Humanized Ponies! 3,473 members · 5,606 stories
Comments ( 18 )
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I want to start an adventure fic structured similarly to a Legend of Zelda type of adventure. But I can't seem to make a choice. Should it be humanized ponies or regular ponies?

Personally, I see it being most easily conveyed through a humanized medium. But there's also the fact that ponies can use swords and go on adventures. Anyone care to give me an opinion?

1121286 It would be easier to do it with humanized, but you'd probably get more views if you use ponies.

I'd go humanized but that's just me. :moustache:

1121286 You could try anthropomorphic?

1121330 God no. Anthros are freaky, dude.

1121341 Can't argue there...although, they make good warriors.


And you asked this post in the Humanized Ponies Group- LET THE BIAS BEGIN

Real men like their pony adventure fics like they like their woman: Human.


I'm doing a fantasy/adventure story myself, and after a lot of internal debate I ended up deciding on humanized because I just didn't like the way my action sequences turned out with ponies... I know it's going to cost me some views (ok, probably a lot of views, :applejackconfused:), but I like to follow the rule 'write what you know'. I don't know all that much about horse combat, :twilightoops:

1121861 I've come to the same conclusion.:rainbowkiss:

I-I'll read it. Humanized adventure is something that comes out once in a blue moon, so I lap it up if it's decent.

Human. Ask yourself: How would a pony use a sword"? Hm? HMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmm?

Whatever makes more sense for the story. Also, be sure that it will fall under the posting requirements if you go human so that it can get on the site.

I'd probably go with anthro or humanized. Either one works, as far as I'm concerned.

I like my adventure stories humanised, but that's just me


Sad as it is, if you want views... you will need to do it pony. If that matters, then do it pony. Strangely, it does matter to me... yet, I have not wavered. I don't think I could write what I do pony style.


Ask and ye shall receive; I just got the first chapter approved.

That Brony Over There, I wanna read yours when you post it too! :rainbowdetermined2:

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