her not being around the Golden Harvests farm as that she still lives back in Carrot Top's hometown of Fillydelphia with their parents.

Group Admin

I've basically been running with the CMC characters as described above -- Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle are still buddies, and do a lot of stuff together, and they occasionally include Apple Bloom if she's around and can play or they need her mechanical expertise. But then again, they'd occasionally include Dinky or Peachie or whoever if they were around and could play; Apple Bloom wouldn't be any more of a special friend to them than any of the other foals.

(Also, I don't see them as being obsessed with getting cutie marks, but rather just doing a bunch of things because they're hyperactive kids.)

On a slightly related note, it would seem to me that, with Sweet Apple Acres' total domination of the Ponyville produce economy, Apple Bloom might have a 'get out of school' pass on a few days when the farm chores are especially intense (during the zap apple harvest, say, or at the peak of the harvest season, or if another member of the family is injured). Obviously, Cherilee would probably not like this, and it would only happen a few days a year, but I could see Applejack pressuring Cherilee (or other political officials who oversee the school) to let AB cut on those days because the farm chores are just that important. This in turn could maybe lead to some resentment by the other students, even if AB spends most of that 'day off of school' bucking apples. Or it could lead to envy.

Anyway, the long and short of that is that AB may well be treated more like a grownup than in canon anyway, so she might not be as eager for a cutie mark herself. Or maybe she wants to get out of the farm and all the chores, so she's trying like crazy to get a cutie mark in something that has nothing to do with apples. So many possibilities!

Group Contributor

308635 Hmm... an episode where the class takes a field trip to Sweet Apple Acres to see what Applebloom does when she skips out after they complain too much for Cheerilee to ignore?

Group Admin

308640: And they get dragooned into helping, heh. With maybe the whiniest of them winding up on pig duty.

Or, alternately: suppose Applejack begins abusing the pass, having Apple Bloom stay home to help more and more, even though AB would rather be in school (cause she likes to learn and/or doesn't want to be a full time farmer quite yet). Cherilee, a few other adults, and all the foals (including Apple Bloom) play a huge prank on Applejack where they pretend that AB has failed some important standardized test and is being sent away to a remedial school or something. (If it seems unlikely that Cherilee would think of this, it could be on Trixie's advice or something). Applejack panics, and of course all the others both play up both how bad the remedial school is ("they have to constantly study, and if they get an answer wrong they get dumped in the poison joke fields and get yelled at by Iron Will!") and how uneducated AB supposedly is ("she failed counting!") Applejack repents and begs them to let AB stay, and promises that she'll ensure that AB goes to school much more often, at which point they all spill the beans that it was a big hoax. And then Applejack has learned a valuable lesson. Or she just poisons the apple pies, whichever works. :-)

Eh. That could wind up like the Mare-Do-Well episode (in that it's about the others playing a huge prank on one character). But I think it could work, and could explore the Apple family without making them Evil Greedy Meanies.

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

308635 308640
Not so sure I'm buying the idea that AB skips class to work on the farm. SAA, may be bigger in the Lunaverse, but they also hire plenty of farmhands to handle that extra workload. Also, since it's an actual business and not just a family farm, it's far more important for AB to get a well rounded education if she's going to be of any help in the long run.

Also not really buying that L!AB would reject her heritage and intentionally try to get a non-apple mark. Family pride seems to be a much bigger deal for her than her M! counterpart.

Group Admin

Funnily enough, without the Crusade driving them to do random tasks rather than focusing on things they really like, it's entirely possible that Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom will get their cutie marks sooner in the Lunaverse than in the mane universe.

Group Contributor


Speaking of that, I have ideas about that.....

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

308809 I always figured Scootaloo's cutie mark would be a tornado, to signify her agility. We know she's really good at dancing and stunts.

As for Applebloom I'd give her a wooden sign with an apple painted on it.

