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My mom raided my Discord account & didn’t like everything she read in it. Not everything I wrote about her was nice (though I don’t recall describing her as evil, which she accused me of doing). I’m worried she’ll turn off my internet at night or block Discord entirely. I’m at vacation at my Granddad’s (she is not, she’s at home), & have been demonstrating changed behavior. Should I apologize for everything, or should I keep quiet & hope she forgets about it?

I think you should apologize to her and explain what happened.

Group Admin


  1. Apologize. And do the apology without considering just a way out if possible. Don't be dishonest.
  2. Don't shit-talk people behind their back. It's understandable that we often feel we can't though, and thus we need to rant and blow some steam. But keep it contained as much as possible, not only because it isn't sustainable but also because it puts you into bad habits and can lead to huge troubles later on. Which brings me to point 3.
  3. Learn how to password protect your shit.

7811301 Here's the bottom line: her house, her rules.

Since you still intend to live with her, try to de-escalate the situation as much as you can.


I would, although I feel it was a massive breach of personal privacy. I would also suggest talking about the issues involved so that they might be defused.

Upgrade your password to something she will never guess.

Huk #7 · Mar 9th, 2023 · · ·


Talk to her and ask her what exactly got her so upset. If she shows you something where you really went too far... apologize; if not, well... you have two options:

  1. Apologize anyway - generally, you should never apologize if you did nothing wrong, but parents are a special case, especially when you plan to live with them for a while. Sometimes it's better to let it go even if you know the truth is on your side.
  2. Try to explain why what you said was not what she thinks - some people can be persuaded if you show them the context (and it's innocent enough!), others... not so much. If your mom is the latter kind of person, go with AD1 :unsuresweetie:.

Whatever you do, I would suggest not to shit on your parents on social media and/or chats (siblings are fine, though :trixieshiftright:). Hell, maybe I'm showing my age, but something like that was unthinkable 10-15 years ago :pinkiesick:.

Oh, Also... LEARN TO USE F*CKING PASSWORDS and/or ENCRYPTION :flutterrage:!

So that's why you've been recently leaving Discord groups. I thought you were still upset about that girl you were in a relationship with. :twilightblush:

Still sucks that the whole situation with your mum happened, though. I agree with everyone here that you should apologize and change your passwords so something like this doesn't happen again.

I wrote something I shouldn’t have.

“ Good morning.

I’m sorry about all of the trouble before. I do think a a couple of misunderstandings have occurred because you said things that confused me a little, but I acknowledge that I still made mistakes & will be more responsible in the future. ”

Too cold & professional?



IMHO, this sounds way too 'professional' as if you were writing an apology to your boss, not mom. And... Again, it may be me showing my old 'fartness,' :trixieshiftright: but... an apology in writing? Wouldn't it be easier - and more efficient - to simply call her and talk it out/apologize :unsuresweetie:? Obviously, I don't know you, your mom, or the relationship you have, but I do know people who would take offense if someone tried to apologize via sms/mail/letter instead of face-to-face/phone-call conversation...

Be sincere. Apologize, tell her you do love her.
Tell her those were private conversations that are often meant for venting frustrations to friends... but you did not think that it sounded that bad when you wrote it... and this opened your eyes that you were possibly talking about her in a way you didn't mean to.

Wording and how you phrase it is just as important as tone.

When your old enough, she shouldn't be "raiding" your stuff, though. I hope this is not something that will continue.

I would apologize if I were you.
After all, a few weeks back, I called my mom a narcissist, which she's not, after we had an argument, I let my anger get the best of me.
After that, I mustered up the strength to apologize to her for calling her that.
Basically, go and apologize to her.

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