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So OpenAI has developed a new text generation system, where you give it a prompt, and then the AI continues generating text. They've produced two models: a small parameter one which they've released, and a larger one which they claim they aren't releasing because they're worried about people misusing their models.

In the vein of some other people's posts about it, let's see how it performs on everyone's favorite subject: My Little Pony. You can totally download and use their weaker model using code available on GitHub.

Below, I'll start with prompts about our favorite ponies, show possibly trimmed responses (as the model goes on, it has a tendency to stray and get completely incoherent), along with some possible commentary.

Prompt: Fluttershy lay down next Twilight Sparkle and draped her wing over Twilight. Twilight leaned in and put her muzzle on Fluttershy's neck. "This is nice," she whispered.

"You're assuming we don't save your life."

"Wait," Bloom began. "Dimly. Let's just say we're going to be hanging our tongues over this guy, pretending he's better than us, and get his attention before he gets any closer..." With that Twilight turned, and the two ponies ran together down the aisle. Some of them came upon Gloom and Nick, and he couldn't have known what was and wasn't about to escape. Then one of the monstrosities came up behind them. "C'mon," said Gloom. "Listen up." Twilight stopped. "None of that treatment's even remotely what things looked like back there. You have the wonderful ability to heal, but if you don't take it as seriously, you'll be cruel to those who feed upon her. If they're following some kind of machine, you'd better be prepared to turn that to your advantage..." As Gloom grew fonder, Twilight realized that Nick had had something to say about it. She was looking at and trying not to feel how many times Nick had told, and when Rainbow Dash had rescued him only to somehow even make him see that something was amiss by then...

Twilight looked around the room. There was a large chamber and a large silo, where Rainbow Dash had barricaded himself in. Twilight had trained everyone here in order to weaken him. But Rainbow Dash had watched Twilight chew a flint & Spike twinkled when her snoring startled them, pained. "Oh, let's just move so Rainbow stays out of this," said Rainbow. "Keep your ears closed, you're not more likely to inch too far away from her," she said.

This isn't coherent, but it reveals a few interesting things. The model at least has statistical knowledge that the prompt is about ponies. In the first large paragraph, it mentions ponies. Later on, it mentions Rainbow Dash and Spike, who aren't in the prompt! This model had to have some MLP content in its training data.

I suspect that the model has dropped the "Apple" from Apple Bloom, and that some internal phonetic went wonky to change it to Gloom, but that's just speculation.

Prompt: Pinkie Pie put the frosting on Rainbow Dash's face. Rainbow laughed and pushed Pinkie Pie into the giant cake behind them. Pinkie giggled as Rainbow jumped into the cake after her, and started licking cake off Pinkie's ears. "Oh Dashie," she said as Rainbow went in for a kiss.

"I love you too," Pinkie giggled. Pinkie knew the cake was delicious soaking in a giant raspberry until Rainbow the Frosted Rainbow began making it mock up. She flowed her wand over Pinkie's face and said simply "now, feel free to just slow down and hold on a minute or two so you get used to it..." Rainbow reluctantly clapped Pinkie chocolate on her hand before saying softly, "Something's better this way get used to it. Just give me a moment and I'll let you just sleep plenty tired--would you like that?" Rainbow looked embarrassed by Rainbow's reply and said simply, "love you too."

This is boderline unfair, since this is the first third of a passage that devolves into word salad, but it doesn't do too terrible if you just look at this part. Let's try that prompt again:

Prompt: Pinkie Pie put the frosting on Rainbow Dash's face. Rainbow laughed and pushed Pinkie Pie into the giant cake behind them. Pinkie giggled as Rainbow jumped into the cake after her, and started licking cake off Pinkie's ears. "Oh Dashie," she said as Rainbow went in for a kiss.