Sweetie Belle... something with like a heart design that implies loudness or something I don't know :unsuresweetie:

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

I always figured Sweetie would have a cross between a musical note and a heart., or a set of notes twisted around each other in a heart shape.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

308961 Or a serie of concentric hearts that seems to spew musical notes?

Group Admin

I can see AB as having a wrench or something, since she's mechanically inclined. Scootaloo would probably be something indicating speed, like a smoke cloud (of the 'someone just zipped away' variety), and Sweetie might have musical notes.

Dunno if it would be the CMCs, but I would be amused by a pony who got a really esoteric cutie mark.

"So, I got a giant X. Any ideas?"
"Maybe you're good at tic-tac-toe?"
"Maybe you're good at marking wrong answers on tests?"
"Maybe you're good at counting to ten?"
"Maybe you're totally eXtreme?"

Group Contributor


Or a bell with a heart on it?

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

Cute, though as cutie marks seem to typically be earned as part of an epiphany type event, I should think that the meaning of even the most obscure looking cutie mark would usually be clear to at least the pony that earned it, through proximity of context if nothing else.

That does make sense. Watching the M!CMC reminds me of a book called "The revenge effect" which talked about things like that. My guess is if the three fillies had never banded together to try to get their cutie marks, they'd have'em by now.

Group Contributor

I agree that the Crusaders probably never formed in the Lunaverse, due to Apple Bloom having different priorities. It's been established that Scootaloo still idolizes Rainbow Dash, so that probably informs her priorities a lot. I'm all for keeping the friendship between Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, which will be interesting, given how different they are even in canon, and with their respective idols more extreme in their flaws, they'll only get even more different. Hmm. I wonder how Diamond Tiara feels about Scootaloo's closeness to Sweetie Belle?

I'm thinking that Apple Bloom might actually be looked up to by the other kids, for being part of such an old and influential family, even if she doesn't have Diamond Tiara's ready cash. I also like the idea of Applejack having some pull with Cheerilee, and that extending to Apple Bloom's attendance and behaviour. Of course, children of other farming families wouldn't think fondly of her, but there isn't a lot they could do about it.

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

Rarity isn't really Sweetie's idol, there just sisters is all. Sweetie looks up to her, but at the same time she tends to get very frustrated with how fussily clean and perfectionist Rarity is. Part of the reason for her friendship with Scootaloo might be that the young pegasus is in many ways the opposite of Sweetie's big sister. That's all stuff that would seem to be mostly true across both verses.

Also, still not really buying the idea of AB getting special treatment at school. Cheerilee doesn't seem the type to give in without out protest, and the Apple Trust has more than enough farm hands so they don't really have a reason to pull her out of class in the first place.

Group Admin

309110: Cherilee wouldn't like it, but she's presumably responsible to someone, either a principal or someone in the local government who can order her around/fire her/promote her/etc. If the Apple Family has such a stranglehold on the local economy, I can definitely see them using their influence on that person to force Cherilee to be more accommodating.

Also, Applejack may well have the opinion that it's more important for AB to learn about the farm (and all of its aspects, including accounting, marketing, etc.) than to get the generic education. Or she might decide that the harvest is simply more important and AB will have to just make up the material later. Sure, the Family could hire farmhands, but it's cheaper to draft in other family members, and Lunaverse AJ is the consummate businesswoman.

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

See I still think you're getting it all backwards. The best place for AB to learn the basic skills that will eventually lead to hear being able to to understand concepts like accounting and marketing is in school. After all who's really got the time to teach her all that on the farm. Cheaper to just let the public education system handle it.

As for harvest time, again drafting family is cheaper than highered labor, but AB's still just a filly and can only put in so much physical labor of any actual use, most of which she can mange more than easily with ordinary chores done before and after school.

Again, the Apple Trust is big business and so they need to insure that their next generation has the proper education to be helpful in that business. It's the smaller farms that would be the ones in need of cheep labor during harvest and so would be pulling their kids out of school, not the Apple Trust.

Hm. "Hearts and Hooves Day," if it happens in Lunaverse, could be an even worse Charlie Foxtrot, since the matchmaking foals won't have access to the recipe for the love poison.

