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Comment posted by Rubyfire377 deleted Aug 25th, 2014

I Rubyfire I well give out prompt ideas for anyone to take and here they are

belly rubs
gender change

I'm gonna claim Renegade.

Here's Renegade.

“GDI Infantry barracks under attack.” EVA, their base’s AI called out.

Six red, black and silver blocky tanks rolled toward their target, a building serving as their enemy’s barracks. Instead of traditional tank cannons, they bore a pair of large flamethrowers on each side of their turrets.

“We’ve got Flamers incoming! Can you distract them, Luna?” Twilight talked into her headset from her sniping perch. She watched over the entrance to her team’s base and picked off any NOD soldiers that dared to venture into her sights.

“Consider it done.” A powerful engine fired up and a Mammoth tank rolled out of the War Factory, intent on destroying the incoming attack force. “I bet my sister is leading this charge. Take her tank down and the rest will fall in the resulting disarray.” Twilight looked over the flame tanks to see explosions ring out against their hulls.

“Agreed, but I can’t do anything to them with my rifle.” Twilight secured her rifle across her back, grabbing her explosive charges as she ran down the hill she’d hunkered down on. Quickly building speed, her wings opened and she leapt into the air.

“Fluttershy, could you help repair my tank quickly?” Luna watched as the first two flame tanks had closed enough distance to start burning away her armor.

“Oh, um, I’m on my way.” The Mammoth tank was quickly starting to melt away under the tanks’ heat.

“Please hurry. I have gotten their attention and they are none too pleased to see me.” Luna called out calmly, but inside she was scared the battle was already lost. Six on one was not good odds, even for a Mammoth tank. As she backed away slowly from the two tanks, she hit a button triggering her tank’s rocket pods. Six missiles screamed from their homes and slammed into the two tanks, blowing them and their occupants apart.

As she turned to the other four tanks, she only spotted two. “I’ve lost two of them, Twilight. I fear they’re–”

“GDI Refinery under attack.” EVA called out.

“–At our refinery.”

Pumping her wings harder, Twilight screamed through the sky to their refinery. It was tall, even moreso for a building supposedly mostly underground. Circling around it with flames spewing were the two missing Flame tanks, intent on burning it to the ground.

Taking stock of her explosive charges, she all but threw two at each tank, followed by a timed charge. ‘Hopefully it’ll stay alive long enough.

The rest of their team had noticed the attack and was only now moving to respond with technician ponies moving in to patch up the refinery before it was destroyed.

Luna loosed a warcry as she fired her freshly reloaded rocket pods and fired her cannons, annihilating the last two tanks to face her. A sniper took out the two pilots a second later.

As the timers finally ticked to zero, two explosions rang out on the last two tanks’ hulls. Twilight gave them no time to recover as she hit her own remote detonator, blowing them to kingdom come. She brought her rifle out and picked off both pilots before they could get to cover.

“I got the last two tanks, Luna.” Twilight landed next to the barracks to restock on ammo.

“Good job, just finished my third and fourth here. Thanks for the help, Fluttershy.”

“You’re welcome, Luna,” was Fluttershy’s reply as the dust settled after the last flame tank had exploded.

Twilight spoke up again, “Did you kill Celestia? She wasn’t in either of the tanks I took out.”

“No, she was not…” The Mammoth’s turret slowly surveyed the base, looking for a sign.

“Nuclear Strike beacon deployed.” The voice droned again.

“Crap! Find it! Finditfinditfindit!” Twilight called out as she took to wing again.

“Warning! Nuclear strike approaching.” EVA’s voice drowned out any conversation. “You have thirty seconds to reach minimum to reach minimum safe distance.”

Thirty seconds, please hurry!

Twilight soared over to the War Factory, listening intently for the telltale pinging sound of the beacon.

“Twenty five.” After a few seconds, it wasn’t there.

“Twenty.” She sped toward the barracks.

A voice called out loudly over their radio, “The AGT! It’s at the AGT!”

Not even slowing down, Twilight turned and made a beeline for their only major defensive structure, the Advanced Guard Tower. Though it wasn’t much help against the tanks, its many miniguns would tear an infantry strikeforce to pieces.


Luna soared up next to her, Mammoth tank left behind. “We’ve got this, Twily. You just keep me covered and this little nuke won’t stand a chance.” She touched her wingtip against Twilight’s softly.

Luna spotted the beacon next to the tower, flashing red ominously. She dove, tucking her wings in. As her hooves hit the ground, she already had her repair gun out and aimed at the beacon.


“Cover us!” Luna yelled, spotting Fluttershy landed right next to her and they both unleashed a disarming beam at the beacon. It would take several seconds, but working together it would go even faster.

“Five.” A red beam of light whipped past Luna’s head. Surprised, she ducked as she tried to keep her beam focused on the beacon. It seems Celestia played for keeps this time. Twilight looked up to see a missile in the sky, pointed directly at their base.


“SBH! SBH! I see her!” A shot rang out and the beams suddenly stopped. Celestia’s Stealth Black-Hand character suddenly became visible as it slumped to the ground.

“Three.” From her readout, Luna could see they would finish in time! ‘We did it! We win!

“We got it this time, sister!” Luna jumped for joy.

“Two.” Twilight could almost make out the fake-serial number on the missile it was so close.


“Nuclear Strike Beacon disarmed.” And almost like magic, the missile vanished.

Twilight landed next to Luna as a chorus of cheers came across her headset. Crisis averted!

“Now, Twilight, let us take the fight to my sister,” Luna spoke, stomping a hoof on the ground. “If she intends to play for keeps, let us play for keeps.”

Twilight smirked as Luna made her way back to her tank. ‘Oh, ‘Tia. It’s totally on for that.’ As Luna’s tank slowly made its way out of the base, Twilight stopped off at the barracks one last time. To pick up an Orbital Ion Strike beacon.

Gdocs link to copy formatting easier. Extra points if you get what game that's from! (Hint: The prompt's part of its title.)

I remember playing that game so much. Like seriously, if I'dve played the hours I played the game in one go, I'm looking at a majority of a year (>5000 hrs is roughly 208 days straight.) I can tell you with a straight face that something like this happened on a fairly regular basis (Minus the flying, because there were only flying vehicles.) Man that was a fun game.

The new prompt is Orbit. I don't think that one's been done.