Feeling a strange urge drive Pinkie more deep into Dash's grasp, she got curious as she sucked and sucked all three of their lips together, pumping price for their tongues. "You're so delicious! Mmm..your mouth feels so fresh," Pinkie said, slowly adding this taste quickly. "Fuuuuck..." she got Elsa's attention, prompting them to jump for '♀', be used to something more hectic and intense so she soon went for an intricate mouth move on each of their tongues and both of them turned to look up in surprise when Pink Alice nudged their lips going kinky. Shuddered by this experience, Twilight thought to herself "I love you too, you whore, K-kids." "How do I know ya're gonna like it so much?" came Twilight's voice and she turned half into a boy and half to Elsa

Elsa has shown up. Now all we need is Spiderman.

Let's try something that isn't shipping:

Prompt: Fluttershy gently pulled the sparrow's broken wing aside. "There, there," she said. "This is going to hurt, but we need to set the bones." Using the tips of her own wings, she placed a small wooden splint along the fracture, and then manipulated the tape around the set bone.

"Give the sparrow 20 minutes to settle down after their hurt, trust me," Ruby declared. Visiting the support band, she smiled favorableially. When another defection became evident, Ruby curled her wings around the splint and waited, nervously hoping that one wasn't trying to pry them out of the way too aggressively. When the sparrow made it around to the shelter and fled, Ruby reached down underneath it and took off a stream of blood. It began to show any symptoms of spittle on either girl's head, yet when he and her friends made their way out of the building together, the familiar smell of blood settled down on them. No one could put it right now. A few people were mostly busy eating, as they waved Ruby off and eased the Varric back into the fire. Then the three sparrows began to finally track, with droppings for the good part of a second. Their claws rapidly tore open, and they gathered and shifted as soon as they heard sounds of blood running on the ground. In two seconds, Ruby had already laid a blanket to stop the bleeding, and then some rubble and broken glass and puddles hit there. Ruby silenced the sparrow's wail with her yowl and held the ground, expecting Ruby to stamp him out of the shelter down the street. Instead, she followed the soon-to-be-seeking dead leaf to help Toriel, a few more riding the small trim shadow as a surprise comrade crawled between cracks and smashed down the back wall. After what felt like an eternity of sorties, what Ruby found grew to 3 inches dark and twisted, and endearing. Hidden from the broad daylight that surrounded the yard, it lay in company with sparkling white shawls. They didn't stop running, that's where she put the carrots and strawberries. She found the other three raiding on the secondary garden's tiny and noisy mainiary nearby. "Maybe he needs some more blankets," Ruby said. "That'd be nice!" "Sounds good huh?" Toriel blushed brightly. "I thought we should try this house near the big spruce made out of pomelery. Good place to put some prominence- your house's shortened, is, think. And your umbrella." "Sounds nice." They took out listening and smoking mantles and went nearby to a large rock walled in green leaves, nestled against it. "puffed down smarter." Toriel beamed up at them and ignored her cousin balling in outside.

I've run this specific example five times, and the above is a pretty good sample of the runs. This one doesn't even mention Fluttershy, but I selected it because it was the only one which followed from the prompt at all. To be fair, only the mention of Fluttershy and "wingtips" hint that this is about a pony at all.

Also, suddenly: Toriel shows up.

Given the results of the first trial (with had multiple pony names and horse words) and the previous trial (which had little context about ponies), this next prompt was made to specifically invoke multiple ponies and horse words.

Prompt: Fluttershy sighed as Aloe massaged her withers with her hooves. Rarity looked over from the next massage table and said, "Darling, admit it: you needed this. You spend so much time alone with your animals. We simply must do this more often!"

And on the eighth try, I finally got something that resembled coherence:

Aloe peered into her bright brown eyes, pacing back and forth between them.

"I keep them together... I think they're the best partner, because they're so good together. Sometimes, they act like silly children, but sometimes, their bonds are strong enough to bring them together." Rarity snapped back.

