Straight Shipping 2,899 members · 6,639 stories
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That's right! It's Sunday! You know what that means:

Favorite X Ship Day!

What's that? Its not Saturday again? Oh bu-

Don't worry I'll make sure this never happens again.......sorry....(This keeps distracting me!)

Anyway, on to the shipping. This week, we have Rarity; the beautiful, dazzling, alabastan unicorn. The seamstress of ponyville with a knack for fashion and a generous heart. Which pony deserves her heart?

In other words, who do you ship her with?

Me? RariPants, I guess.

Why? Rarity is my least favorite of the mane6, so I'm a big fan of shipping her with anypony, but I like this ship. Why? Do you even need to ask? Really, do you?

Moving on, second is Sparity

And third is RariLane, I'd say.

OK, now then: what's yours?

Somehow Rarity and Braeburn.:eeyup:

Wow, you have the exact same choices in the exact same place as me. Can't really argue with that :duck:

2084056 1st is with her and my OC

Second would be Sparity

Group Admin

Rarity and Fancy Pants is absolutely a favorite of mine. :raritystarry:

I think it's makes so much sense! It's like Rainbow Dash and Soarin'. It's the realization of her dream. Shame that Fancy doesn't seem he will have another role anytime soon.

I'm fine with Spike and Rarity, too, That scene on secret to my excess was so sweet! :raritycry:

I hope that they explore that further. :rainbowkiss:

I don't support the idea of RariPants.. I'm oookay with Sparity... I dunno... She deserves a cool yet well-mannered guy her age or something...(It's just that Fancy is like.. IDK 40 years old and Rarity is like what 18?) :applejackunsure:

2084122 Hard to know their ages.

Group Admin
Vexy #9 · Nov 3rd, 2013 · · 2 ·

I think I already mentioned this, but I love to see a conflicted Flarity relationship.

As for actual shipping... hmm, despite being such a huge fan of Thunderlane, I've never really read any ships between him and Rarity, and I can't see them being that appealing anyway. I find shipping Sparity too easy in aspect that Spike already has a crush on her, and too hard in the aspect that his feelings are blatantly obvious and the fact that Rarity is hesitating needs to be explained. And I've already read all the fics that go on about Spike's too young or Spike's a dragon and she's a pony, etc.

I suppose I could be a fan of RariDash. I'm currently playing around with the idea of that ship. Not quite a convert yet, but I'm getting there! :twilightsmile:

So I'll say RariDash.

One of my favorites is Braeburn and Rarity.

So adoorbs!! :rainbowkiss:

I need to write something about them.

Another one is Big Macintosh and Rarity.

I have many more left. :pinkiecrazy: The Mane Six must be shipped with her!!

2084132 Their looks tell everything :pinkiehappy: well, it seems...

First choice would have to be the rare and controversial RariBlood. When done well it's just delightfully snarky and so much fun.

Second choice, Sparity.

2084314 There's something wrong with the first image, but Sparity and RariBurn are both good.

2084317 I honestly don't care for Raripants,. I just think he's got a thing with Fleur De Lis and all that :raritywink:

2084347 I guess. Doesn't stop shippers.

2084056 Sparity. Fancy Pants is like, her dad's age. :twilightoops:

Steel Resolve
Group Admin

2084398 You're going to argue age difference when you ship Sparity?

2084488 Big difference between a 6 or 7 year gap then a 20 and up age gap!

Steel Resolve
Group Admin

2084500 try more like 6-12, depending on how old Twi was when she got her cutiemark. And really, there is a big difference, because there is no question of whether Fancypants is mature enough to be with Rarity. But my point isn't to disparage Sparity, its just to point out age should not be a factor. If its cool for Rarity to date a hatchling it should be cool for Mr. Pants to date a younger filly.

Steel Resolve
Group Admin

Lets see, it's tie for me,




Both Shy and Pinkie ship well for Rarity, they mesh well with Rarity's personality, they have things in common with her, and god are they cute together.

For stallion I do rather like Raripants. He seems to be the one stallion in the world who is actually a gentlecolt.

Is it weird that I basically will ship RarMac, RarPants, Sparity or Rareburn with equal fevor if the story is good enough?