Edit - Changed italics tags out for bold because I'm an idiot.

Group Contributor


Claiming Dragons


Thank you very much! I'm glad you liked it enough to give a look-through of my other stuff, even if you've already read it before.

Current prompts list;
Belly Rubs
Gender Change

Also claiming Insomnia.

Claimed Prompt: Marriage

As of now, the New Year was only moments away. The fireworks were being set up, the parties were in full swing and the hype was all across the nation. However, this year was unique, bigger and better than any other. Tonight, the wedding of the century would be taking place--

--or, it would have been, anyway. If one of the brides wasn’t missing.

In the secluded part of the library in Canterlot Castle, pacing back and forth, Twilight Sparkle was ridiculously anxious. Every one of her nerves were on edge, and by now, she knew that she had run a crease into the carpeting. She had ran off just before she was supposed to walk down the aisle, and now what?

She couldn’t go back now; even if she was courageous enough to do so. She would look like a fool, on her own wedding day.

Twilight let out a sigh, and flopped down onto one of the lush chairs. Her gown was torn and tattered, her mane was ruined and her makeup was streaked because of the earlier stress crying. Even for somepony who didn’t care too much about appearance, she knew that she looked like a wreck.

She wanted to get married, she did--

--but she also didn’t.

Twilight nearly jumped out of the seat as she noticed a shadow on the walls. However, when the pony exposed themself, she felt her heart sink.

“Luna,” she muttered.

“You left me waiting at the altar,” Luna said, with a halfhearted smile.

“I… I know,” Twilight whispered shamefully.

She curled up and looked away. She swatted her dress, and let out a sigh.

With a smidgen of hesitation, Luna eventually made her way over and sat down next to Twilight, who was visibly distraught.

“Sorry,” she mumbled as she hung her head. “I shouldn’t have ran off. I just ruined our own wedding.”

“Nonsense,” Luna declared. She placed her hoof over Twilight’s, and she gave a reassuring smile. “You did no such thing. We may have missed it, but you most certainly did not destroy it. After all, I wouldn’t want to marry a nervous wreck, would I?”

“You’re not helping,” Twilight said, with a soft chuckle.

“Listen to me,” Luna whispered. “I could care less if you don’t want to get married at all. That’s fine, so long as I know that you love me, it doesn’t matter.”

“I know, I know,” Twilight replied. “But that’s the thing: I want to marry you, I really do. There isn’t a doubt in my mind, it’s the crowd that’s killing me. Is there anyway we could-” She scoffed, and rolled her eyes. “Oh, who am I kidding? It’s not like we can go to Las Pegasus and get married by a Sapphire Shores lookalike. That’s for on-the-run couples, not us. We could never pull it off.”

Luna pursed her lips, and tapped her chin thoughtfully. “Well, if we use transformation spells--”

Twilight rolled her eyes playfully. “Don’t finish that sentence,” she smirked.

Luna let out a laugh. “Technically, we could, though,” she defended.

Twilight kissed her lover’s cheek, releasing a soft chuckle. “What am I going to do with you?” she teased.

Luna gave a half-hearted shrug. “I would say marry me, but you screamed that answer loud enough for all of Equestria to hear a few months back,” she replied, with a smirk.

Twilight giggled. “That was embarrassing,” she admitted.

She hesitated for a moment, and then she kissed Luna on the lips softly.

“We’ll get married on the next New Year,” she suggested. “Small ceremony. No news broadcasters. We won’t even have the ceremony in the Castle. Just family and friends.” She raised an eyebrow. “Who invited the Duchesses of Scoltland and Trottingham anyway?”

“I haven’t the faintest idea,” Luna said. “But, it’s a good thing I grabbed this on my way here.” She reached back and pulled something out from between her feathers. It shimmered in the dim light, and she smiled. “You won’t have a problem being engaged, will you?”

“Of course not,” Twilight murmured, as her smile grew.

She blushed when Luna kissed her and slid the ring onto her hoof. In the distance, a few fireworks went off, and now… the New Year was officially here. Twilight made a resolution silently to herself; let love run it’s course. The wedding was a splendid idea, but she would have a while.

Marriage could wait.

I had plans for this idea. I'm talkin' multi-chapter with way more cuteness and some shenangins... but this happened. Le sigh.
New Prompt: THIS IS MY JAM!

Prompt: Insomnia
"Luna?" Twilight asked as she walked on the balcony of Luna's suite in Canterlot Castle.

"Good evening Twilight" said the mare who sat the edge of the balcony gazing at the city and beyond.

Twilight shook her head, "You know evening is long past us, I know you can feel the time by the movements of the moon and sun."

Luna sighed as Twilight closed the distance to sit next to her, "I am aware of the hour. I am tired but my mind is also uneasy."

"This has been how many nights that I find you seating here saying that we tired and unable to sleep?"

"One could certainly count but it has been far too often." Luna looked at Twilight, "Though I just as often find you out in the night here or in Ponyvile for the same reason."

Twilight sighed, "Seems like we both have issues sleeping."

Luna nodded, "It is rather ironic in a sense. The nights were when I used to be awake but there is less need for that than before. There are less monsters that prowl so near settlements and fewer enemies who so threaten our borders. I may spend some nights running the Lunar Court or some element of my half of the Diarchy but not to the same extent as before when mine and my sister's duties were more strictly divided."

Twilight leaned herself in allowing herself to rest slightly on the larger mare, "You still patrol the Realm of Dreams, you still guard us from dangers even if it less physical than what it once was. But I have noticed you sleeping less since the more recent…. crisis."

Luna wrapped a wing around Twilight before sighing again, "Part of my problem rests with the escape of Tirek. Tirek when I was a foal was told as a foalhood story meant to scare us to behave. Tirek the Endless Devourer whose maw was infinite and he hunted down all without impunity seeking their magics to add and bolster his own. I may not have been a foal for many long millenniums but his story still resonates with me."

"I have heard of Tirek in a few tales here and there but I never imagine how terrifying he would be in person. Even diminished he still seemed more, more than the terror Nightmare Moon inspired, more than the madness of Discord, more than the destruction that Chrysalis wrought, more than the hatred that Sombra cloaked himself in." Twilight shuddered, "He was more, more in ways I couldn't even begin to put into words."

