Positive Ponies 3,479 members · 1,461 stories
Comments ( 148 )
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Eh, why not. I'm a fairly open person

Name: Josh
Age: Just about 31
Interests: Video gaming, tae kwon do, writing, editing (yeah, it's my job AND I enjoy it), D&D (chaotic good half-elf ranger w/ a wolf companion in one campaign, lawful good hill dwarf cleric in another), and some other stuff.
Favorite Pony/Other: Hard to narrow it down. Best Mane 6: Fluttershy. Best Princess: Luna. Best Background Pony: Derpy (fight me).
Quirks: Well, let's see... I'm a bit of a geek (see D&D)... I could be perfectly happy to spend an entire day secluded indoors one day and then go out rock scrambling the next... I have a lengthy medical history that could probably fill a textbook (You can ask if you're interested. I was a case study in a journal once)... that's probably enough.

Might as well.

Name: terras

Age: 27

Interests: Video gaming (only casually). Writing. Chess (again casually). History. Philosophy. Getting lost in my own mind, seriously it's a baffling maze in there, but on the whole it's only decent chaos I wouldn't call it total chaos.

Favorite Pony/Other: Favorite character: Discord. Pony: Fluttershy. Princess: Luna,

Quirks: One moment I'm holding down a deep conversation, help my friends and family learn something about themselves, the next you're sitting there wondering why I'm stacking things and how we went from the underlining philosophy of different beliefs and how they're broadly the same to is a smoothie a food or a drink, and if we ate nothing but shrimp how many shrimp would it take to turn fully pink so we could blend into flamingos. No I don't understand it, I just accept it, results are amusing.

Name: Sea Gnash/Blood Moon
Age: 29
Interests: Anime, video games, animation and writing
Favorite Pony/Other: Twilight
Quirks: Head in the clouds, comes up with way too many character ideas

Name: You can call me Lighty
Age: Not comfortable sharing
Interests: Writing and art
Quirks: Too many story ideas, not good enough writing sksksksks

Comment posted by DawnOfsnow deleted Feb 24th, 2021
Comment posted by DawnOfsnow deleted Feb 24th, 2021

Name: Rainbow Sparkle

Age: 13 almost 14

Interests: fnaf, Henry stickmin, among us, gaming, YouTube, writing, art, reading dark fics.

Fav pony: RD

Quirks: I have autism, so it’ll be tough for me to communicate properly

Comment posted by De Skjellete deleted Mar 3rd, 2021

Name: Skjellete / Katrine
Age: 20
Interests: Worldbuilding, conlanging, visual arts, and music.
Favorite pony: if Princess Antares doesn't coint, then probably Applejack.
Quirks: I call the Nintendo 64 the "Ultra 64". Also, I drink warm sweet tea.

Name: Heeey I'm Rininani
Age: I'm in my early 20's
Interests: I read a lot of My Little Pony fanfiction despite having seen comparatively little of the show, I play a lot of JRPGS, and I go on serene walks
Favorite Character: Silverstream is a joy to this world, and Thorax is a good boy
Quirks: I know of more obscure media than most people, I've got Tourette's but it's mostly gone away at this point in my life, and I hoard art I find online

Name: Alloy, Silver, Azu (or just call me Xyu)
Age: 14
Interest: Gaming, Drawing, writing, Reading, EqG, (slowed) music and Horror (games), Gacha, The Arcana & Zodiacs, puns-jokes, Nicknames, Wii Deleted You, On Command and Friday night Funkin'.
Favorite Pony/Human: Sunset Shimmer.
Quirks: I have a knack for finding something funny in every single thing.

Name: Leila Drake (it's my pseudonym)

Age: 32

Interests: Architecture, Art, a wide range of music, World of Warcraft, Wing Tsun Kung Fu, sewing, board games and more

Favorite Pony/Other: Pony: probably :raritywink:. Other: I am a big fan of married couples in World of Warcraft, such as Thrall and Aggra or the trolls Loti and Raal in Zuldazar.

Quirks: I am an architect who can be pragmatic, that might count as a quirk. Also, I love trees and forests. I dislike fixing machines.