Heck, Mac might just be heartbroken that his school-age crush took off like she did and buried himself so far into his farm work that he never realized that she came back to be the school teacher...


Actually, I can almost see the "Hearts and Hooves Day" plot being something cooked up by the rest of the elements in this universe.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

317317 Maybe not everypony but maybe Trixie :rainbowlaugh:

"I'm sure I saw something about that in one of the book from the Twilight collection..."

Group Admin

317356: And now I'm wondering if Twilight might be willing to use that potion as part of her quest to find out magic secrets. She slips it into the librarian's or guard's drink, has them fall hopelessly in love with her, gets everything she can from them, then teleports away and waits until the 1-hour time limit is up. All she has to do is make sure not to drink any herself, and she's golden.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

Yak now I was thinking, even if she doesn't get it right away, I think RDD should settle Dinky's cutie mark so we can foreshadow it or something as time goes on.

317358 That sounds... DEVIOUS as heck o.o

you know, considering the Night Court I bet that potion is probably seven kinds of illegual too!

Group Admin

I was thinking this. Personally, I think that Dinky's special talent is going to end up being magic (not sure about the specifics), and she'll end up with the massive mana pool that Twilight has coupled with the extremely fine control of Trixie.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

317401 That is cool! Okay then as long as know what she ends up as we don't run the risk of interfering with it.

This makes the idea of the talent show episode where Dinky and Snails put on a magic show even better! Though I think Snips might be bothered that he's not included.

Group Contributor


Heh. It's Ditzy's mark with sparkles instead of Bubbles. I find that highly appropriate.

Besides Dinky's mark, we should come to a consensus on The CMC's marks as well....


In my honest opinion, the love poison is not something that can aid in any sort of scholarly research.

:twilightsmile: You know, if you loved me, you'd tell me all about the magical training you did with Princess Luna.

:trixieshiftleft: But Schmoopy-kins, wouldn't you rather I tell you how amazing you look tonight?

:twilightblush: Aheh... I'd consider it a very... loving gesture to hear about your lessons with the princess.

:trixieshiftleft: *Sigh* You are such an adorable little Twinkle-winkle! I just want to sit here and stare into your sparkling eyes all night long...

:twilightangry2: This... is totally not going how I envisioned it would...

:trixieshiftleft: Come here my lovey-dovey Sparkly-warkly and let us *whisper-whisper-whisper*

:twilightoops: Oopslookatthetimegottagobye! *Teleports*

:trixieshiftleft: *Insert anguished hour-long lament here*

On the other hand, I can see such a potion as being used for a form of 'non-lethal assassination' by the Night Court.

End analysis: Totally illegal.

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

While I think an L! counter part group to the CMC is a worthy idea to put into consideration, I would hesitate to include any of the actual CMCs on it. My reason is pretty much the same as why I feel it important not to over expose the M6. We want the Lunaverse to be unique and distinct from canon Equestria.

At least with the L!M6, there is the fact that they are sorta lacking on the redeeming qualities front as compared to their M! counter parts, but the CMCs are much closer to being the same ponies in both worlds. Less so Apple Bloom because of her family being more business savvy, but Sweetie and Scootaloo are nigh impossible to distinguish.

If we forge a group of foals in the Lunaverse let us like the L6 use less prominent characters. RDD is already planing on pairing up Dinky with Pipsqueak, so that's a good starting point to work from.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

319612 Applebloom is pretty much the Silver Spoon of the Lunaverse. She had a few lines in ONE episode, then appeared once silent and then that's pretty much it. Silver Spoon is pretty inconsequential in the grand scheme of thing in the Maneverse. Applebloom doesn'T NEED to appear, this isn't her or her sister's show ya know?

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

Exactly, if she can provide a convenient side roll for the adventures of Dinky, and later Pipsqueak, then that's all good and well, but we don't need to go out of our way to develop her into anything more than she already is.

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