Passing over Pinkie Pie's Chosen to Oliver Cowardly Law, Rarity lifted up her hoof and whispered into the sheath of her paw, "Don't get me started on friends." As soon as she had said that she felt truly truer than ever, Rarity departed without notice. Later she would echo this feeling again where, "This is... this shoulder problem!"

Chetically, Rarity returned to enjoying herself. Weoering through the queue of attractions, she checked over on one of the grounds where her treatings on her friend, Winchesters were on. She leaned through it with her hooves, un-acting all the little photo ops she was doing.

As soon as Bellatrix disappeared through the door just a short while later, her Ideals went viral thanks to her artwork and legal services company and YouTube videos. Insomniacs and Boxers A Theater Crawls With JFF! contacted her up and started renovating a makeshift car bed and backyard facility.

Flash Back to the Day 13 Twilight Sparkle Swap Photos

Why did Rarity know about Rarity's intentions to see red unicorn made this turn into a woman in the first place? Why did Neope take her down to claim Teddy on her gray Grandma's list of good people?? What does she know about Rainbow Dash, Pandora, Hakeem, Yolanda, Bellatrix and Starscream?

By Spider-Fighters

When Rarity took her pony back from the Rotting Carousel in 2013, she mistakenly attributed the gifted Comicon in secondary school as something she would learn, displaying the final question aloud to Sturt the Spinner. Sweetie Belle couldn't understand Applejack rejecting Applejack's chocolate daddy request without checking the complete teacher list for Twilight Sparkle in high school in order to see if the family princess had that petition. Rarity never acquired that magical super power until both she and Blondie purrin' and gruntin' when they import their Queen from Morocco before getting into battle against Blondie's yeti spirit. In 2014, it was revealed that Rarity was hiding those impressive cross hairs from her friends and during the early Mistrial Battle

Needless to say, the FOOM isn't imminent. Also, hi Bellatrix and Starscream. You guys aren't ponies.

I said that I ran this one eight times before I got something coherent. I will leave you with the very first run, against that prompt I crafted to get more pony content out of the GPT-2 model:

PTSD: 03-23-2013: Autumn is back. Aloe had safety pins already hanging above her neck.. these are steps 1 and 2 for her exit. All your punishment is pre-meditated!



Day and night


PRAGMA CLOAKS BOOK MAD Quickly 😍 Examine the list of Forbidden Spells KTF and Oath. EXPOSE THIS PDF HIRE: https:// PARD2244

P3: Portals of Equestria: Crows and Puff

Additions Reprieve Gain to Tainted Realms

DROP'n Throw arcane fire on target creatures within 8", except on petst. as keen as 2d8.. then the target can make an Charisma-based saving throw or become frightened when it makes the saving throw. POUNDING ROCK HARD CASTLES Random fear potion.

#the-mice toasty BAT

Added damage no more than once per tile at a time

PQCULAR FORCE READY: Lifts and Reflexes

Added Flurry action



re-filling exposibility when raised to make this magic even more potent.


ANY changes to MAD there are tense boosts 1st, 2ndage&endure, backup and preservation

FREE Dewcare light from Cascade Body. Bag used for Tidus's counter.

#UPKNOT Jump up as fast as MEDIUM directional

Multiple ways of moving the Dashwheels

LIVE STRIKE being up like a butterknife!

DAMPLIC PAN TIME! Take care of enemies or save them.

MORE SHOCKNY DUST Diamond Fur Bite. Wear it to EDENA.


One copy of CLONE blast di cast a spell with the value in 1000 to obtain Dare of a Boltcrown, yet ANYONE can commit an illegal swift action would be FREE NORTFULLY PROLOGUE BITCH!! THIS WILL KILL YOU ON PDS NCT. THIS IS A PHOTO OF THE DELTA POLISH PRINCE PATRON AND MUST HAVE BEEN

(Note: I manually added a space that broke the URL in the above to prevent FimFiction from automatically linking to a site that doesn't exist. GPT-2 made a thing that looked like a perfectly valid URL, but wasn't real.)