:heart:Name: Brittany (my friends and family call me Britt Brat or Britt)
Age: 13 (on my way to 8th grade!)
Family: I have an older brother named Branden, an older sister named Chayla, and a identical twin sister named Brianna
Interests: Children's classic books, My Little Pony, Equestria Girls, and YouTube
Talent: Singing and helping younger children with disabilities
Favorite Pony/Other: Pinkie Pie
Quriks: I LOVE watching MLP and I LOVE singing!
It's a great pleasure to be here in the Positive Ponies group!:heart:

Comment posted by RavensongRose deleted Jul 8th, 2021

Name: Ravensong Rose; Rose for short
Age: My age is the number of years since I was born.
Interests: Writing, reading, art, various fandoms including mlp, Gravity Falls, and Doctor Who
Favorite Pony/Other: Fluttershy and Derpy
Quirks: I love cosplaying for Gravity Falls and Reverse Falls. Also, I’m kinda shy and introverted, but in any conversation you have with me that is about something I really like, I will have a lots to say and difficulty stopping.

Name: Malty or Salty
Age: Late 18
Interests: Video games, reading, more video games, and nerd stuff
Favorite Pony/Other: none currently
Quirks: rolls with the flow and bang bang

Name: Natalie
Age: Not comfortable disclosing
Interests: Film, Video games, birdwatching, writing, listening to music, and working with my hands (mostly practical makeup effects)
Favorite Pony/Other: Hrm... I would have to say either Twilight or Rarity
Quirks: Too many to list. Mostly just a goofball (idk how funny I am tbh) and a kinda chaotic person in general. But I do keep my friends close!
Cant wait to chat!

Serenity!! call me Serena thooo

14 and three quarters

shopping, dancing, reading, baking (i bake ALOT), and i love analyzing movies and stuff.

favorite pony:
fluttershy and spike and discord. :yay::moustache:

I don't know yet, i think i can be really hyper sometimes or really zoned out. so, mood swings? :heart:

Name: Sideofhayfries
Age: 19
Interests: Cartoons,Games,music,drawing, writing, etc.
Favorite Pony/Other: Zecora
Quirks: Quiet online but will talk your ear off irl, can and have ranted about Dragon age for 2 hours


Quiet online but will talk your ear off irl,

You and I might be the only two people on the internet who are like this haha. I always feel weird being introverted online and more extroverted offline.

Name: Ex-Savior (also go by my OCs name Blueberry Shiver)
Age: 20
Interests: Drawing, writing, gaming, game development, hugs, head Pat's, Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon, Undertale, FNAF, oh oh oh and making friends even though I'm shy as hecc!
Favorite Pony: stuck between Trixie and Derpy and Luna, they are the trio of perfect ponies!
Quirks: extremely shy but easy to approach. If you wanna be my friend you'll probably have to approach me first and I'll be shy for awhile but if you're persistent I'll warm up to you! I write a lot (waiting for my first fanfic to be approved rn) and I'm very kind! I like to roleplay sometimes!

Name: Vivienne [My OC is Swan Song]
Age: 17
Interests: Ballet, Singing, Playing Musical Instruments, Musical Theatre
Favorite Pony/Other: Rarity
Quirks: I'm obsessed with My Little Pony. Wait...
Aside from the obvious, some random things about me include:
- I'm a bit of a romantic.
- I get lost in stories.
- I love period dramas.
- I quite like a lot of historical and vintage fashions and fashions inspired by the aforementioned.

Name: Eileen
Age: mid-20s
Interests: Movies (esp. horror and action), dogs, orchestral music
Favorite Pony/Other: Sunset Shimmer
- Gets invested in box office the way other people might get about sports statistics
- Wrote several one-act plays in college and for the campus Ren Faire, directed one
- Total The Simpsons (season 1-10) geek, expect references
- Non-binary (they/them) and proud

I actually submitted my first piece a few days back, but I’m guessing the people in charge of approving it are on Thanksgiving break for a while. D’oh!

Name: Artemis (You can call me Art, a lot of my friends do :twilightsmile:)
Age: 16 (Yes, I'm young :rainbowlaugh:)
Interests: Video games, my little pony, cats
Favorite Pony/Other: Izzy and Fluttershy (I just love Izzy, she reminds me of Pinkie Pie a lot, but my favorite pony changes a LOT)
-I LOVE Roblox!
-I'm not online a lot, so I hope no one expects me to reply :)

Name: no lol :trollestia:
Age: no lol :trollestia:
Interests: Anything to do with MLP in general, reading, writing, drawing, PonyTown and gaming :trollestia:
Favorite Pony/Other: Derpy :D :derpytongue2:
Quirks: I'm too short for my age lol :applecry:

Comment posted by Snugglewarmscale deleted Dec 22nd, 2021

Name: Klazius
Age: 19
Interests: I love a lot of things, but little by little and fickle. For example, I am fond of philosophy
Favorite Pony/Other: Twilight Sparkle
Quirks: I have a lot of oddities: I am engaged in tulpamancy, I love strange things and I adore conspiracy theory!😁
И ещё: тут есть русские?:pinkiesmile:

Name: niBBoi
Age: niBBoi
Interests: History (y'know, like, Sabaton, Potential History, The Armchair Historian, Majorsamm, Kraut, etc.), geopolitics, memes, pretty much almost any genre of music, and, of course, (G4) My Little Pony!
Favourite Pony: Princess Celestia. However, Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer are tied for second.
Something interesting about me: I daydream, especially if it involves music. However, it would be very hard for me to explain all the details, so instead, I'll move on to another thing about me.

