Displaced 4,434 members · 1,269 stories
Comments ( 31 )
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That is all, keep posting your Ideas in this Thread, I might actually find time to review some of them next week.

Has anyone ever done a displaced as Midna?

I have yet to see her, even as a displaced.

4995157 I was going to say the exact same thing until you said it...

Otherwise than that, I would think that someone should do a Johnathon Joestar Displaced.

Maybe one to where he raises a filly Celestia and Luna, somehow gets stoned and when free again, takes up the task of teaching Celestia's nephew, Prince Blueblood, how to be a proper gentleman?

4995377 I would personally like it if it was just a slice of life kind of story where she just plays (mostly) harmless pranks on ponies. She and Pinkie would have a field day. I would write it myself, but I already have one displaced story in the works.

Hey, has anyone thought of doing a Displaced that was sent directly to Tartarus? Or does that go against the whole "it must be related to canon" rule?

Someone should do a Story involving a Displaced 007 Villain, known as Oddjobs:

While short, he is strong, and can throw a destructive hat. Also, what will happen if he goes cheap-gunning?

Also, I have yet to see a Displaced Furry/Anthro Dragon, since I'm a fan of Furries and Dragons.

Might I suggest Random Task instead?

4995464 Never Heard of it. I only known some James Bond Villains like Jaws, Dr. No, Goldfinger, and even Alec Trevelyan

Has someone done one yet on the warlock Richard from "Looking for group"?

How about this guy?

Maybe he's a scientist on Earth who is sent to Equestria when an experiment goes wrong, and he can only speak in Wing Dings, so no pony can understand him. No pony knows what to do about this creature who shouldn't even exist.

4995576 this is Random Task;

He throws a shoe which can easily take off someone's head. I believe Odd Job is based off of him.

BTW Random Task is from Austin Powers.

4995157 4995377 4995428 4995436 4995464 4995935 4996012

I'm doing a future story based on these two:

I think I got one more Idea Popped out for now, for anyone to do.

The Saint Seiya Anime looks fantastic to me, And this could be the perfect Displaced Story since my Zodiac is Capricorn and his armor's Capricorn. I however haven't know much about it since I watched little, but I did discover via wikipedia.

Alright, let me show of MY ideas. I partly want to show them off because these are Ideas I want to write myself, so I will be doing just that. (It will just take a lot of time.)

Tet (From the Anime "No game, No life")

Tet. The One True God. The god of Games. All of them are titles he bears, now, what should we excpect from a human suddenly having his powers and finding themselves in Equestria? Naturally, he pitches the idea of winning over others and gaining something the two decided on beforehand to Discord, following by winning and gaining his powers. After that, Implements a similar system to the Tet from the show "No game, No life." The world is governed by ten pledges:

1. All murder, war, and robbery is forbidden in this world.
2. All conflict in this world will be resolved through games.'
3. In games, each player will bet something that they agree is of equal value.
4. As long as it doesn't violate pledge three, anything may be bet, and any game may be played.
5. The challenged party has the right to decide the rules of the game.
6. Any bets made in accordance with the pledges must be upheld.
7. Conflicts between groups will be conducted by designated representatives with absolute authority.
8. Being caught cheating during a game is grounds for an instant loss.
9. In the name of god, the previous rules may never be changed.
10. Let's all have fun and play together!

And now, let's see how this changes Twilight's and her friend's lives, while they have a very playful God following them.

Next up, one a bit darker and not as heroic or friendly protagonist, with a seemingly harmless concept. The guide (From the Game "Terraria")

Now, Displaced as a Guide from Terraria, one doesn't expect much from such a Displaced. Unfortunately, the Guide knows nearly EVERYTHING and you know what they say, "Knowledge is Power". While not outright evil, Greg the Guide is dangerous. He willingly give out knowledge to anyone that asks him for it, at first, he seems to be kind and wise, but once he also shares knowledge with your enemies willingly, tells anyone how to make weapons, delve in dark magic or revive the dead, that is going a bit far. I don't think I have to explain how he ended up in stone, do I?

