Spike Fanfictions 2,965 members · 5,608 stories
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I'm looking for a story where Spike goes berserk mode and literally rips his enemies to pieces. Anyone know where I can find one?

There's a pretty good one that still in the works where Spike is actually Captain of the Lunar Guards. No spoilers, but it deals with Luna/Nightmare Moon; it's called "Nightmare of a Dragon."


I got close in my story, but the only one where he might have that I can think of would be 'Rotted Spike'. Though I could be wrong on that one, been a while since I read it.

1399105 I made a story were Spike's an Assassin, that good enough?

as a reader of the stories, I can say that for what you're looking for, I'd say yes to Nightmare of a Dragon, yes for the most part to Spike The Dragon Assassin, and possibly to Rotted Spike

and I can give more detail on them if you'd like, but I'll take a look through my faves list to see what other stories I got there (almost 500 strong, most are Spike stories)

alright, I got 12 more:

Spike's Inferno
getting to be there (but not there yet)

Spike's temporary stay
has the elements but doesn't focus on it (it's about the romance)

Shadows of a Hidden Past
doesn't have much action for the most part, but is about Spike being the hero

Dark Magic, the Tale of Spike the Dragon
is getting there, he's just had his first battle

Legacy of Dragons and Knights
is where he's banished from ponyville and sets off on a journey to find himself through battle

Dust Bowl Dance
is where he comes back to ponyville to find it's basically the worst place to live, and kills the group resoncible (great "rips his enemies to pieces" part)

The Rise of Spike the Dragon
is about Spike being the leader of a group that even Celestia fears

Spike's Destiny
is about Spike finding out he's the last of his kind, the most powerful kind of dragon (no spoilers and no real action yet)

The Dragon Outlaw
is about Spike being an outlaw in the badlands and his next job is to escort his friends who he hasn't seen in years, but doesn't have much action yet

A Dragon's Journey
is mostly about spike's quest to have many wives (by order of the princesses), but has great parts about him killing lots of bandits

Spike's Long awaited Conquest
is when "convinces Luna to team up and conquer Ponyville and Canterlot" according to the description at least

Out of the Pan, Into the Forest
isn't quite there yet, but is written by a buddy of mine where Spike is banished and it's told from his memories

1399127I favourited that one, and I love it. Those are the kind of stories I'm looking for.

1399795Thanks,I've read a few of those but I'll be certain to go through the rest of them. Also thank you to everyone else who responded, I probably now have lifetime supply of these stories!

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