I am absolutely addicted to whatever Majorsamm's thing is. It's basically appropriately-themed music put over edited footage of historical events with a strange mix of history and music that I enjoy daydreaming to - three of my most favourite things wrapped into a neat, little audio-visual format.

Here's an example to show you what I mean (though, I will warn you that a lot of Majorsamm's videos contain content that may not exactly be appropriate for all audiences, but that's pretty much a given because... well... human history):

Context (taken from the description of the video): Also known as the 50 Day War or the second Operation Vijay, the Pakistani army sent troops disguised as militants into Indian Kashmir in mid-1999 and India reacted by launched one of the highest altitude military operations of all time. Taking the country to the edge of nuclear war before President Clinton of the US talked the Pakistanis down and the Indian army forced the Pakistani forces from a number of strategic mountain tops.

Name: Changeling Queen, but you can call me Q.
Age: 14
Interests: I like reading people's ideas of how changelings work, specifically changeling queens, reading fantasy is nice, history fascinates me, and I would like to write stories one day in the future, as well as be a vet.
Quirks: Not the best at comforting, tends to ramble about different things for a few minutes, I say just kidding a lot even if it's not a joke, and I have a hard time finishing certain projects because of my motivation.

Name: Holly.
Age: Eighteen years old.
Interests: Swimming, foreign cultures, "old" videogames and comedy of any kind, among others.
Favorite Pony/Other: Rarity and Fleur Dis Lee!
Quirks: I can't really take a lot of spicy food, yet I absolutely love it; I also laugh really easily, even the worst of jokes can make me giggle!

Name: Emperor Tiberius
Age: 19, soon to be 20.
Interests: Playing video games, learning about history and culture, reading, watching motorsports such as F1 or Indycar, writing stories and socialising and making new friends.
Favourite Pony/Other: Rarity, Starlight Glimmer, Celestia, Flurry Heart and Pipp Petals.
Quirks: I have a broad array of knowledge and often like to share it with others; I sometimes have a very short temper that I try to keep down; I enjoy other fandoms such as Wings of Fire and Pokémon.

I believe I got personally invited here about 2 or 3 weeks ago. Probably far from the only one. Time to finally make myself known.

Name: Goldstar. No way I'm using my real name here.
Age: 34
Interests: Gaming, especially game mods. I also have quite an interest in the science fantasy genre, of which seems pretty rare.
Favorite Pony/Other: I think Twilight Sparkle, who I might be the most like among the Mane 6.
Quirks: A bunch, but to name a few. I'm a transwoman (with limited progress on looking and sounding like one), I'm autistic, an introvert, and working on a lot of stuff like becoming more positive. It's not easy and I know what group this is. I'll do my best, with at least keeping positive posts here. My blog posts probably won't be. And I hope any positive focused stories I write can be something I'm sold on rather then not agreeing with my own messages. One more thing. The only romance I'm interested in is F/F and thus my stories featuring romance will be of that. Which isn't to say there won't be straight couples in my stories, but their romantic actions won't be the focus.

Comment posted by EncoreP deleted March 9th

Name: Stygius Nix
Age: 20
Interests: Games, Classic British Comedy Shows, Writing. I find we humans interesting too, especially the weird ones and political ones.
Favourite Pony: Princess Luna
Quirks: I like to make obscure references in the hopes someone somewhere will get it. I also regret most things I post on the internet or at least feel cringe about it, but that just makes me stronger 'MwuHaHa!' (I already know I'm gonna cringe if I come back to this ROTFLMAO)

I've been here for a bit, but I guess I haven't really properly introduced myself, nor really start writing until recently. I guess now is better than never, right?
Name: Monochrome Spiral
Age: 19
Interests: Movies, writing, anime, and MLP (Both G5 and G4)
Favorite Pony/Other: G4: Applejack G5: Hitch / Zipp (Can't decide)
Quirks:Ummmmm.... I really like Yu-gi-oh.

