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Comments ( 12 )
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Imagine this
Someone points a gun at your head and tells you that if you can sing this entire MLP song, he'll let you go. What song are you praying that he plays?

Apples to the core, Babs Seed, or the theme song

99 Buckets of Oats on the Wall?

--Sweetie Belle

True true friend, this day aria, babs seed

Better way to be bad

the f**kin theme...

Do Equestria Girls songs count? Because, if so, I'm hoping it would be Under Our Spell.

This day aria, flawless, or how the magic of friendship grows

Grab the gun and throw it away, or disarm the person. I ain't singing at gunpoint and that person is a fool for thinking I'm an easy target

Group Admin

A True, True, Friend. That's the only one I remember totally besides Shake your Tail, the main Theme and ACADECA.

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