2084675 Not really. I'm an equal opportunity shipper myself, I read almost anything if the story is decent.

2084539 Both are interesting. :pinkiesmile:

2084675 All are decent.

I've always been a huge fan of Sparity. I'm a sucker for interracial/inter-species couples and the entire dynamic between Rarity's element and Spike's draconian nature adds just another layer of tension. Love is nice when it's all smooth but when you have to overcome so many obstacles first (age differences, species differences, etc.), the end result is so much sweeter.

Something I'd like, in MF fanfic anyway, is Rarity does love Spike, but she thinks there's a better girl out there for him.

RariLane is my first choice. Honestly, I expected a little bit more of a reaction from the fandom after the wonderbolt episode where she hugged him.

RariBlood is second. It's a bit of a up hill battle for the writer to make it come across convincingly, and it requires a lot of character development for Blueblood.

2084351 I don't think getting hit by a freight train will stop most shippers :ajsmug:

2085866 Having a character being shown as straight doesn't even faze shippers.

2084056 [Begin joke.] I must cry foul! "Rarity is my least favorite of the mane6," you say? To quote the quiet one, "How dare you?!" Rarity is a successful business pony. She has professional ties all over Ponyville and Canterlot. She fights manticores without hesitation, manipulates diamond dogs into becoming her work force, stands her ground even when in the grips of a rampaging, greed fueled dragon, and so much more. At least tie her with somepony, I beg you. Yes, she can be manipulative. Yes, she is a little on the prissy side. Yes, she can be a little harsh with Sweetie. But even with those marks against her, the scales still tip towards her being at least tieing with one of the others.[End joke.]

All kidding aside, Rarity is very flexible when it comes to shipping. I just finished up, "How to Woo Your Lady in NIne Easy Steps," and found it to be one of the best stories concerning Rarity and Spike, much less one that looks at the potential romantic relationship between the two. If you have not read it, I strongly encourage you to. Not only did I enjoy the read, I also learned a lot on how to set up a story so that it has a stronger emotional impact.

As for who I like to ship Rarity with, there happens to be this strong, dark, and handsome stallion, with a bit of a bad streak, from the Crystal Empire that she seems to fit well with.

2086006 :raritywink::raritywink:

Anyway, the reason why she's my least favorite is because I see myself as having the least in common with her.

Nice choice though.

2085813 I agree. I thought there would have been a tidal wave of stories about the pairing of Rarity and Thunderlane, and all we got was a ripple.

They would fit together too. She's a driven, hardworking business owner, he's a determined, self disciplined athlete. They both have siblings, and can relate to each other on that level too. To quote the irascible Derpy, "I just don't know what went wrong!"

2086054 There was a decent amount of fan art that came out from what I saw, but it's like the writers on FimFiction decided to just try to ignore it.

2086035 I understand completely. My personality opposite, when it comes to the Mane 6, is Pinkie. While I like her, if you locked me in a room with her for much time at all I would go nuts. I'm a fairly quiet, orderly, reserved individual. (Very strong introvert, but not cripplingly so.) Pinkie would drain the energy out of me too quickly. However, she is fun to write for, as you can do just about anything with her. She is mercurial, going from wild and crazy to suddenly giving out sage wisdom, without even missing a beat.

I guess I should reveal, when I took that personality test that was going around a while ago, I ended up squarely in the middle between Twilight and Applejack. I had almost no Rainbow Dash, very little Fluttershy, just a small touch of Pinkie, and a surprising splash of Rarity. To be honest, I think the results quite accurately capture my personality.

2086148 Which is a great tragedy, in my humble opinion. The story is so well crafted, touches all the problems the two would have logically, keeps all the characters in character, and yet it has not gotten near the attention it deserves. I've added it as a recommendation to my page, but that will have little impact, I'm sure. I will keep citing to it whenever I can so that it gets at least a few more readers.

Mine would have to be:

:duck:My wittle spikey-wikey
Followed by RariLane

With a RariMac friends with benefits relationship thrown in:

2086417 Soooo Muccch Sppaarity! :raritystarry:

2084076 I like this idea, why haven't I found this ship anywhere? :raritydespair:

I find naught but one shots :raritycry:

Sparity, Rarijack, and I also ship her with that diamond dog Rover

2087235 Love, hate, and awesome choice,


Goddamn that Diamond Dog Tumblr has twisted me up really bad!

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