.GIFfanny (From the Show "Gravity Falls")

A girl who was dressed as .GIFfanny get's Displaced, her only equipment being an infinity cube, a memory erasing gun and a CD player. Which is fortunate as she basically becomes the CD she bought. Fortunately, a pony manages to figure the player out and plays the Disc, becoming good friends with with her. Unfortunately rumors are spread that the CD player is a dark artifact, housing an evil spirit trying to take over the mind of the young pony, pretending to be her friend. These rumors eventually reach the princesses and they react in kind. This is why a statue of a Pegasus with a CD player around her neck can be found in the Canterlot gardens. The name Surprise written below her.

Tinkerbell (From the Movies "Tinkerbell")

We have all seen the amazingly OP Displaced out there, then what about the amazingly under powered ones? Tinkerell would retain her size relative to humans, meaning she would be just about the size of Breezies. Waking up in the land of the Breezies instead of right in Equestria, she finds herself in a safe and somewhat accommodating environment. The only Pixie Dust at her disposal would be the bags she bought at that convention, and none of them being the blue kind required to make more.

While wondering what to do with her new life, a new Breezie happens to be born, and her first laugh does something amazing. It echoes in the ears of Tinkerbell.

Following the seed carrying the newborn Breezies laugh, Tinkerbell finds a fairy tree. A dead fairy tree. And filled with dead seeds. (There is even more to the story, and I have so much planned for it, but I won't spoil it any further.)

Cupa (From the Minecraft Mod "Talking Mobs")

Possibly even worse of than Tinkerbell is Cupa. Dressed up as the human version of the creeper from the "Talking mobs" mod for Minecraft, she and her sisters and one brother (all clothed as different mobs) find themselves in a gender flipped Equestria. Let's the adventure, romance and shenanigans ensue.

Ana Gram (From the Anime called "Phi Brain")

Ana Gram, despite the name and appearance and like of wearing gowns, Ana is a boy. Always mistaken for a girl. Ana gram also holds the title Da Vinci and is a master in art. Besides that, as a holder of a title Ana is seen as a genius. Ana is despite that a regular human at the age of 16, his only actual 'power' is the ability to connect with nature and hear the spirits of old artists. Despite appearing in Equestria with his three friends, Ana decides to sit back an enjoy the beautiful Equestria instead of running around solving deadly puzzles and saving Equestria.

Meisa Ichikawa (From the Manga called "Coppelion")

I don't have much going for my idea for this story yet, but I was imagining the fact that Meisa Ichikawa gives of deadly radiation and loves video games, she builds herself a facility to contain her radiation, while making a corporation through with she creates the tech for enabling any of the ponies to play games, while also making some games herself and teaching others how to do it. That is until some get curious, who is it that runs the company, why is nothing known about them and why, just why is their place of residence located so far away from anywhere else? Of course, a group of the best six gamers alive decide to find out. (The mane six).

Willy Wonka (From the Movie "Charlie and the Chocolate factory" *the new one*)

Having lived forever without the best chocolate ever made, Celestia decides to eat the last piece in her secret stash, before she is able to however, she gets informed that IT has returned. THE Chocolate factory is back, and the invitations have been sent.
These are all the ones I have planned to write so far. Currently my priorities are to continue with the ones I'm currently writing, but next out, will most likely be the Tinkerbell or Cupa the Creeper one. I've already begun with them.

A few other suggestions I have that I won't be writing myself would be... Actually, I have nothing at the moment. The biggest reason I wanted to show each and every one of those I plan on writing myself is because I wanted to make a few people wait in anticipation, and to let people know I' doing these. I wish to be original.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask them.

4998124 Oh my, I've had a similar idea. I have a story I've begun working on. It plays out in an Equestria that has experienced a lot of strife with and been heavily affected because of Displaced, but no longer have any visiting their world. And since none are returning, and two of them left with rather important ponies, like Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, they eventually decide to take a page from the book of Displaced. Pouring a lot of time and effort into it, they eventually open a hole into the Void. And soon, they begin colonizing and expanding onto the outside of their own universe, interacting with other Displaced, taking advantage of the time differences and control over the 'code' the previous Admins used.

And so, R.A.I.D.S. Ruling Alliance of Interdimensional and Dimensional Species was born. Their purpose? To bring order into the Void.
And the best part is, when I asked if a story like this was acceptable to interact with the Displaced universe, I got a "go ahead" from jsyrin... Well, his exact words were "Nobody cares about anyone doing Void travel. It's a free Void. Legit, like. As long as you don't fuck with other Void Dwellers, nobody gives a flying fuck about what you do." But pretty much the same.