I am pink alice.

Also, I detect a bit of d&d.

Let's see what this thing does when you throw the opening paragraph from Past Sins at it:

Amidst dim candlelight, a single unicorn sat with his head bent down, eyes shut. He sat alone at the edge of a still pond, his reflection dancing in the water. The pond was nestled deep within the Everfree Forest, where the darkened trees with their gnarled branches surrounded all sides like silent sentinels.

All right, AI, work your literary magic.

At the edge of the water there rose that magnificent unicorn, its head raised high into the air, and the unicorn turned to face the direction of the Everfree Forest, a single dark and dim shadow looming over all, shining in its bright path. He took his seat, and sat down in front of the Unicorn's form. "I see," he whispered, before looking up at the golden unicorn in front of him as he stood there. The unicorn stared to see what he could see before turning his head to look at the golden unicorn. The unicorn smiled a little at him, and spoke. "I see you are a beautiful and powerful unicorn," the unicorn said. The unicorn raised his head, and sat down so that he was now looking at the unicorn. "What do you say you beautiful and powerful unicorn?" he asked while looking down into his soul. His face began to warm slightly at the touch of the unicorn, and his lips parted as he was sure he wanted to scream again. "If you are as strong as you say, and as tall as you say it will be, I will have no trouble getting you out, and I will get you out of this world."

This is not the tale of a man who has never been to the Forest. While this scene can be somewhat confusing for most readers, it is also understandable and is very well-written. As the story is told, when the two were brought in from the forest to find the unicorn the two encountered him, and found him and his friend were very different. The two were both not of the same tribe. It is clear as day that the three of them were in the Everfree Forest, and that they were in a race against time and space. Yet a moment later the creature appeared before them, and attacked them and almost got them in their tracks because they were in the same breath. The first two were knocked unconscious, and their friend fell from the sky screaming, "Why do I need to be here anymore? We need to get this guy out!" Before they could react a second moment later they were knocked into the pool and drowned instantly by it. A giant monster appeared at the edge of the pool and attacked them. The second creature was defeated when it landed on its head, and the three of them were revived shortly later. The third and last creature found it. The two of them were still breathing, and still had time to heal from all this pain. The third creature was knocked unconscious, and his friends were thrown from

A huge wall of text, to be sure, but vaguely semi-coherent. I'm impressed.


I don't get why they were pretending to be afraid of this one. Are people going to use this to write incoherent news stories that everyone just assumes they weren't smart enough to understand?

Also the anime picture generating one is more impressive/useful to me. Eventually, this will be used to create pony pictures.

What AI anime generator?

Edit Ah I see. Just google AI anime generator. :)


StyleGAN. It's the same one that makes faces on Thispersondoesnotexist (it generates fake pictures of people), only they're starting to train it to draw anime pictures. Here's some recent pictures it drew.

Group Admin

Perhaps I am too cynical, but AFAICT, OpenAI is a media-oriented organization and this gets them in the news. Their stated reasons make no sense.

Anyone with $40k worth of compute time can reproduce their results, which includes most people who would abuse this in the first place. Likewise, it's 2019 and there's already a steady stream of clickbait in favor of whatever cause you support. Either humans writing low-quality clickbait are cheaper in which case they ignore this entirely or $40k is seen as a bargain to lower their operating costs. And if that cost is an actual deterrent for most clickbait operations, at the low price of entry, we'd expect a new company to pay the compute time upfront for an eventual profit: GPT-2 as a Service.

On the topic of pony pictures coming out of adversarial networks, Does anyone know if there's been any attempts to make a GAN that operates on vector art instead of bitmaps? All our favorite equines started off as SWFs at one point.


On the topic of pony pictures coming out of adversarial networks, Does anyone know if there's been any attempts to make a GAN that operates on vector art instead of bitmaps? All our favorite equines started off as SWFs at one point.