"Tirek's return has set me on edge and as a result, I have slept poorly as of late. It is not entirely from old foalhood stories but from the feeling of being drained and being powerless to stop him." Luna's eyes hardened, "I was once known as a terror and not just for Nightmare Moon! I led our armies to face terrifying foes that we could seldom imagine exist in the bare light of the day!" Luna sighed and her eyes became downcast, "Being so powerless is far too much like when I was a Dusk Bringer. I was young during the waning years of the Kingdom of Unicornia; for me and many others the unification seemed to be a long awaited godsend. It finally ended the long fighting and uncertainty, for a time we thought we were safe, safe from fighting with other ponies and safe knowing we had a new land to call our own. Then Discord came…. In the Years of Madness we fled to the Everfree, the only sanctuary in the chaotic storm and there we stayed. For so long we were unable to bring down the Mad Tyrant from his ever shifting throne. After we did I knew I never wished to feel so…. helpless again. Yet Tirek in his endless hunger for magics brought me down again, down to where I never wished to be again…. How could I feel safe enough to sleep, to rest again? I fear that this is a mere lull before the next threat." Luna gave a dark smile, "All those threats sealed so long ago seem to be awaking from their slumber once more. I know not of all the terrors and monsters that I and others before me have locked away only for their imprisonment to be lost to time."

Twilight hearing this only leaned in closer, "I can't even imagine anything like that. You are right; this world is so different than the one you once knew. Ancient beings aside this is an age of peace, ponies have been safer than ever before and not just from the Royal Guards and the Equestrian Army that protects us but other nations have likewise settled. So few nations are willing to fight once more on the battlefield knowing that advances in magic and technology would render our world uninhabitable and yet and the same time many have come to enjoy the prosperity this peaceful age has brought." Twilight paused for moment before leaning to nuzzle Luna, "I know what you mean though about Tirek. You've been finding me here as much I've been finding you here far too late in the night. I haven't slept well either with Tirek's rampage still running in my mind." Twilight sighed, "I can imagine him destroy my home, my friends, my family, everyone and everything. Nothing would stop his endless quest. We came so close to losing everything, no other threat came as close as he did in destroying everything. I understand what you mean by how it seems we're in a state of peace now only for another ancient evil to return. But the peace, the downtime is certainly something we should appreciate. I learned before that worrying endless about the future does nothing, there are some things we can change and others we can't but we'll face them when it comes."

Luna stood up and offered a hoof to Twilight. Once both we're sanding did Luna speak, "Thank you, I know I should not worry so but Tirek was a powerful reminder of the terror I once knew. The hour is growing ever late but perhaps we could still have a few hours rest." Twilight nodded hearing the unspoken request to stay and followed Luna back inside.

New Prompt: Mythology

Group Contributor


As a side note, Dragons has spawned a story that is too big for me to write in a day. I'm still going to write it, but the prompt itself is open for anyone to take.

Claiming Kismet.

Note to future self: Writing first person present tense is hard. I'm still not entirely happy with this, but in the spirit of the prompts I don't want to go too far over my 24 hour limit :)

(I have no idea how people do 30 or 60 minute fics...)


"I wish he'd come home soon," asks a pegasus mare, the first petitioner at my Stellar Court tonight. I smile, and grant her wish, without ever laying eyes on her.

There are four princesses in Equestria, and as such there are four courts - Solar, Lunar, Crystal and Stellar - but they are four very different things, managed by four very different princesses.

The Solar court dealt with affairs secular - government, money, power, and so on, and was based in Canterlot. The Crystal court, as might surprise nopony, was one for matters of the heart, and primarily dealt in marriage and negotiation, and was firmly based in the Crystal Empire - though Cadance occasionally had a habit of appearing where she was needed, without warning or explanation.

It seems to be a thing about pink mares. Two data points is a trend, right?

The Lunar court, on the other hand, had no physical basis at all, and dealt in dreams and mysticism, secrecy and knowledge.

But my court is everywhere, throughout the night.

All you had to do was wish upon a star.

Magic. Friendship. Stars. Wishes. Fate. It all tied together, and though I might not be able to provide the direct rule of Celestia, the knowledge of Luna, or the empathy of Cadance, I could guide the stars themselves, the fates of ponies, and nudge...

Fate, destiny, kismet, call it what you will, but it held a lot of power over the lives of ponies. Before or after my ascension, there would have been few who understood that more than me.

The stars shimmer, and circumstances change... a path becomes easier, a yearning for home becomes stronger... and two long-separated ponies become fated to soon come together again.

I smile. Cadance would be pleased.

"I wish I can do well on my test tomorrow!" hopes a young unicorn stallion.

I laugh at that. On the one hand, it's kind of cheating... but I could appreciate a pony doing everything he could to do his best on the test.

As I gave him a boost to his focus, removing distractions and providing clarity, I realise I recognise the pony. Not personally, but... well, the funny thing about fate is that time is kind of an... optional thing. The stars exist beyond the time and space we know and understand, and provide their fate widely.

And though I received the wish tonight, and granted it tonight, the test in question was years ago. I remember seeing the touch of altered fate on him then, not knowing why - well, he seemed fairly happy then, so hopefully he'll take advantage of this opportunity...

"I wish I could get my cutie mark," wishes a young earth pony colt, staring out his window.

I chuckle - that was a common one. I remember, long ago, a young filly begging me for just that same thing, but at the time, there was nothing I could do…

Once, Celestia had told me, they were called 'kismet marks', the marks of fate; not even she or her sister knew when or who that got corrupted into the modern wording...

I could do it, now. I embody the twinkling points of fate, and I could force them to grant a cutie mark for that colt. I could probably even choose it myself, and he'd never truly know it had happened...

But of course, I would never twist fate like that. It's best to keep a light touch, because every fate touches every other fate around them. I didn't railroad ponies into their destinies - I had no intention of living a pony's life for them - but I could create opportunities, guidance...

And even though I didn't know that colt myself, nor what he sought to do, the stars knew him, and given instruction, gave him the opportunity... I wouldn't be surprised if, should chance lead me to see him in the weeks to come, he would be proudly displaying the new image on his flank...

"I wish my mother would get better," cries an earth pony mare to the heavens, from her rooftop.

My smile vanishes. Not all the wishes are happy, for fate had its limits, and this wish is beyond them.

