Spike Fanfictions 2,965 members · 5,610 stories
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Yeah you heard me!It's 100% true.He's so underrated,that if he left the show,no one would notice.In fact,I was on a thread on the MLP forums.It was "Underrated and Overrated Characters"Not many people said Spike was underrated.So he's so underrated,people forget he is underrated.Heck,one person said he was OVERRATED!
I never get why 90% of the fandom hates Spike.I know everyone has their own opinions,but really?THAT much people hate him?Why?He has little development?How so?From what we saw,he started as a sarcastic little ass back in season 1.Now,he actually went to a kinder brave guy.And if you want to talk about little character development,I suggest you look at Fluttershy.(I sure am gonna get hated for saying that.Oh well)He is useless?If it weren't for him,the Crystal Empire wouldn't have been saved.Plus,Twilight wouldn't even have got that far anyway.Remember when that door put her into a nightmare?If Spike hadn't come,she would have been in that nightmare forever.He always keeps Twilight calm.Like in Lesson Zero.He is even a voice of reason.He has no personality?So sarcasm,playfulness,self image,and other aren't personalities?Heck,John the Dragon(good nigga,dawg.Ya'll need to check him out.He's the shit.And yes I am black) once said he's an imperfect version of the Elements of Harmony.He is loyal to he friends,shows kindness to others,honest,and generous.Heck,he has magical fire breathe.He even has his flaws.He lusts for Rarity,glutton for gems and ice cream,greedy(Secret of My Excess),can get angry fast,envies the owl,sometimes is lazy,and has pride that he is strong and the Dragon Code is an example.He is realistic character.And has ot a potential.He is a dragon raised in a pony land.You could come up with many theories of how he came and what if he is some special kind of dragon or so?He is also the only main male character!He represents us!And yet we're busy hating on him!Heck,he isn't even that stereotypical boy who wants to do boy things.Cause we've seen his moments.Plus,I'm sure many people could relate to him.I do.
Spike is one of the most underrated characters in history of shows.Hopefully,season 4 will allow more people to notice his greatness.Blue Cheese out.

1933067 You should put some spaces between your sentences, and I agree.

Actually, his popularity has risen since season 2, and while he doesn't get the most attention or as much as he deserves, he's far from underrated. In fact, it's becoming more rare for people to actually hate him :moustache:

1933076 Really?I still see hate for him.

1933074 Sorry. I sometimes forget that.

Of course, but it's died down. And those who hate him haven't given legit reasons why they do. Most of the time it's just things like "he's dumb" or something with no actual weight.

Again, the little guy could use more attention, but he's far from underrated IMO

1933067 Spike is never underrated.

He's slowly getting some attention over the course of the show and he has us, his loyal fanfic writers to help with his appeal. And hopfully he'll get better exposure in the next season.

1933067 Well it's because Spike's a male in a female show and he's a lot like us. Thus we don't really feel attracted to him.

1933067 I'm Actually a Fan of Spike and Even Though He's an Underrated Character of the Show. He's Still Awesome. (Even with an Mustache :moustache:.)

Hopefully he gets a decent episode in S4. Spike at Your Service was crap. OWTEW & Dragon Quest had good premises but didn't live up to expectations (still good though). Secret of my excess was good.

Group Admin

I think the 'NightMares' arc of the comics did wonders for how people view Spike. Spoilers below, be warned.

-He and Luna are shown as the only two to be totally immune to the influence of the Nightmare Forces. Shown twice. Once when the Mane 5 are stuck fighting their fears on the moon, and the second time when Nightmare Rarity tries to trap him in her Dream World.

-Gets launched miles across the landscape of the moon and into a mountain. The rock cracks, but he gets up and runs back to go help his friends. Twilight even goes so far as to think this killed him.

Twilight: Maybe I've been wrong this whole time... The magic of friendship can't save everything... It couldn't save Spike.

-Single handedly outsmarts the Nightmare forces (including Rarity), frees the Mane Five, and is one of the only two characters that actually causes a reaction from NMR (The second being Sweetie Belle).

-Harnesses a power suggested to be on par with or greater then the 'Elements of Harmony' to break the enchantment on Rarity. And it even fixed his ruby too! Maybe that is wishful thinking on my part, it is entirely possible that he just provided the last push to break the enchantment, but it certainly was a powerful scene.

This was an epic story where Spike was the main character. He got more screen time then any of the other Mane Girls, with Rarity really being the only competition. He was the hero, and I think it really did wonders for him in the fandom.

Rock on, little dragon.


Want to know something funny? Spike get more screen time then any other male character in the show.

Group Admin


This show has male characters?

Most of them rarely get a line. I think second place for that would probably be Big Mac, and he isn't exactly...loquacious.


