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How does it pan out?

I would have an enthralling conversation with Jade from BG&E about journalism only for us to spend the remaining time in complete silence

Very awkwardly; the last video game I played was Telltale Games' the Wolf Among Us, so I'd be going on a date with Bigby Wolf.

Though, if one of my OCs could go in my place - like my wolf OC Shiva - I think it'd be a little less awkward. But even then...

Shiva and Bigby are sitting at a bar; Shiva a very clear wolf woman, while Bigby's in his human form.

Shiva: So... human form? I can sense your wolf form underneath, so... why hide it?

Bigby: Helps me blend in better with the mundies, uh... not a lot of people are comfortable around wolves.

Shiva: (Glances around, as the bar is very empty) Clearly. (She'd stretch) So...

Bigby: (Nodding at her form) You don't hide the wolf inside?

Shiva: Can't help it. The spell that created me made me part human and part wolf.

Bigby: (Hums at that) It... lonely?

Shiva: Nah, there's others like me. (She'd peer at him) You got a pack?

Bigby: I got Snow. She trusts me more than anyone else... though even then, I'm not really sure where I stand with her. No one here trusts me, and... I don't really know how to win with these people.

Shiva: (Tsks) We never really can win. All we can really do is just... tough it out. Do what we can.

Bigby: I guess.

Dark souls, so not great. Usually it would be horizon zero dawn, so I really get a bad deal there.

Femshep and I stare at each other in silence......
Me: "I should go."

Yeah, even if the undead sorcerer I was just playing has some fancy Crimson robes for the date, probably not the best of dates...

--Sweetie Belle

Saints row 4 Shaundi...

Very, very awkwardly. Considering A. The last game I played was Middle Earth: Shadow of War so the protagonist in question would be a constantly resurrecting ranger with an Elf wraith in his head (and the both of them have families that are dead), and B. I'm not gay.

Although, if Talion did swing that way, I bet the date would start off with something like this:

I'm not normally into shorter guys, but I guess I won't turn down a date from Mario. :twilightsheepish: I'll bake him a cake

I have a date with a random Cimmerian Basilius after he finishes his war with Scythian Nomads. I mean... It'd probably go well considering how Uber gay the Greeks were lol

(Rome 2 Total War)

7551661 The protagonists in my game were plants.

Though I have to admit, I'm not entirely impartial to Sunflower.

She even winks at the end. She wants me.

Just get some shrooms and you'll have a taller guy in no time!

Ooh lol I hadn't thought of that xD

... Conan the Barbarian.

Sure, why not. I'd let him top me. It's not like I could fight him for it and win. :raritydespair:

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