The connections in the stars tell me that the mother has little time remaining. Perhaps I could extend that by a day or two with a bit of power, but at this time...

The heavens shift - with nothing more than a twinkle seen below - and bring a measure of peace to the crying mare, and to her mother. I link together her friends and other family, guiding them to stay close, to offer support in her time of need. It is the best I can do, and hopefully it will help them through their time of loss. I’ve never met the mare, or her mother, but I still have to hold back a tear or two.

I sigh, looking something more encouraging after that...

"I wish I had someone to love me," gripes a miserable young mare from a balcony.

Ahh, that was the sort of thing I was after.

I throw forth the nets of fate, letting the stars decide, setting in motion events that would lead a likely partner to this young mare. An easy piece of work, though the rest woul--


No, wait, what?

What is... ahhhhh!

Power! Power streaming out, as the heavens shake! I think I'm screaming, my horn is burning, the rest of my body numb as the careless change I set in motion cascades. I don't think I've ever handled power like this in a single spell before, not even when I had all the powers of the other three together, and it's only getting stronger!

The little part of my mind sitting aside and watching the torrents of power seems somehow detached, shunted out of my body to watch as if it's happening to somepony else. I can't even remember the last time I even felt the slightest bit drained from the use of magic, but right now I can feel my reserves growing emptier. The change is chewing through my magic like Pinkie through a five-layer cake, and I can't stop it, and if it doesn't stop soon I'm going to have nothing left and nobody will ever...

...And then it finally stops without warning, shoving my mind back in control of my body and leaving me to collapse in a heap on the ground, barely dregs left of my power, panting and unable to move.

What in Tartarus was that?

It was just a wish to find someone to love! What on earth would make that use enough power to tear the stars from the sky?

When I can focus again, I try to extend my mind back into the heavens, and soon enough find that that is apparently exactly what I have done. Instead of the subtle movements that guide fate, my magic has torn stars from their places, setting them free-wheeling on a new path. One, two, three… no, four stars... why does that sound familiar?

Who made that wish?

I follow it back to its source, seeking more knowledge of the wisher, and see a young, purple unicorn mare - barely into adolescence - slumped miserably on Canterlot castle's balcony... her dark mane blending into the night except for a pink streak o--



Oh Celestia, I remember... I'd been excited to hang out with Shiny, but he'd been dragged off by Cadance... and Celestia was busy, and so were my teachers... and I didn't have any other friends yet...

It had just been a little lonely fit of teenage angst, years before I had even first gone to Ponyville. Forgotten the next day, when I'd gone to visit my parents, but I just had that one little moment of feeling lost, alone and unloved...

And I'd wished, without thinking...

But, why would that tear free four stars from the sky, to...

And then suddenly the door to my chambers crashes open, tearing me away from the stars and the past to the present, and the presence of a mighty Alicorn warrior.

Luna blazes with power, the sparks of her etheral mane hissing and flicking, clad in armour of darkness and wielding a blade of moonlight and energy, an avenging valkyrie staring around the room.

"Twilight Sparkle! What has happened here? We felt your surge from Canterlot and feared you under attack! Are you hurt?"

And I stare at the dark mare before me, who had rushed to my defence, from Canterlot to Ponyville in minutes, ready to smite...

The fates... the stars didn't demand, or force... they just provided opportunities. And the best opportunity for love for me had brought about...

The stars shall aid in her escape.

Unable to help myself, I burst out laughing. Still weak from the incredible working I had wrought, I lose my balance entirely and collapse to one side, laughing joyously, as a bemused Luna looks on.

"Are you well, Twilight? What has happened here?" Her armour and weapon begin to fade away as she sees no immediate danger, and trots over to me to help me up.

As I finally regain control of myself I let her guide me to my hooves, looking over the mare before me in a new light as she checks me for hurt. She’s rather beautiful - of course she is, she’s one of the Princesses - but I’ve never before found my eyes lingering across her star-speckled form as they do now. Of course, I probably look a mess - using that sort of power is never easy on the mane.

It had been a wish in the heat of the moment, given with all the conviction of a spurned teenager but forgotten soon after, given no more thought in all the years since. I'd not given any consideration to such matters since I ascended, let alone with Luna, but...

Opportunity is opportunity, and who am I to argue with the kismet I give myself?

"I think..." I smile knowingly as I meet the eyes of the confused and worried Princess of the Night. "I think it might possibly have been the start of something beautiful."

Before I wrote this, I was actually under the impression "Kismet" referred specifically to bad fates... probably because I first saw the word (or at least a word based on it) in Homestuck. Nope, turns out it just refers to fate/destiny in general.

New prompt: Cause and effect

That was pretty awesome.

3582840 Thank you ^.^

And clearly not even a little bit inspired by Tundara's "The Longest Night." Nope, not at all. :)

That was incredible!
Also I think i'm going to claim Gender Change:twilightsheepish:


Gonna try my hand at this. Claiming Shadows

Reclaiming Gender Change


I remember, I was with Luna in a diplomatic meeting with the Griffin council. They had threatened war over not being informed beforehand that Equestria was to have another princess, like it was a slight made purposefully against them.

We tried everything we could to placate them. In the end, it was decided that I was to meet with their council. Celestia had been too busy dealing with our own whining upper class, so Luna volunteered to be my only escort (She had persuaded the guards assigned to us to stay behind.).

The meeting had been going well. At least, I thought it was. It was kind of hard to pay attention what with Luna using her magic to constantly tease me throughout the session. I made a special note to make sure she paid dearly for that later.

Everything was fine until one of them, the head of the Skytalon clan, said something about not expecting Nightmare Moon to be so reasonable. I remember that moment perfectly, because Luna’s latest assault ceased, the room went silent, and a chill blew through the air, even though it was the middle of summer.

It was meant as a joke, of course. A poor joke, but a joke none the less.

I expected to find myself high above the tower, watching it and its inhabitants crumble to dust in a few moments. Or maybe that’s what I wanted to happen. Or maybe it’s what I wanted to do.

“And We had expected the leaders of such a proud race to be far less incompetent. It seems only one of us is pleased,” Was her reply and by the looks on their faces, far more effective than bringing down the tower.

Apparently their guards took offense to that. I remember a click, and a flash of silver. Then, nothing.

