The Destiny Clan 567 members · 75 stories
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Based on this thread over at Reddit, I'm curious to see if anyone has any weird nicknames for stuff in-game as well. Let me past the OP's first para.

As inspired by this thread, I decided, with some encouragement, to see if I can get at least a small organized list of the weird things we call bosses, items, supers, etc., in Destiny. What got me thinking about this was that, in my clan, we call the void seekers that Shriekers emit when you kill them "Liam Neesons," because they will find you, and they will kill you.
We use some of the other commonplace ones like "Palpatine" or "tickle fingers" for a stormcaller, Rockets McDickface, etc.
Let's try to get some weird vocabulary shared from all corners of the tower!

I guess I'll go first:
Stormcallers - Ticklefingers
Defenders - Bubble bitches
sniper rifles (in general) - long dicks; alternatively, sniping is long dicking
Taken Centurion plasma spheres - baseballs
Telesto - Molesto
Shaxx - Snack Attack
Lord Saladin - Lord Saladbar
Iron Banner - Iron Banana
Eris - Creepy or Creepybitch
Xur - Mr. Walmart
Other Players in your fireteam not a part of your clan - Blueberries
Gjallahorn - Jellyborn
Servitors - Beach balls
Thrall rush - Notice Me Sempai!
Omnigul - Omni-chan, Crota-sama's #1 Fan
SIVA Spores, unopen - Penises
SIVA Spore, open - Vaginas
The Shield Brothers - The Asshole Twins

5731595 Cluster f**kers=any rocket launcher with cluster bombs or other effect increasing it's base damage in a given area.


Oryx- Grumpy old neighbor.

Crota- That ass hole brother you just woke up.

Blinding waves from taken captains/Warpriest-Helen Keller balls (am I am bad person for that?)
When Crota moves from one side to another-Crotating
Aksis' Siva swarm-space AIDS/space herpes
Legendary engram-lengram
Invisible fallen-invisabros
Golgoroth puddles-ogre juice
When a sun breaker comes around a corner-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH RUUUUUUUUUUUUUN
Siva nodes-cancer nodes

Anyone else have the same names as me?

5731681 before my old raid group broke up we used crotating too.
Nonplayer: the idiots (most the time squeaker kids) that stand on something tall and jump up down in hard mode Vault of Glass when Atheon spawns.

Xur: Santa Xur

Telesto: pink mist of death two/ earlier 2.0

Titan bubble: pally bubble

Storm callers: shock scooters

Snipers: campers

Eris: sugar..... don't ask

Omnigul: Omni-bitch

Invisibles: clokers

Sword dancer: blade bitch

Sun titans: MC Hammer.

Sun hammer: hammer time

Nova bomb: Hellow Bitches! (Often shouted as used)

Necrocausm: Bulit wall two

Vex mythoclass: game time over in crucible (that gun has on its own won me games)

Ice breakers: star ships.

Taken Centurion plasma spheres and new splicer versions: seakers name fore anything that fucking chases you.

Cursed thrall: green barrel!

Atheons epolge: built wall original and my first love

Sung of ir yurt: my favorite tune

Corrective measures: oricle eater

Glass house: fish bowel.

Sword logic: Any time any one uses a sword

5731595 Omnigul:Pepe's Mother
Eris:Me back in my emo years
Lord Saladin:Lord Saladass
Iron Banner:Banana training
Stormcallers:Slow-mo destruction
Thrall rush:Butt ticklers
Sunbreakers:Super Russian Sonic
Gulgoroth's back:The Yellow pussy (hold the L)
Super Good Advice:The gun that won't accept shitty aiming,and gives you shit for it.
Ir Yut's Song:The Duck Song
Doing Crota's End:Getting Crotato chips.
The sisters:1:52

Stormcallers - Ticklefingers
Defenders - Bubble butts
Gunslingers - Golden Penis
Fusion Rifles - Voopers
Shotguns - Cancer
sniper rifles (in general) - snoot-boopers
Taken Centurion plasma spheres - bullshit
Taken Captain spheres - Blindy bullshit
Splicer seekers - bullshit
Telesto - Tostito
Cayde - Mal
Ikora - Strong independent warlock who don't need no titan
Zavala - Hardass
Rahool - the family disappointment
Shaxx - Mr. O'Neill
Lord Saladin - Lord Saladman
Iron Banner - Iron Banana
Eris - N/A
Xur - N/A
Variks - Mah boi
Other Players in your fireteam not a part of your clan - Blueberries
Gjallahorn - G-Horn
Servitors - Eyes
Thrall rush - Hello children time for murder!
Omnigul - Bitch
Crota - Crotato
Warpriest - Warpiest
Golgoroth - "Golgy XD"
Oryx - Ugly
SIVA Spores - Space Crabs
Shield Brothers - Mario Brothers
Siege Engine - Death Zamboni
whatever thing that triggers the bossfight for any given encounter - the Butt

Old Valus Ta'aurc: Rockets McDickface
Omnigul: Omnigrill/Omnigurl/My wife in the morning
Ir Anuk and Ir Halak: Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dumbass
Golgoroth: Cum monster
Gorgons: nearly blind pedophiles
Variks: The homie (or, alternatively) SILOK, THE DEFILED
Ikora: Magical terrorist
Shiro-4: Knockoff Cayde
Eris: Rape victim
Executor Hideo: Executor Hiroshima

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