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images seem to be broken for me in a general sense on the site. images linked off of fimfiction don't seem to post correctly - even going back on my old messages and posts using images - but images linked that are uploaded onto fimfiction directly (like linking directly to a cover art) are working.

is this happening for someone else. before you say "no", go check a dm or story where you uploaded an image and let me know if its still there

It does that now and again. Usually because the image site a person is using decided to shit the collective bed

i dont think its that this time. it seems to be with fimfiction. i used 3 different sites and they all failed to upload, and like i said going back to my old stories and messages the images have vanished.

however - and here's the smoking gun - when you go to the link itself, the image is still there.

TCozy’s New Friend
Cozy Glow’s first day of school is dampened by a weird girl who won’t leave her alone and insists on becoming friends.
DeathToPonies · 2.6k words  ·  35  9 · 931 views

this is an image heavy story. notice how the image at the very beginning doesn't show up. but if you go to the direct url

It does work.

7968767 is timing out with a 522 error. Cloudflare says that the server is overloaded.

Were any of these pictures taken from Discord? Discord recently made a change where all image links taken from Discord will eventually expire within two or three weeks.

no, they aren't. now including the smuttyhorse example above that's 4 different sites - the issues is absolutely with fimfiction itself displaying the images. as seen in my previous reply, this is most definately the site messing up because the direct url to the image works and is still up - the embed itself is failing

Fair enough, just wanted to be sure.

Well, I use images in my fic... so I know about that.

Links often break. But it's the fimfiction server's fault, it's kind of... slow sometimes. (Lots of nsfw fanfics) But it solves itself with time.

I've had that problem on occasions. If it's not that, it's the image server I have.

7968762 In stories, images are uploaded to knighty's server. They will always work.

Other images, however, are downloaded from other sides onto the browser. However, the sites know where their images are being downloaded to. Some sites cut off the feed if the domain is Fimfiction, thus saving on network data and CPU.

I think knighty tried to hack it by tricking the sites into thinking the image is being downloaded to a different domain, but I think they caught up to him and his hacking failed in the long run.

One solution for knighty would be to simply download the images and host them on his own server. But that comes with its own set of problems. One could simply add some pedophilia picture and the server would download it. At that moment, knighty would own, host and distribute pedophilia in a legal sense. He could go to prison for over a decade and he wouldn't even know why.

So, yeah, there are no easy solutions here. The best thing you can do is find an image hosting service that hasn't banned Fimfiction yet.

Then again, if knighty's linking server bugs out, the whole functionality stops working.

That's pretty interesting. It seems to be the linking server itself that isn't working, because as I mentioned, images uploaded directly to fimfiction (like cover art) are showing up easily.

An image from the site:

A random image from

(was typed as [img] [/img] without spaces)

(For anyone reading this thread in the futurethe nasa image will probably show up once this is fixed. just using this to show ppl in the thread)

Dose it happen all the time?

7968818 Your prediction came true. The NASA image is now visible. I guess knighty did his job.


That's pretty interesting. It seems to be the linking server itself that isn't working

That's pretty much what I said. Have you seen my response?


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