For a short time, anyway. I awoke on a cobblestone floor, four stone pillars evenly placed around me with a single brazier on each. Other than that, though, there was darkness. It probably should have bothered me the way the shadows seemed to consume everything the light from the lit braziers didn't touch, but when you wake up more often than not in the unnatural darkness of the Princess of the Night’s bedroom, you tend to get used to it.

I rose to my hooves and a loud, deep, male voice spoke through the darkness.

“ Twilight,” It boomed. I took a reflexive step back before lighting my horn, bringing my magic to the ready. “Twilight! Yes you! You are dead!”

Dead? But how could I be dead? I can still feel my body and I’m still breathing. There was that flash and… Oh No! If I’m dead, what happened to Luna? I began to panic, looking in every direction for whatever was talking. I heard shuffling from my side and turned to face it, magic at the ready.

I fell to my haunches and stared slack-jawed at the being that emerged from the shadows. It was a short, bipedal skeleton. The top of its head – most of which was blocked by a scroll floating in front of him - barely rose to my chest. He – I guessed it was a he from the voice – wore a black robe and green shoes, both of which were too long at the ends. In one hand, he carried a scythe, in the other a megaphone, which squealed when he attempted to speak into it again.

“Deader than a – “He was interrupted by the squeal “ – bloody ridiculous contraption!” He yelled, and threw it to the side where it disappeared into the shadows. “Can’t be arsed with it right now anyway, so many Griffins to be processed.”

Without the megaphone his voice was a much higher pitch and took on a Trottingham accent. “You know what’s nice about Griffins? Even though they’re half cat, they die just the same as eagles. None of that ‘nine lives’ crap. Bloody pain in the arse that is.”

“Who are you?” I managed to ask, finally shaking myself out of the stupor from seeing a walking, talking skeleton.

He waved a bony hand at me, still staring at the scroll. “My name’s Gregg, the Grim Reaper. Don’t laugh.”

Seems a bit short to be a Grim Reaper, I thought.

He brought a finger up to the scroll and began moving it down. Even without seeing it, I knew it was a checklist. I already liked him.

“Here we are: Twilight. Surname?”


“Ah, a pony. Don’t seem many of you these days. Guess it’s not all sunshine and rainbows up there after all. Now then, race?”

“Um, Alicorn.”

“Right, Alicorn…” He trailed off, the scroll disappeared and he finally looked at me. It wasn’t long before he began shaking and rubbing his head. “There’s another one of you? They went and made another bloody Alicorn.” He groaned.

“Is something wrong?”

“Yes. You’re like those bloody cats. Such a pain the arse. You’re a special case.”

“Special case?” Maybe I can use that to get out of here.

He stopped his head shaking to look at me. “You Alicorns live so long as the magic you are connected to flows through the world,” he explained, not bothering to hide the annoyance in his voice.

“So I’m not dead?”

“No, you’re dead, but not quite. Any time you die, you will be sent here while your body recovers. Just like those bloody cats. Hate those things.”

“I noticed.”

“Well aren’t you the snarky little smart arse? Now look here, just because your body recovers doesn’t mean you get to leave. I have to send you back. I do have other dead souls to deal with, so don’t expect me immediately, got that?”

“Of course. But, um, I was kind of in the middle of something important, could you send me back?”

“Yes, yes, whatever. Don't make a habit of this.” He snapped his bony fingers and a larger hand picked me up by the tail. Even through the wind rushing past my ears I could hear him. “Immortal bloody horses. At least they don’t piss everywhere like the cats.”

I awoke again, this time in the hooves of Luna. Before I could say anything, her lips were against mine. When she pulled away, there were no tears as I had expected, instead she was grinning.

“First time meeting Gregg?” She asked, her voice teasing.

“Yeah… Hey, Luna? Why does he hate cats so much?”

“I do not know, Twilight. Perhaps we should ask him the next time we meet.”

I laughed. “I don’t intend to be dying again anytime soon.”

Her grin only became wider. “Are you so sure?” A hoof guided my head, turning it to face a legion of Griffins charging right at us.

Kinda got carried away and my foresight is forever blind. It's a little over a thousand words. I hope that's alright.

Promt: Circles

3589865 I was laughing through pretty much the whole thing, this is great. I really like Gregg

That was epic, Kean. Laughing and coughing (Still sick!) the entire time.

Reclaiming Gender Change
Last time I hope.:facehoof:


Glad you guys liked it. It's actually the first thing I've written.

Though, I can't take credit for Gregg. I, er, borrowed him from this:

Which I thought I linked at the end. No more posting when I'm half asleep.
I may have mixed somethings up with it and the remade version, now that I think about it. Oops :twilightoops:

I'm going to claim Belly Rubs, but the idea I've got for it is iffy at best. We'll see how it pans out and if it turns into something I'm happy with.

Well, here's Belly Rubs

Luna looked up from her book as a knock sounded at her door. She made her way over and opened it up. “Twilight! What a pleasant surprise. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

Twilight absently kicked at the floor with a hoof as she spoke, “Ah. Princess Celestia may have mentioned that you were getting a little shut-in after Nightmare Night. She called me up to see if I could help!”

Luna looked back to the massive stack of books she’d finished in the last week. “I can see where ‘Tia thought that, yes. Oh! Come, I know one way to have some fun, even at night!”

Twilight followed Luna to one of the largest hallways in the castle. From its look, it’d been freshly waxed and polished.

“Come! Let us slide like foals! ‘Tis a most enjoyable ride!” At her own words, Luna took off running, before flopping down on her belly, sliding.

Twilight looked on like Luna had gone insane as the latter reached the end of the hallway.

“Twilight! Come join me! You must try this activity!” Luna was already halfway back.

Shrugging, Twilight stepped forward. “Alright, Luna. I’ll give it a try.”

Not a minute later, the pair ended up sliding across the freshly polished floor on their stomachs.

Luna yelled and hollered the entire time, and she looked over to Twilight to see the unicorn’s body heaving as a hoof covered her mouth.

Luna paused as Twilight froze. “Twilight, are you… ticklish?”

Twilight’s ears pinned back as she failed to send a convincing look Luna’s way. “No. I am not!”

“Then maybe you would not mind if I did–” With a wing, Luna reached out and flipped Twilight before she stroked a hoof along the smaller mare’s barrel. “–this!” The hoof suddenly shot to Twilight’s belly, rubbing and teasing her vigorously. The purple mare nearly instantly gave herself away before the first laugh escaped her.