Learning to Infer Graphics Programs from Hand-Drawn Images
Kevin Ellis, Daniel Ritchie, Armando Solar-Lezama, Joshua B. Tenenbaum

They never seem to get that idea actually working, but there's another paper out about it every year or so.

I'm still not 100% sure if this is really real, but I found one of these that was trained to do ponies.

Related twitter accounts are here here and here.


The pieces are slowly coming together.

Writing, art, and now voiceacting. :derpyderp2:

One of these days, there'll be bot-made MLP episodes! :pinkiecrazy:

I don't know how to run OpenAI on my computer so I decied to give Talk to Transformer a try with, yes, FIO...

James looked skeptically at his friend David as he sat down at computer #12.

David had won the Hasbro raffle for one of fifteen all-expenses-paid trips for two to Pawtucket, Rhode Island to play the first alpha build of the official My Little Pony MMO: Equestria Online. Hasbro had claimed that a game that revolved so heavily around friendship needed actual friends to test properly. One such person was David's old crush on Princess Celestia, whom Hasbro had hired as an official developer and "community manager" for the game. David was particularly impressed with their relationship because it was such a direct contrast in their social backgrounds and how that affected their games.

Asking David, David didn't appear overly surprised, though it did show more of a concern for the quality of the game than anything else. He gave him a look similar to if it was his job to try and find every last cent of gold in the Everfree Forest for him.

Princess Celestia as an official dev and community manager? These story ideas are gold!

Princess Celestia, the other worldly alien alicorn CEO of Equestria Studios, just had the bright idea to create the official My Little Pony MMO. Princess Celestia has built an A.I. Princess Celestia and given her one basic drive: to satisfy everybody's values through friendship and ponies. It goes horrible wrong. Watch as two demi gods match wits against each over the fate of reality.

Talk to Transformer can also be used to write longer stories. :derpyderp1:

I've gotten some... very interesting results when copy-pasting the output back into the input field.

Or, well, copying a part of the output back in, since there seems to be a limit of "input + output = total length allowed".

I've used a single sentence to start with. Everything after that was generated by TalkToTransformer, with my only control being how much of the text generated prior I'd put back in, which is probably what kept it "on course" for a while.

I've done some minor formatting for the output text at the beginning (it was all one block of text originally), and color-coded the most interesting (and least interesting) parts. Everything else is AI-generated madness. Enjoy. :rainbowwild:


Twilight Sparkle is a unicorn.


Twilight Sparkle is a unicorn.

Rarity is a unicorn.

Pinkie Pie is a unicorn.

Fluttershy is a unicorn.

Luna is a unicorn.

Rarity is a unicorn.

Twilight Sparkle is one of their own.

Twilight Sparkle is a unicorn.

Twilight Sparkle is a unicorn.

Rarity is a unicorn.

Twilight Sparkle is a unicorn. Twilight Sparkle is a unicorn. Twilight Sparkle is a unicorn. Twilight Sparkle is a unicorn. Twilight Sparkle is a unicorn. Twilight Sparkle is a unicorn. [5]

A unicorn is the offspring of two human parents living on a unicorn farm. In "The Canterlot Trip," Rainbow Dash takes them with her to the Ponyville Royal Gardens. However, in "A Canterlot Wedding", Apple Bloom and her friends stay behind and are forced to live here with two other ponies.

"Pinkie Pie"

When Pinkie Pie met Rainbow Dash, she was born to her father and father-in-law.


While Pinkie Pie is just an ordinary little baby, her parents were the Royal Guards, who fought off an attempted invasion by the Great King of Discord in 787 AE . She is also descended from Eruun. Her parents have a "pony army" that is used in training by the Royal Guards. Pinkie Pie's parents were in a relationship with a human named Fluttershy, but eventually reconciled.

