PinkieShy 326 members · 157 stories
Comments ( 17 )
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Hey everypony, may I ask a quick favor?

I'm looking for the best Pinkieshy fics, and I need a second opinion on the subject...
I know it's hard to ship Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, since they can be complete opposites, but I'm looking for good examples and good reads.
It doesn't matter whether the story you recommend is yours or not, one-shots or long stories, I want to hear your opinions...

So... what Pinkieshy Fics you recommend?

4960975 I have a section on my page and an entire Bookshelf dedicated to them being shipped together, if you want to see those.
I even have a few stories I wrote about them.
You can find them here: Story 1 Story 2 Story 3 Story 4
(None of them are NSFW, if you didnt want that.)

Hope this helps! :twilightsmile:

4960975 There's too few, that's for sure. Well. Note to self: I really need to write Pinkieshy.

But as far as stories I've read go, Don't Be Too Hasty would be the best. It's a cute little short story that I can definitely recommend :yay:

4961040 too few stories. I agree with you. As far as I can tell, the count is under 100.
That number needs to change...
Yeah, that is a pretty cute story. One of my favorites. :yay:


Thanks for helping me out!
Whew! I have my work cut out for me...:pinkiegasp:
Sleep is for the weak! Watch out brain, I'm going to binge-read Pinkieshy fics!:pinkiecrazy:

Thanks for the feedback!:pinkiehappy:
...I'll get to reading "Don't be too Hasty" ASAP!

4961071 binge reading Pinkieshy? I like this guy!


Here are my favorite shipping and non shipping stories from my favorites lists. :twilightsmile:

^ (It's mainly a RariTwi story with only the tiniest bit of PinkieShy, but it IS the story that got me INTO PinkieShy in the first place!)

Non shipping, but don't let that put you off because some of them I like even better than the shipping ones, they are just that good!:

I also have 4 shipping stories in my Tracking folder that are good, but incomplete. They will likely never be complete either as each one has been incomplete for a year or two. Yet, they stay in my Tracking folder because they really show promise story wise. Let me know if you'd like those as well!



It's been ages since the last time I read anything MLP, but here are some Flutterpie/Pinkieshy from my bookshelves. These are all complete and rated either E or T. I didn't double check which ones are shippy and which ones aren't, but here you go:

Any Pinkieshy Fics, whether shipping or not, just enough interaction between Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy is the only restriction.
Well just to clarify... no NSFW fics please... plus, I think that the forum for this group won't allow it.

Incomplete... I can handle, I just prefer one-shots and Complete fics (Let's just say leaving me on a cliff hanger is not the best idea). But, if the Incomplete ones are also the best, feel free to mention them... I'm all ears

Thanks for the Feedback!:pinkiehappy:


Ship or no ship, they are all fine.
Thanks for the feedback!


I'm guessing this fic is one that found the most noteworthy...
Great job!
Thanks for the help! I greatly appreciate it! :pinkiehappy:


Well, I don't know if I'd call them the best, but they were good enough to get my attention. :twilightsmile: I'll leave them here for you, and if you decide to give them a shot, they're here. :pinkiesmile:
^(butterflycakes is complete, it's sequel is not.)
^ (This one has the potential to become the best PinkieShy fic out there in my opinion, but it hasn't updated past the first chapter)

Great! Thanks for your help again! :derpytongue2:
I'll look into it!:pinkiehappy:

4961684 walang anuman (you're welcome)

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