“No! Stop! Please!” Twilight was laughing uncontrollably from her torturer’s actions.

“What was that? I cannot hear you over your delighted squealing.” Standing over Twilight, Luna added her wings to the mix.

“Stop! Please! Mercy!” Twilight cried out, she felt a familiar feeling . “Luna! Stop, please!” Luna’s speed only increased further. “I gotta pee-hee-hee!”

“Oh fie. I guess that I must stop, lest you have an accident.” Luna’s wings retreated, but her hoof still held Twilight as they both laughed for several seconds. “That does not mean I will not tickle you again.” The hoof released Twilight, and she stepped out from under the larger mare.

What’s with all the yelling out here? Some of us are trying to sleep!” A large white mare rounded the corner at the end of the hallway.

“Meteors and stardust! My sister! Run!” Luna took wing and was soon out of sight. Twilight was left behind, frozen in fear as her mentor nearly stomped up to her.

Celestia’s anger melted as she noticed her most faithful student. “T-Twilight? What are you doing out here?”

“I-I…” Twilight’s eye twitched rapidly and Celestia looked on as Twilight.exe stopped working. While waiting for Twilight’s brain to reboot, she drew her student into a hug, hoping to calm her down.

After a moment, Twilight seemed to have returned to consciousness, actively returning her hug. “Now, Twilight, would you mind explaining what you were doing out here yelling about?”

In a small, pitiful voice Twilight replied, “Don’ wanna.”

Celestia asked again, “Please, Twilight?”

Even softer came the reply, “No… too embarrassing.”

“I’m sure whatever it is can’t be that bad.”

Twilight’s head shot up, nearly catching her horn on Celestia’s jaw. “Can’t be that bad?!” Twilight found her voice as she shrieked, “Can’t be that bad! Luna found out I’m ticklish! Then she nearly tickled me until I peed myself!” Twilight’s eyes widened, and she suddenly buried her head in Celestia’s fur, weeping openly.

Celestia hushed and cradled Twilight until she fell asleep against her. Standing up, she set Twilight on her back and made her way to Luna’s room. Not even bothering to knock, she entered, finding Luna reading a book.

“Sister. We need to talk.”

“Itwasnotmyfault!” Luna surprisedly leapt to the other side of her bed, before misjudging and falling off.

“Luna. Please.” Celestia set Twilight down on the bed, before sitting next to her. Twilight unconsciously curled herself into Celestia’s warmth.

Luna looked away sadly. “I am sorry for being so loud tonight, sis–”

Celestia interrupted her. “Luna.”

“–ter. I did not mean to–” Luna was interrupted, a little louder this time.


Her head snapped back around to face her sister. “Yes, ‘Tia?”

“You still think I’m angry about being woken up?” She motioned to Twilight, tear streaks and snot still on the youngest mare’s face. Luna’s eyes widened.

“Oh meteors. What happened?”

“You tickled her, Luna. Without her permission. After you ditched her, she was inconsolable and cried herself to sleep in my hooves.” Celestia’s stern look said it all.

“I-I just…” Luna’s eyes had tears. “I was just having fun, ‘Tia. I didn’t mean anything by it.”

“I know you didn’t, but did she?” Celestia’s wing wrapped around Twilight. “The way you left her behind in a hurry said a lot to her, too, I imagine.”

Luna’s face turned resolute. “I will make it up to her. I swear.”

Celestia added, “And no tickling. Not without permission.”

Luna nodded. “That as well. No tickling without permission.”

A third voice joined. “And ice cream for all.” Celestia surprisedly looked down into her wing.

Luna chanted. “Ice cream for all!” Then her brain registered what had been said. “Wait, what?”

“Luna. Ice cream,” Celestia said as she pointed to the door. “Three bowls, please.”

“Three? But it is-” Celestia lifted her wing, revealing Twilight attempting to clean herself up. “Three it is. For what it is worth, Twilight, I am sorry.”

Twilight smiled. “No apologies necessary, Luna. Only if you get the ice cream. But please, don’t tickle me like that again.”

Luna shook her head. “No, Twilight. I am still apologizing. What I did was wrong, and I do not know what I can do to make it up to you.”

Celestia chuckled. “I believe ice cream would be a good start.” Twilight nodded wholeheartedly.

Luna laughed. “I will be right back with the ice cream, then.”

~1060 words. Gdocs link. Copy from that link to keep the little bits of BBCode formatting.

This prompt was hard to write. Actually, that's wrong. This prompt was easy to write, but hard to implement. I had several variations on what I'd liked to do, and once I started writing, they all went out the window in favor of finding a scene and writing it to completion.

Little bit of feels (and a minor lesson for Luna) there. Didn't go the way I originally planned it, but I like it better this way. Even though it's only been an hour since I started writing, this is the second version of it. Only the first page or so survived from the original draft. Didn't even plan on having Celly show up, but that's how the scene played out! I may also have ice cream on the brain. That may have skewed things a little.

Anyways, the new prompt is: (Totally stealing this from the moonlight group, btw!) Grumpy. I wrote this one for that, and I don't believe it's been done here.

Edit - My normal editor found an oopsie. Fixed both here and in the doc.

Life has been so stupid reclaiming Gender Change

Group Contributor


Claiming Grumpy

I... am at an impasse here. I've an entry I've written, but no suitable prompt to put it under currently. If I had my perfect prompt, it would be note. Push comes to shove, I could pigeonhole it into circles.

Curse you weird muses! You have me write excellent little things for prompts that don't exist!

I got dibs on Gender Change.


Does this look like a current (unclaimed) prompt list?






Cause and effect



Did you do anything with Gender change? Because, I'm finally well enough to do it and was just about to start. If you have would it be alright if I did it as well?

Laziness happens to the best of us. It'll be up tonight ^^

Gender Change

Luna stood outside her wife’s laboratory with a pursed brow. ten minutes ago she had heard a small explosion of some type from within, this in of itself was not an uncommon occurrence, though normally after a few moments of silence, Twilight’s voice would call out.

“I’m okay!”

Luna frowned as the eleven minute mark came and went and still nothing from Twilight, Luna, wasn’t to concerned, after all, it took a lot to injure an alicorn seriously. Finally though at the twelve minute mark she snorted and opened the door. “Twilight? Twilight art thou… er are you alright beloved?”