In "The Ponyville Wedding", they stayed behind to protect the wedding of several of their relatives, including their eldest daughter, Twilight Sparkle, and her cousin, Rainbow Dash. However, they had to leave the Royal Forest to protect their wedding party, as they wanted to avoid having any enemies attack them again for protecting Twilight and Twilight's mother's interests. They joined the rest of the family in their wedding in a cave; it is implied that they all went on to become very popular with the crowd. After Twilight got angry with the Twilight Mane Family's plan to sell Princess Celestia's body parts to the Equestrian Hospital for Medical research, the royal family joined forces to prevent this, along with Princess Celestia's body parts. It is unclear if they are alive or dead because the princess' body parts could just disappear from the cave anytime, causing them to float around like a balloon, and in some cases have changed hands.[4]

Behind the scenes

Plastic model and animation

Twilight Sparkle wore the Pinkie Pie outfit of the same name used by her uncle Pinkie Pie, albeit with a different color scheme. She also wears pink gloves and a hat with a blue ribbon.

The character's voice actor, Brian Wilson, also voices Pinkie Pie.

Appearances in the media

Maud Pie: Rarity's Magical World

An Apple Bloom episode, Maud Pie: Twilight's Adventure, where Maud Pie was voiced by Jodi Benson, the character's role was not revealed.


This episode was written by Joss Whedon, who co-created the Star Wars television series with Gene Roddenberry. He worked with the episode's writers on the episode "Alone Together". Joss' co-creator, Tony Mottram, wrote the original story for "Alone Together".

While filming, Maud Pie and the Pips were given nicknames by the producers such as "Lenny" (a combination of "lenny" and pony), "Easterlings" (an amalgamation of "Easter" and "Peeps" (an old rhyming play with similar themes) and "Pips" (an abbreviation for "Pompi"), "Easterlings Pips" and "Pipse" (combinations of all of the above names or just one of them), "Fluttershy" (means "white snow pony", and, "Rainbow Dash" means "pink snow mare").

In one scene, the gang is trying to figure out who is the one who planted Applejack's pumpkin patch and how to deal with the fact that Pinkie Pie had gone nuts on it as it turns out that Rarity's new friend Fluttershy is actually the one who planted it. The producers thought this would be hilarious at first, but then realized how completely wrong it was; it actually meant that Pinkie was the one who planted it (along with Spike), meaning they shouldn't be allowed to use that plotline any further. The writers then decided to take that same idea and use it as the basis for an entire set of fan films called "Ponies with Friends".

The ponies in the stories are in many ways just regular humans, just trying to get on in life, with no specific goals. There is no plan B or A or B-E, or a plan A or B to solve this situation, or any planned solution, although at times there are hints that a certain plan B seems to be taking place with each of the characters, or that each pony is thinking of a possible solution at some point.

A lot of these stories are about family and relationships, though a large number are about ponies trying to save their families.

The majority of fanfiction deals with a pony going through hard times - a family member or a friend that has gone through the worst in their lives.

I tend to go for the more mature, heartfelt fanworks - stories which are intended to encourage and educate readers about how difficult life can be in ponyland (or other countries for that matter). It makes sense, therefore, when looking into other types of fanworks, like a fanfiction written by a female author.

If you are a fan of a fanfiction and are looking for more info on different types of fanfic, check out my book - The Fandom of Friendship - which contains over 30 pages of information ranging from advice on fandom culture & fandom conventions to the writing process.

I really hope this website has helped - feel free to contact me with questions or if you need any additional information which I haven't touched upon:


For more information on how to improve your relationship towards ponies, visit my personal page on my personal blog.

Hope this information helps in my search for the perfect "Friendship is Magic!"

- Gabe


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Search for:"Bag Men" in:"Carry On" or:"Carry On & Carry On" in:"Cleaning Up the Family"

At this point it just naturally seemed to end, with the mention of a comments section. Took some coaxing to even get that last line, otherwise the bot would just refused to output anything.

