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(Many of you will see this more than once in various places. I apologize, I’m trying to get it out there to as much of the shipping community as possible, and there’s bound to be some overlap.)

MLP:FIM Shipping Opinions Survey is up! If you like shipping, even casually, I’d like it if you’d leave your opinions. You can find the survey at, and it will be available until February 10th, at 11:59 PM EST.

But wait! After you take the survey, you can do me a favor: Plaster links all over the internet. Anywhere there are pony fans who might be shippers. And tell them to do the same. I’ll be posting it to the general shipping groups here (Organized Shipping and Shipping), some pony communities on LiveJournal and Dreamwidth, and sending the info to EqD.

Please note that I’m not posting this to any specific shipping groups, including ones I’m a member of, to avoid official bias. If you’re a member of other shipping groups (Groups for individual ships, The Fillyfoolers, M/M Shipping, Sensual stories, etc.), feel free to post this there. Also, If you have followers who will see your blog here, are active on message boards on other sites, have a tumblr, or interact with other pony fans anywhere, please let them know about this!

If/when you do link to it, please make sure to mention that this is for people who like shipping, and that the survey will be running until February 10th, 11:59 EST.

Other stuff:
This is not a popularity contest for ships or authors. Do not retake the survey to try to make your favorites look good, or worry about how they will do. It’s just information. If your favorites do badly, that’s the time to start putting effort into making them look good. And we should have more info on how to do that, thanks to the survey!

The only results I’ll talk about before the survey closes are number of responses. No hints on how ships or authors are doing. This isn’t that sort of poll.

I’ll get information out ASAP after the poll. If anyone wants to volunteer to help me with graph making or data entry/formatting, let me know! If any of you happen to want to help and also have access to SPSS (and know how to use it) let me know that too! This isn’t going to be too complicated, but there are a few things I think would be interesting to control for when I look at results.

Thanks, and have fun!

My goodness. You and whomever you had help you did a tremendously fantastic job with this survey.

Kudos :twilightsmile:

641586 Well, this is quite well-organized and interesting! And, since I love me a lot of shipping, I'll go ahead and do it! I love polls, too. :twilightsmile:

Interesting. Will post the link around.

641586 I found the lack of me in that survey disturbing.

IMO you forgot asking about "humanized" shipping. I've got an intense dislike for stories involving humanized ponies, whether that means a humanized universe, or transformation into humans.

Neat survey, and relevant to my interests. Thus, filled out.

Curious about some of the pairings. Some, in certain sections, seemed almost arbitrary in their combination.
Did you use examples only of those that you could find?

That was fun thanks for making the survey.:scootangel:

Yay surveys!

I tried to use examples of ships that either 1) I've seen a lot of fanwork for (art, stories, whatever) 2) I've seen people list frequently as ships they like, or 3) other people suggested to me, and I was able to verify that there was fanwork for.

Some of the ships seem to exist only in certain context- A few of them are from the popular "Winning-verse" or from comics. And apparently aged up Sweetie Belle x Pinkie Pie is a thing on the 30-minute pony stories tumblr. But with the Winning-verse, there have been enough side stories by different authors that I felt like it should be included.

There are some that I didn't go looking for fanworks on, because they sounded to me like something people would ship. I might have been off base on those. And some people have already mentioned ones I missed. So I totally admit that what I have isn't perfect, but I think I have a good chunk of the shipping that happens.

It was actually fun to take the survey, pretty precise.

That was very descriptive. It was fun to take, good job on the survey!

Makes sense to me. I didn't think they actually were arbitrary, I was just curious. Nobody who has seen the shipping chart could doubt that bizarre pairings have be written. Still, I found myself going 'Snails/Twist is a thing now?'. And yeah, Sweetie(Up-Aged)/Pinkie was rather exotic too.

I also found myself morbidly curious as to what the heck Luna/Pinkie would be like.
...Is the chicken suit involved?

Won't find me complaining about Cloud Kicker inclusion. Winning Pony is best love-rhombus.

As several others have mentioned, it was a fun one to fill out, and I'm curious about what the results will be, when everything is all tallied. So thanks for all your hard work!

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