I Hate Equestria Daily 641 members · 642 stories
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Comment posted by Caesar Salad deleted Aug 6th, 2013

They should judge authors by that guy.

1441341 But i'm not an author, and I don't wish to be.
I just read stories.

1441358 Well then it's a shame that you want to judge those that do write stories, especially with a method like that.

1441370 >not getting the joke
how can you be this dense

1441406 Because I am exhausted from one of the most insane weekends of my life.

We need more teachers like that in this world. Teachers with passion and who are not afraid to not only step outside the box, but FUCKING BURN THE BOX TO THE FUCKING GROUND!

I do not write to create something that someone might judge to be a masterpiece using some boxed criteria. I write because my soul DEMANDS it, and I write to create what my soul tells me to write.

So many are so afraid to fail at writing, but the only failure is to NOT write. Too many are afraid that others will see them as failures for trying. I myself do not want to be the failure that is one who does NOT write. So many are afraid to die by the cold opinions of others, but I CHOOSE TO LIVE by the success of my own accomplishments!

I will not sit down and die the death of fear. I will LIVE, and NOT be afraid to live to the fullest.

That is why I write.

1441370 I don't judge stories, I judge authors who create stories which include fulfilling their sex-lives, misanthropy, and sad cunts who are only a burden on others, or those men who make "stories" only for sexual entertainment via lesbians.
Just to let you know, i've never downvoted a story, unless they truly deserved it. Mainly because I know that it's just my opinion, it may actually be a good story, but I know that I can't see it that way, so I just vent my anger by commenting... or screaming out loud, or playing Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction.


My internet hero of the day right here

1441370 Don't need to be a chef to know you've been eating shit.

1441468 To each his own. We agree to disagree.

1441431 Barely an excuse, but I've gotten by on worse.

1441277 My math teacher in Highschool was a bit like this guy. Except that he wouldn't teach from the textbooks at all. He'd apply real life situations to Mathematics and teach like that. Unfortunately he got fired in my grade 12 year for being Racist.

1441444 dat post number

I do not wish to be an author, or a writer, or a scribe, but to draw down fire from the heavens and let it blaze upon the page, igniting the imagination of all who touch it.

To me writing is my only way to live in this world. I write only because I love words, and I can't stand reality. But does anyone really like reality.

If Reality = Bitch then why do we write? To escape that bitch when it's on it's period.

I'm not the oldest person nor am I the wisest or any of that crap. I am both mentally over imaginative (that's NOT a good thing. I see things move when nothing actually there and I feel things touching me when they don't have a body or even exist. I won't say I'm a Charles Dickinson or a Edgar Allen Poe (hoped I spelled those right). I'm not that great with anything and words are a catalyst for me to escape the damn place in which I'm no good.

Poetry and Writing are my right and left arms. My double sided broad sword I fight the army of life with. The way I survive is by and for the blade. It is my riches and it only expands as I continue.

I'm not trying to out class anyone, but shouldn't all writers feel this way? I know of many who see this as a last chance to find a name in this world. I seek to find a word that will stick to the world saying I wrote these woke and here they stay.

Sounds about right.

I'm fairly certain EqD does not use a mathematical formula for working out if a story is good or not.

Because that's retarded.

In fact, I'm pretty sure nobody does that, not even if they're joking, because it's totally obvious that you can't work with any artform that way.

People who agree with the OP here need to recognise that there what you want to write - and what you write freely to enjoy yourself - isn't necessarily what other people like. EqD is other people.

You don't have to create something that someone might judge a masterpiece. You might have to step your game up a bit - because it's EqD and they like to have quality from time to time - and you definitely have to write something that isn't awful. No amount of moral highgrounding will change that

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