Well, you can blame Solphestus for this, but I was going to attempt another displaced. This time, with Digimon

Decided Renamon just because xP

I'm bored, and was wondering if I could discuss and brainstorm with a Displaced fan some of my Displaced ideas, but no idea whom is on, so posting here. Anyone feel like it and have something like Skype or Gmail chat to talk on? Don't know why. Just suddenly had an urge to post this.

I just had the stupidest idea I had thought of so far.

Basically this character cosplaying as her favorite character and getting displaced.

The Joke: In the Season 4 finale of Once Upon A Time, the Author ends up rewriting the fairy tale characters' stories and ended up turning heroes into villains and villains into heroes, while making the in-betweeners into cosmic chew toys. The Author also ended up writing a story based off this world which became a best-seller. The character you see here is a fan of the books, particularly of one of the cosmic chew toys, Regina (who, if you can tell from the name, was the Evil Queen in the proper timeline). The idea would be that she'd cosplay as HeroesAndVillains!Regina

This one is sort of an idea offer and sort of not. I am posting here in the hopes of asking to see if anyone reading these is a big enough Mario fan to be willing to consider writing some ideas I had for such. A trio of interconnected Mario fics set in different equestrian timelines. Just note me if you're interested in hearing the Mario displaced ideas.

Don't know how it'd go, but would love to see a Displaced hero as this guy: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/nNoLAjA4MNI/hqdefault.jpg

Tired all of this bullshit?

Call Bullshitman to Equestria(s) to get the shit done.

Toriko Heracles

Without warning, a great stretch of land transformed itself to what is now known as the Hayseed Swamps. ( displaced ) Heracles has zero interest in proving her might to the rest of the world, and won't bother to move out of her nest for at least a few centuries.

Wakes up and explores world before nightmare moon.
Goes to sleep in hayseed swamp 500 years after nightmare moon.
Relationship to celly and lulu optional.
Wakes up after nightmare moon when is up to you.

(i have ok ideas)


nuf said

Okay, since this is where we go to post ideas, here is my idea once more. The idea is that some shmoe orders a replica lightsaber offline. Once he lays his hand on the shiny hilt, he is dropped smack dab in the middle of Equestria; specifically the frozen north. After being discovered by Shining Armor, our hero is brought into the fray of a conflict with the changeling horde vs. The crystal Empire. Where regular swords wont cut it, the jedi wanna-be has the only means to defeat this rising force.

Here's another idea: http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/reboot/images/a/a9/Example.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080116205456 Someone Displaced from this show. Like, either as heroes like Bob, Matrix, Andrea, or Dot, or as villains, like Megabyte, Hexidecimal, or Gigabyte.

I have an idea but it more horror then anything else. Heard of jeepers creepers? Now what if someone was displaced as him?

What about everyone's favorite hash smoking heroes in equestria?

throwing the newly created Token into the Void, whereupon it splits into infinite copies of itself which proceed to land somewhere on any Universe that happens to take it in.

This has me thinking of a story. Basic idea is that a Displacer goes from place to place to destroy the copies of a specific Token and one of them ultimately falls in the Hooves of Shining Armor and Cadance.

I think I got just one Idea or anyone else. Whether someone likes it or not, I'm going to type it in:
I would like to see someone displaced as either Battlelord from Duke Nukem, since it's only the first boss to be challenging. Or if someone likes a heroic version, then a Displaced Duke Nukem will work. I have yet to see someone doing a fic about a Displaced Duke Nukem, or a Displaced Enemy from Duke Nukem.

Honestly, I got the idea from listening to the Prelude to Final Fantasy.

Basically, from across four universes, four people are brought together as the Heroes of Light and brought to Equestria during the war with King Sombra. They are a Black Mage, a White Mage, a Warrior, and a Black Belt.

They slowly use the power of the Light Crystal to save Equestria by wiping away the influence of Sombra while fighting those corrupted by Sombra.

Along the way, they meet many ponies, including the Mane 6, who seem to get weird memories in the presence of the Light Crystals. Memories of a happier time that was destroyed by one certain time traveling unicorn...

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