Name: Ann
Age: 16
Interests: writing, reading, role playing
Favorite Pony/Other: Applejack and Fluttershy
Quirks: I take my hat off when I'm in the rain so it won't get wet, and I tend to ramble a bit

Name: Daemon
Age: 27
Interests: Gaming, writing, pizza, etc
Favourite Pony/Other: Celestia
Quirks: I try and make jokes out of most situations depending on the severity of said situation. :moustache:

Name: Grim.
Age: Immortal.
Interest’s: Games, movies (Pacific rim & War of the worlds are the most recent), reading (at least on this site), and creating my own universe.
Favorite pony: today I don’t really have a favorite, but back then it used to be Rainbow Dash.
Quirks: love creating or expanding on my own universes, also love the hell out of human story’s on here, may curse or swear often online, and most importantly I cant ever seem to stick with one pfp/avatar.

Name: toolintheshed, whatever variation of it. uhh nicknames too idrc
Age: no
Interests: reading and writing (OBVIIII :duck:) and video games
Favorite Pony: RD, Pinkie Pie & Luna :rainbowlaugh: + :pinkiehappy: + (no luna ponymoji)
Quirks: I'm the most basic person you will ever see in this universe.

Name: just call me soups I guess! (random username that wasn't taken?!)
Age: nunya beeswax
Interests: Drawing :D
Favorite Pony: Tied between Lyra Heartstrings and Applejack :ajsmug: (I would put a Lyra emote here.... IF THEY HAD ONE!!!!!)
Quirks: I have the most awful non sequitur sense of humor

Name: Adriano or Dnmele (anyone).
Age: less than Chuck Norris.
Interests: Read, Videogames.
Favorite Pony/Other: Twilight, Princess Luna, Sunset.
Quirks: I am bad at communicating because... I use translator.

Name: Decaf
Age: Twenties
Interests: Blogging, telling stories, just chewing the fat.
Favorite Pony: Twilight and Cadance.
Quirks: Sarcastically Yours.

Name: Mary
Age: 32
Interests: Video games, virtual pet games, animals, Plants, reading and books, movies/TV shows(mostly cartoons and horror), Listening to music, walking, making stuff.
Favorite Pony/Creature: It's so hard to pick just one, there are so many cool characters.
Quirks: I rather not say.

Name: Cassie./ Cass./ Cassandra.
Age: 20
Interests: Writing, Movies, Games, Art.
Favorite Pony: Marble Pie.
Quirks: Clumsy yet can cook miraculously. Once got lost at a fair for 5 hours.

Gonna give this a redo because this info is outdated:twilightblush:

Name: Erynaster, or just call me Eryn for short (Still not comfortable giving my real name just yet :>)

Age: 19

Interests: MLP (who would've thought), and Pokemon (all the games except the spin-off ones, because I haven't played them yet). My music taste is varied, but I've been getting into electro swing recently. I also enjoy reading, and when it comes to fanfictions, I really enjoy reading Self-inserts and Anon stories.

Favorite Pony: Twilight Sparkle (eternal purple waifu), Fluttershy, and Izzy Moonbow.

Quirks: I can be clingy at times, especially with people I'm close with. I've gotten more reclusive as of late, but I'm working on it. I'm still super insecure about my self-image, but like everything I've said before, it's a work in progress! :twilightsmile:

I've been here a while, but it's the new year, so why not?

Name: Golden Sax

Age: 27

Interests: Small equines of course! Like my name suggests, I do enjoy my saxophone. I even have the time to play it sometimes... I have a casual interest in history, science, technology, etc.

Favorite Pony: It's gotta be my mane(lol) mare Twilight, followed very closely by Rarity.:twilightsmile::raritywink:

Quirks: People have stated I have exceptionally nice voice, buuuuut I'm to self-conscious to really do anything with it.:twilightblush:

Gonna f*king do this again coz I hate 14 year old me

Name: I go by Silver, but it's best you call me Encore
Age: Minor
Interest: The basic— music, art, writing. I'm limiting my interests to only a specific few tho. And science.
Favorite Pony/Human/Changelling: Sunset Shimmer/Wallflower Blush/ Thorax.
Quirks: I like to make myself suffer during writing block.:pinkiecrazy:

Name: Raheema, until I can come up with anything creative to go by.

Age: 21

Interests: Cooking, crafting homemade baskets, miniatures, and plushies.

Favorite Pony: Rarity, her generosity and compassion is always a treat.

Quirks: I've been told I'm soft spoken...

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