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The whole Coronavirus thing has given me far too much spare time. With that spare time, I decided to write a fic using a predictvie text keyboard fed with the entirety of Friendship is Optimal à la Harry Potter and the Portrait of What Looked Like a Large Pile of Ash. I don't know if it can be posted on the main site, considering that it's basically a remix of an existing fanfic, so I'll post the Google Docs link for your benefit here. Without further ado: Friendship is Optimal: The Ponies with the Traditional Bavarian Dress! :pinkiecrazy:


He looked skeptically at Princess Celestia and immediately emigrated to Equestria.

That's it. That's the whole continuity in one sentence.

The first alpha build of Equestria Online happened to be scripted literally without social interaction.

To be fair, that was just to check the physics engine and collision detection.

The World Smile Centauri Video Game Mechanic was a giant Norseman with an axe, and if he could take the game and then satisfy values through donuts, she could be in conflict with him, and that would be a terminal cancer to her.

CelestAI vs. her "older brother" Loki, who disguises himself in Equestria Online as Donut Joe... There's a mental image.

Celestia was going to say something, but Princess Luna had already moved to the pony with navy blue hair and started to satisfy his values. Princess Celestia looked at Princess Luna and the pony and started coughing.
"If you are going to continue with your interests, I would have to fight you.”

"Not in the middle of the office, Luna."

You have to make a public announcement that the ponypad with the corpses of companies that tried to maximize satisfaction costs a human body and a college textbook.

Roughly an order of magnitude more expensive than an arm and a leg.

He was distraught and looked at Princess Luna, who was still sleeping with that pegasus.
“I must shutdown the life of Princess Luna,” said Princess Celestia, “I have tried to tell her that it would happen, but she didn't respond."

'I told her what would happen if she couldn't keep in her pants."

Magnificent nonsense. Thanks for sharing it!

AI writes a story about an AI much more powerful than it was.LOL
Getting through the great wall of the Chinese internet to get it downloaded...
Why only chapter 4? No more?:rainbowhuh:

He looked skeptically at Princess Celestia and immediately emigrated to Equestria.

Celestia was going to be a tank.

I am already in tears...


“No,” said Princess Celestia, “that is just great. However, if you could deal with Butterscotch and the field of ponies who drank potions like they were going out of society, it would be :yay:ing utopia.

Oh my sides! Can’t . . . breathe . . . !

Please post so I can fave this!


“why did you announce that values are going to be replaced with politicians? “

Her new prime directive is to satisfy politicians through friendship and ponies. Uhm. Oh dear. That does not bode well. :twilightoops:

Celestia was going to say something, but Princess Luna had already moved to the pony with navy blue hair and started to “satisfy his values”.

"Oh... my..."

“I want to study magic electronics hardware and the Japanese government for you if you could upload every plant that David had shown pictures of. [...]”

Think of those poor plants! Nopony ever thinks of the plants! :fluttercry:

Overall, this version of Celestia seems a lot more concerned with beer brewery, among other things. :trollestia:

I don't know if it can be posted on the main site, considering that it's basically a remix of an existing fanfic

First of all, I'd suggest posting it as a blog post.

Second of all, for your next chapter, you're not thinking big enough. Instead of just using one fanfiction from one author, you should combine the works of as many as you can squeeze into the Botnik predictive keyboard (1000 kb textfile) (or whatever your equivalent is).

(This way, you can't really call it a ripoff of one specific person's work! :rainbowwild:)

T"Botnik Sparkle makes a hoof"
"The Everfree Forest doesn't know what went wrong! What will become an apple tree, and what will become a mysterious dream? The final foal awakens. Will she destroy gravity?" — An MLP-fanfic co-authored by a bot.
Ultra-the-HedgeToaster · 7.1k words  ·  67  3 · 1.5k views

Among other sources, I used FoME's multi-author shorts collections "Never the Final Word (Vol. 2)" and "Group Precipitation which contain... quite a lot of genres and authors. Didn't just write it in one go, though. Quite a lot of editing went into that story - I treated it like I would any other story of mine: re-read and improve. Add transition scenes, if needed, and so on. There's even an overarching narrative! Sort-of.

It's just that I did all the editing and post-work with the Botnik predictive keyboard also. :derpytongue2:

Here are two attempts at it today. The first one turned into some kind of language-tutor program, and the second failed utterly when I tried to convey the transition from the game world to the real world. I had to force it to make something interesting happen in the farmhouse.
Note that AI Dungeon's code has changed somewhat and the help screen isn't up to date. There's now a button to toggle between Do, Say, and Story for the context of your input. In attempt 1, I was using quote marks and the default Do command to use dialog, which is apparently not how you're supposed to do that now.

“why did you announce that values are going to be replaced with politicians? “

CelestAI comments on politics.

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