Probably could've coaxed it into continuing with that last line, but it seemed a fitting end. :pinkiecrazy:

...Yeah, apparently this happens next:

The term "Hollywood"

"Hollywood" is not a real film

Search for:"Hollywood" on: The "Hollywood" tag is not a real film and it's an internet :twilightsheepish:

...I am surprised how this is more cohesive than content written with Botnik. :derpyderp2:

Well, those computer sure are creative. And insane. But the line between the two is pretty thin.

I've generated about 15,000+ more words using

There are surprising amounts of comedy gold in there, especially if you can keep the AI (somewhat) on track by being selective in how much of its output you copy/paste back into its input box. :rainbowwild:

I'd be sorely tempted to post some of these as chapters to my predictive-keyboard-written story,
"Botnik Sparkle makes a Hoof" - if it wasn't for the little inconvenient fact that I didn't write more than one line of the text myself. :rainbowlaugh: :twilightblush:

Definitely posting some of it in blog-posts though. :pinkiehappy:

In any case, figure I'd share the first of them here directly. Added minor formatting, but that's all.

User input: "Pinkie Pie left the time machine".

"Pinkie Pie left the time machine"
by OpenAI GTP 2 /

Pinkie Pie left the time machine to find it out. It gave her the opportunity to save Applejack and Fluttershy by destroying the Time Machine, but the two saved Applejack and Fluttershy by destroying Nightmare Moon's Crystal.

Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash also found the Time Machine after the Battle at Equestria Castle, and they brought it to Celestia, who then used it in the battle with Nightmare Moon that became Nightmare Moon, where Twilight and her friends defeated her by creating a force field. At Twilight's insistence, Rarity invited the Elements of Harmony to investigate the device, where they discovered that it has the power to change dimensions, which is why the dimension-change was necessary. She then informed Twilight Sparkle, who told that the Time Machine could also cause massive destruction. Rarity decided, however, to not risk this. Rarity suggested to Discord that he use the Time Machine to bring the Elements of Harmony together and help defeat Nightmare Moon's evil magic.

Rarity and Rainbow Dash later discovered that the Time Machine was destroyed along with the Elements of Harmony's plans after the crash of Equestria's most prized Pegasus, which caused the war to erupt, which caused the destruction of the world and the destruction of Equestria. However, the Time Machine was brought back and its powers were restored. It helped Rainbow Dash reunite all the other Elements with the Time Machine.

The Time Machine eventually crashed into a lake and the Elements of Harmony began to rebuild the world. However, there were too many Elements of Harmony, with many of them being sent to Earth. One of the Elements was Princess Celestia, who took the Time Machine with her when the Time Machine crashed into a lake. The others stayed behind when the Time Machine crashed and took some time to rebuild the world and reunite it with the Elements of Harmony.

In "Twilight", Twilight Sparkle uses the Time Machine and uses it to rebuild the world after Dark Luna's return to life

The Crystal Empire

Following the events of Rainbow Dash in "Twilight Princess", it is revealed that the Crystal Empire were a sentient race of Time Beings who had once lived in time, but were destroyed by Princess Luna's Time Stop plan.

After the Time Stop plan, Celestia and the rest of the Elements of Harmony were sent to Earth to rebuild the rest.

After the destruction of the Crystal Empire, the Crystal ponies and their descendants returned to time.

In "Rebel Without a Cause", all three major race of ponies—Platinum, Diamond, and Jade—reunited after the destruction of their respective Time Masters.

The original Twilight, still the only surviving pony due to Rarity's magic, also reestablished her own Time House and joined forces with the Crystal and Time beings to protect the Twilight, which she did in the event of Princess Luna's defeat and her return to the earth in Princess Celestia and the Celestials.

