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Any fans of Pokémon paying attention, I have a questioon for you.

What was your first starter 'Mon, and what did you name it?

Side note: (joking) They say that you never forget your first. Which can of course be applied to Artwork, to Pokémon starters and in objectively no other context at all.

Anyway, my first starter was Squirtle; I named him Flouyd. Somewhere between Fluid and Floyd. I thought it was clever.

My first handheld game was Silver, so my first starter was Totodile whom I named Godzilla. The tradition continued with the remake.

Mine was a Squirtle as well. I didn't give it a name, I was way too young to think of one.

my first pokemon game was heartgold and my first starter was cyndaquil and i didn't give him a nickname as it's something i don't really do

My first was also Squirtle. I didn't nickname it, because I'm bad at finding good names.

My first Pokemon game was Pokemon Yellow/ Pokemon Pikachu Edition (or PKMN Lightning Yellow, as I used to call it as a kid). I had a Pikachu as my starter (obviously), and I named him Bolt, after the lightning bolt tail he had. Never finished the game because I softlocked myself, and the game's internal battery died out when I deleted my data and tried to start again.

Since then, I made it an important foot note to not nickname my Pikachus 'Bolt', because as far as I'm concerned, there's only one Pikachu that I named Bolt, and he's still in Kanto, waiting somewhere.

I'll have to get another GameBoy and find a way to fix my Pikachu Edition, just so I can finish the game for the first time.

Game wise? Squirtle, didn't give him a nickname.
TCG wise? Mewtwo... and I think a Caterpie, it was a booster pack.

I started with original Pokemon Red version with Charmander as my starter. Wasn't big on nicknames

Mine was Charmander on Pokemon FireRed, and I named him Torch. Obvious yet simple and to the point; I've gotten more creative, referential, and clever with my names since nearly two decades ago, but I still appreciate the classics.

My first starter was a Bulbasaur from fire red version that didn't have a nickname first, but after reading the Pokemon Adventure manga I gave it the nickname saur after the protags Bulbasaur. Just as an aside, saur was the first of my Pokemon to hit level 100 and I'm proud to say that I still have him safely tucked away in Pokemon Bank.


FireRed - Guilmon...

My first starter was a Charmander in Pokemon Red, though I never gave it a name.


A fellow cyndaquil starter!

I named mine caliberr since I thought he would hit like a gun later in the game for some stupid reason...was right though since I gave him sunny day eruption swift and solar beam was his secret move vs water types...and swift was specifically for the pesky little Pokémon that kept dodging...I sometimes just didint want to leave a chance for missing especially after using eruption...haven't played heartgold in a while but I remember I had my typhlosion like that even after I beat the game and conquered the elite 4 and went to joto

My first was also a Squirtle, who I named Buddy.

wow that's so cool and mine hit like a truck too but it's been so long since my old playthrough that i can't remember the move set that i gave mine but i am doing a new playthrough of heartgold with cyndaquil as my starter again and this i will remember the move set i will give it

I chose Snivy as my first starter. Didn't give them a nickname just because that's the kind of player I am.

Yeah...I think I stopped leveling him and did a few pvp battles with one of my brothers who had diamond so sinnoh...never actually fully did all of jotto region though.

wow that really neat and i never really made it through both jotto and kanto too but my starter was the main battler of my party so he may have been a little over leveled

My toggetic and my typhlosion I think where the main fightersof my party

that's awsome

Yeah...I really have to redo that game next time I get the chance...kinda softlocked myself since I didint know I needed to keep sweecoon (and yes I know it spelled it correct did not help that at all and I forgot exactly how it's spelled) and traded it to my main pvp rival...then my dad got stolen and aoled by my younger brother while thankfully neither of my Pokémon games where in it....that was absolutely YEARS ago btw.
...but yeah...toughest Pokémon out there back then at the time..took me a full two years to get to that point though cause 1 I never looked online to see how the story was done and kinda stumbled everywhere until I found the waterfall hm for the one between the one town and the dragon town...that took me a few months including other irl stuff I had to do at the time including tournaments in other games and such

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