Luna lit up her horn to better see and slowly walked down stairs, “Twilight? Twilight answer us… answer me please!” Luna hated to get worried it always caused her to slip back into ancient speech. “Twilight?”

“I… i’m alright!”

Luna felt her pulse return to normal at the sound of her beloved voice but stopped. Something was wrong it seemed far too forced? As if who ever was speaking was forcefully pitching their tone.

“Twilight are you certain you are unharmed?”

“Perfectly unharmed Luna! I promise, why um, why don’t you back upstairs? I’ll be up in just a little while ok?”

Luna frowned, but, turned to head back up the stairs when she heard a loud crash and a low curse. Her ear twitched That did not sound like my Twilight. Luna extinguished her horn and let her body sink into the shadows themselves. She took to the air and flew down into Twilight’s lab.

“You really did it to yourself this time didn’t you Sparkle?”

Luna’s eyes narrowed as she gazed at the purple pony picking itself up, the pony was larger than her wife. Luna’s teeth gritted together but she calmed herself Wait, watch, and listen. Remember what Twilight has been teaching you.

The larger pony ran a hoof through their short messy mane, and looked at the destroyed lab equipment. “Alright Sparkle think, what are you going to do? You can’t keep Luna waiting forever,and shes going to start to suspect something if you never come out of your lab again!”

Luna’s ear flicked, she took in the information in front of her readily. Alright, this pony is calling itself Sparkle, it does share the same color fur as well as the same cutie mark as our beloved. She watched the strange pony lift a fallen piece of equipment, the pony cursed then unfolded large wings and took to the air to get an aerial view of the destroyed object.

“Buck, completely destroyed.”

An alicorn, but, Luna glanced up at the hovering pony and immediately her cheeks turned red. A Male alicorn? Being as there were only four known alicorns living anywhere, Luna was forced to a conclusion. My wife is… a colt?

Twilight landed on the floor with a thump he let out a groan not at all used to his new bulk. “Alright, realistically working non stop this will take, two months to fix. Then I need to deduce what actually went wrong. There is no way I can hide this from Luna for that long. What am I going to do?” He sunk to his belly carefully rearranging himself before doing so. When he first changed he hadn’t been so careful and, well now he understood his brother’s pain. He buried his head under his hooves and tried not to scream.

Luna was certain now that this was her Twilight, her wife, and this… was covered in their vows wasn’t it? in sickness and in health? Her Twilight was most certainly ill right now. With that decided Luna walked out from the shadows and lowered herself next to her wife, draping a large wing over his back. Luna smiled as she felt him startle at the touch then settle.

“I… i was starting to lose it again wasn’t I?” He asked uncovering his head.

“You were, but I have known a long time that such was always a possibility my love, now, would you like to tell me why it is that you are a colt instead of the filly I married?”

Twilight sighed and opened his mouth but his stomach growling stymied him. He looked up at his wife with large purple eyes. “Food first? I’ve been down here all day Lulu.”

Luna nodded giving him a nuzzle, “very well, food first then an explanation.” She hesitated then licked his nose. “Come on Twily.”

New prompt- Life

Are mom Luna stories allowed?

3664292 :unsuresweetie: I'm not 100% sure, I think this collab is devoted to mostly romance...

3668315 So isthe TwiLestia and yet it contains Momlestia stories...I was just wondering if a similar situation happened here. Thanks for the answer. Darn...

Prompt - Orbit.

"Do we have any strawberries left?" - a mundane question, but asked in an odd environs, reverberating against the tight metal walls across the little station. Luna frowned and shook the container. It was dishearteningly inertialess.

"Sorry. We finished them last evening. With whipped cream." - a voice responded from somewhere inbetween metal pipes - "There should be plenty of raspberries, though." Heaving a little sigh, moon princess reached for the container. Raspberry wasn`t among her favorites, but... Beggars can`t be pickers. She scooped out hefty selection of berries, taking care not to let a single one float away, and dumped them into the shaker. A scoop of cream followed.

"Are you gonna be there long?" - she quipped, carefully doling out raspberry-laden cream onto the pancakes and rolling them up - "Hurry before your lunch floats off on a space adventure." Moments later, a lavender hoof poked out from behind the water recycler, followed by the rest of Twilight Sparkle.

"Well, that`s it." - she said matter of factly - "I fixed it, but we`re down to two hundred gallons. Next shipment`s in a week, so we`ll have to ration the water a little. Hope you don`t mind sharing showers." Luna blushed faintly. Sometimes, Twilight could be brazenly forward without even recognizing it. Considering they were still in kisses and hugs stage, sharing shower was quite a bold suggestion. Still....

"...What is it, Lulu?" - quipped lavender alicorn curiously, as her companion paused to daydream and blush. A moment later it finally dawned on Twilight just what she suggested. The blush was readily doubled. "I`m sorry, I`m sorry, I`m sorry, I didn`t mean it like that!" - she offered quickly, rubbing her hooves together nervously - "I swear, I was just thinking about water conservation."

Luna placed her wing over Twilight`s back, shushing her. "It`s OK." - she proffered back, still blushing, but quite at ease - "Nothing to be ashamed of, dear. After all, it`s just practicality, no?" Twilight grinned back gratefully. Her grin quickly grew sheepish, however, as her stomach growled. With a chuckle, Luna levitated a pancake in front of Twilight. "Say aaah, dear."

Dear Princess Celestia.

We are fine here. A little short on strawberries, but next cargo ship should be here in just a week. Terraforming of Equis Quatro is proceeding as planned. Surface temperature is down to ninety degrees in shade already. In about three weeks, we expect ammonia condensate to settle completely. It would be nice to have the comet here by then, but there is no hurry. Cooling has stabilized and even if we were to abandon the project now, the planet would go through the ice age naturally over the course of next few thousand years. Of course, with extra ice to introduce and silver iodide provoking massive downpours over the surface to stabilize the environs into quarter-oxygen atmosphere, we can expect a Green-2 class climate to establish within two years.

Additional weather restructuring will likely be necessary however, or maybe even tectonic engineering. A mountain range along the equator tends to shape the whole climate in the temperate zones to monsoon pattern, but I`m confident it`s effects can be ameliorated with some judiciously emplaced wind tunnels through the range.