I really hope his awesome attitude in the comics is reflected at least a bit more in Season 4, outside of a few heroic moments, he really got the short end of the stick in Season 3

all in all spike has the most potenchal he is a dragon and well has anyone read the sword in the stone

1933067 He needs an upgrade. Wings, dragon magic, some serious shit must go down. Of all the characters he has the most potential but it amounts to precisely dick.

1933555 he's a dragon. He's immortal. He'll get magic, wings, and ultimate power. And for now, he's constantly around the mane 6.

1933868 well, the EoH are the greatest magic known to pony. Not dragon.

Group Admin


You know you don't need to make three sperate posts that are all one line long. There is no post counter here to keep track of how important you are.


Comment posted by TheAmazingPeanuts deleted Mar 14th, 2015
Group Admin


Technically, that is not true. As Zecora herself said.

'A steady diet of greed to make growth speed.'

That says nothing about maturity. Notice that he loses all ability to communicate like that. Likely because his body grew much faster then it was supposed to. I imagine that Spike will indeed sprout wings at some point during his natural growth cycle.


Comment posted by TheAmazingPeanuts deleted Mar 14th, 2015

1936293:facehoof: wings don't just appear like that. Greed growth is totally different from natural growth.

Comment posted by TheAmazingPeanuts deleted Mar 14th, 2015
Group Admin


What do you base this information on? EVERY Dragon we have ever seen has been able to fly, more to the point in Dragon Quest the Teenage Dragons don't seem surprised that Spike has no wings, suggesting that he flew on his Mom's back. If Spike came from a tribe of Wingless Dragons, that comment would make no sense. Far more likely that dragons get their wings as some kind of draconic puberty.

The comments of the teenage dragons suggest that a dragon's wings are a sign of his maturity. If such was not the case, they would likely be much more surprised to see Spike without wings.


Comment posted by TheAmazingPeanuts deleted Mar 14th, 2015

1936394 yes but, if you keep in mind that wings don't come in from greed-growth, then it makes perfect sense that they'll come in later.

Group Admin

ITT: Logical conclusions based on the source material are disregarded because people can shout 'NUH UH!' louder.


Comment posted by TheAmazingPeanuts deleted Mar 14th, 2015
Comment posted by SuperPinkBrony12 deleted Oct 12th, 2013

1936374 On the cart that held spikes egg in the cutie mark flashback, there's a picture of a wingless, grown, dragon. If all dragons grow wings at some point in their lives, why didn't the dragon in the picture have wings?

Group Admin


An interesting counter point. I don't actually have a good explanation to that.

I could say that the drawing looks like it was made by a three year old, but that is pretty weak by any debate standards.

It seems we have facts from canon that do not agree. Maybe season 4 will give some insight? Eh, probably not.


Comment posted by TheAmazingPeanuts deleted Mar 14th, 2015
Group Admin


You miss the point. It isn't to decide who is 'right', it is to determine, through logic and the information provided, what answer is 'correct'. Who presents, proves, or supports whatever the 'correct' answer is doesn't matter.

We are just trying to answer the question if Spike will get wings, using information from the series to back up our claims. Even though I say this, I do believe most issues on it were discussed, and we don't have a clear answer. I still think the facts strongly suggest that he will grow them, however.

You can think whatever you want about it, but the point of the discussions wasn't for people to agree. It is for people to discuss, and that requires people to disagree.



I think you meant to reply to the comment below mine.

1933868 I saw it online. It's a decent arc but aside from Spike most everyone gets the shaft. My biggest problems are Rarity's self doubts coming out of nowhere (if this were any other member of the mane six except for maybe Applejack it would make sense) and the poorly handwaved excuse for Luna's Season 1 design when she should've been in her Season 2 from the get go. Not to mention Luna lost way too easily and since when does Rainbow Dash think like an action hero?

1936339 So...You think Spike will grow wings?

1937067 wing spell? Or growth acceleration spell?

Comment posted by TheAmazingPeanuts deleted Mar 14th, 2015

1942065 growth acceleration would be better, you say how weak those wings were.

I just curious, could you link me to that comic? I can't find it :twilightoops:

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Issues 5-8 of the IDW comics. I'm feeling generous, so here they are.

Volume 5
Volume 6
Volume 7
Volume 8

Still my favorite story arc in the comics, right up there with Big Mac and the Art of Gazebo Repair.


Just finished reading it, and it was wonderful! Thanks for sending me the links!:pinkiehappy:
The story was really good, and I really liked how it made us appreciate Spike more as a character. Lil Spike needs more appriciation :moustache:

5550270 those two are my favorite as well. :pinkiehappy:

Yeah the guy needs more respect, and he’s better than he thinks he is.

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