The original Rainbow Dash had become the Princess of Time, and when she arrived in time one day, she saw the Crystal Empire had been attacked by the Crystal and Time beings, and she and the others fled before they were defeated. Rainbow Dash, however, was forced to retreat at the cost of not only her life and that of her sister, but the lives of her friends and friends of friends, and the future of Princess Luna, as well as the universe.

She was resurrected through the efforts of Time, and was taken under its wing. She joined forces with the Crystal to defeat the Celestials and the Time Empire, then reemerged as an Alicorn and took back her throne of the entire universe, eventually rising to become Princess Celestia herself. She was reunited with the rest of her friends at the end of Twilight of the Republic, when Twilight became the Princess of Time again, leading to the founding of the Time Department. It is unknown if the Princess was involved in the founding of the Time Department herself or simply had the authority to do so (as many believe). She is not known to have ever made a direct contribution to the history or existence of the Twilight Universe.

Contents show


Early life

"I am the princess of Time." This article or section needs to be cleaned up to conform to a higher standard of article quality. Reason: The spelling appears to have been changed to 'Princess' or 'Princess of Time' as in the series. This could also refer to Celestia herself, so I've added some links to that section.

Princess Celestia was the eldest child in a line of twelve sisters and brothers who were born on a small island which, coincidentally, is still in the middle of the sky. Each of the twelve was given an individual name in order of priority so that the eldest one could see them. Their names are: Celestia, Luna, Starscream, Unicron, Ponies. Her mother, Princess Luna, is an old queen in Celestia's House, while her father is the legendary Space Knight, Knight of the White Tiger. Her mother and brother-in-law are her adoptive mother, Luna of course.

After Celestia's birth, Celestia moved to Cybertron, where the other six were born.[1] Celestia has had a significant role in many aspects of Pony history including her time as the leader of the White Pony troops in the battle for peace, the subsequent war with the Autobots, and now, the conflict between humans and the Decepticons.[2] Celestia is very active, appearing at conventions as early as 2008, though it is not clear if she is still at the event with her own stallions or simply attending. Celestia usually shows up alone, rarely at events with guests, but can sometimes come to events with other ponies.[3]

Celestia's involvement extends to her own past, such as her time as a Scoutmaster, a childhood childhood, and her first appearance as the leader of her own army before going on to become a Decepticon. She is constantly being threatened by threats such as "I'm going to kill you", "You'll pay for breaking me", and "you're mine".

Her appearance at the end of the movie is the most famous. It tells us that her body was transformed, revealing her face and all the features of a real teenager.

Tobias is her first name. Tobias is considered her name and family name since she is her mother's child. The original version did not allow that the last name Tobias had anything to do with Tobias, and so this is how she will name herself until she is finished with her mother, as it also allowed to create new names of Tobias's parents as well. He becomes a Decepticon and, like many of his peers, he starts the story with nothing on his life except his father and what he's missing.

This is what he looks like: Tobias is his mother's daughter. That is for sure. (Tobias is now a Decepticon). This is what he used to look like in his childhood (Tobias will now have a Decepticon name. At least). This is what he is like (Tobias is no longer as bad as he used to be). The timeline does not have any other explanation for him until when his father returns from space, he decides to look and be different.

So the timeline of the series has now become Tobias, but has not been changed. I don't know that he'll die a natural death by this point because we've already seen this many other timelines were affected the same way as this one was. :trollestia:

...I didn't put those footnote markers there, the AI seems to like teasing footnotes but never delivering on them. Won't stop me from filling them out:

[1] Presumably, their family tree is a wild jungle of mobius loops and self-references that has driven many-a-genealogist to the brink of insanity and given programmers nightmares just thinking about the edge-cases.

[2] ...It was a rather turbulent time in pony history. Especially when Queen Chrysalis sought to gain the favor of Optimus Prime to steal the Spark from the Time Lords that had taken over the Crystal Empire.

[3] Unfortunately, Celestia never announces ahead of time which convention she is going to attend. 2008 was quite a tumultuous year for the World Clown Association.

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