How are things on Secundus? We`ve heard the news about Rarity`s new zero-g fashion line, but past that, we`ve been quite in the news void, as it were.

Speaking of news... I have to say - you were right. It`s been awkward at first, but me and Luna had reached an accord quite easily. I`m sorry for doubting your insight, and you may consider this letter an IOU for one triple-layered vanilla-strawberry-pishachio Pinkie Pie patented party cake.

Yours, Twilight Sparkle.

Next prompt - Races.

I think I'd like to go ahead and claim Mythology, if it hasn't been already. Didn't see a claim...


Does this look correct?






Cause and effect

Mythology - claimed by Night_Song



Pearple Prose
Group Contributor


Looks fine to me.

Claiming Life, btw. ^_^

Claiming Cause and effect for tomorrow afternoon. If my muse is right, it should be adorable.

Here's Cause and Effect

After an exhausting Nightmare Night festival, Princess Luna and Twilight Sparkle retired to their shared chambers to rest. The door opened and the pair practically dragged themselves through. In their magic, each pony had a large bag of candy and was roughly deposited in one corner for later.

Twilight took one look at their bed and yawned loudly. “That was fun.”

Luna was already halfway to the bed. She blinked once, “Indeed. That was entirely too much fun, but ‘tis time now for rest.” She climbed in, nearly toppling over into the satin sheets. Rolling onto her back, her wings spread and she moaned lewdly before slipping under the blanket. “Oh, that feels so nice…”

Twilight, blushing hard from Luna’s moan, climbed in right behind her, snuggling right into Luna’s larger form. Yawning again, much like a cat, she whispered, “G’night Luna.”

Luna wrapped her hooves around Twilight’s barrel, pulling the smaller alicorn close. “Sweet dreams, love,” she replied before closing her eyes.

Twilight stirred, some noise rousing her from a deep sleep. She lifted her head up and looked around to try and find the noise’s source. After several seconds she found nothing and snuggled back into her big, fluffy, blue, alicorn-shaped pillow and was asleep in seconds.

Several minutes later, she woke up again. Again, a sound disturbed her. More awake this time, she lit her horn and looked for a minute. After hearing nothing but silence, she laid her head back down to get back to sleep.

After a minute, a colossal snore ripped through the room. Now Twilight was awake. She looked at Luna, just in time for the alicorn to shift her position and snore loudly again, right into Twilight’s face.

Blinking twice, Twilight thought, ‘I’m not dealing with this now…’ She slipped out of Luna’s grasp and headed for the doors. As she reached them, she wrote a small note for Luna, stating that she’d be sleeping in Celestia’s room, and would explain later. Pinning the note to Luna’s horn and timing opening the door so as to not disturb the rest of the castle with Luna’s vigorous snores, she exited surprising the guards outside.

A small trek down a stairwell, two hallways, and back up another stairwell, she arrived at Celestia’s room. The guards looked at her funny, but didn’t stop her from entering Celestia’s room.

No sooner had she closed the door when a familiar noise ripped through the room. Twilight stood shocked. ‘Oh come on! I just want to sleep!’ She exited Celestia’s room, and made her way back to her own and Luna’s room. Yawning as she approached the door, she struck upon an idea. She retrieved a pillow and two spare blankets from her room, and made her way to the hallway, the guards giving her a queer look the entire time.

Setting the pillow on the floor outside, next to one of the guards, she finally noticed the looks. “What?”

“What are you doing out here, your highness? Aren’t you supposed to be sleeping?” The farther away of the pair asked.

“I can’t sleep. Luna’s snoring.” She laid a blanket down on the marble flooring, and a pillow on top of that.

“So? Begging your pardon ma’am, she always snores,” the other adds.

“Not like this. I’m just gonna sleep out here.” Twilight yawned and laid down on the blanket and pillow, tossing the second blanket on top of herself. She waved a hoof. “You two… just go about whatever you were doing.”

They share a look and shrug, returning to guarding two of the three triarchs.

Luna woke up feeling absolutely divine. Sitting up, she noticed Twilight was missing and a note was stuck on the tip of her horn. After reading the note, she got up and made her way out into the hall. The guards were standing in place, but were smiling softly and watching something. They hadn’t noticed her yet, so Luna investigated and found Twilight sleeping soundly next to one of them.

A soft little snore escaped Twilight, and one of the guards physically suppressed a giggle. “Yes, she’s adorable when she snores like that.” Almost as if one being, the pair jumped and spun to find Luna smiling cheekily. They opened their mouths, but Luna’s magic shut them just as quickly. She softly spoke, “No, no. I don’t need to hear any excuses. Twas but a simple prank. Anyways, what might be the reason my beloved Twilight is sleeping out here, instead of with me, or barring that, her mentor and mine sister?”

The magic around their muzzles ceased and the guard to her right opened her mouth, “Sorry. She said something about you snoring.” They both cringed, expecting a reprimand. After a moment, they looked back to their charge to find her thoughtfully looking to Twilight.

“Ah. I figured that might be the case.” Both guards raised an eyebrow questioningly. “When truly exhausted, and resting peacefully, both myself and mine sister do snore a fair bit.” That explanation garnered a knowing nod from both guards.

Luna’s horn lit and she levitated Twilight, blankets and all, back toward their room. “Now that I’m up, I’ll let her have the bed. Please, send for me when she wakes.” She tucked Twilight in, kissing her on the forehead, before making her way back out into the hallway.

It’s a beautiful morning.’ She spread her wings and launched out an open window.

927 words. Gdoc here.

Two inspirations here. The second is obvious. The first is an image I came across, (Sauce)

Was adorable in my mind. Anyways, the new prompt is Paradise.

I RubyFire have more prompt ideas too use
Making out
Video games

Claiming 'Paradise'

also I got one more prompt to use Dance Magic because I am putting this out because of this

I just love this song

Hey guys we should probably continues this are prompt collab is
Making out
Video Games
Dance Magic
if I am forgetting any prompts please tell me but anyways come on guys lets do this

Comment posted by lyra_lover777 deleted Nov 29th, 2014

I think this is the current list:






Paradise - claimed by Just A Fabulous Cat

Mythology - claimed by Night_Song


Life - claimed by Pearple Prose

Making out


Video games


Dance Magic

How are those claimed prompts coming along? I have an idea for "Life" if Pearp doesn't want it.

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