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5103534 Indeed, thank you for sharing this.

5103537 'Can't we all just get along?'

5103539 Is that a quote from someone?

:facehoof: they're just a bunch of hypocrites...

5103548 Yes, Rodney King in response to massive riots in the US after verdict of not guilty to police officers who badly battered him back in the 90's.

5103560 he just wants peace even after that.

That is a man of character

5103567 Indeed, that's someone I can deeply respect.

5103534 Holy crap, political BS as usual. Very good share.

Let's hold people responsible for their own actions for a change.

5103534 I want to puke after seeing such action.

5103586 I'm not here to make a political statement or say which candidate I support, I just want this piece of news known. However, I now firmly that Trump has a point when he says 'Make America Great Again' in that their is a problem here and it needs to be addressed. I'm all for peaceful protest, but this was anything but. The word 'bigot' means, by the dictionary, 'a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions' and what we have here is that.

5103598 But then those same people who rioted against Trump call him a bigot. It's bullcrap really.

5103819 Ha ha! Not even a bullet will stop Don! Yeah it missed, but even still he stayed strong and worked off it! His charisma is impressive!

5103819 I hate the guy but no one deserves to be shot

I really don't understand what you're talking about. It's Donald Trump who has said things like "I'd like to punch the guy in the face," "I promise to pay your legal fees," and who has supporters who don't regret sucker punching people in the face and say that if they come back again, they'll be killed. It's Trump who advocates throwing out citizens, and Trump who foments hatred towards Muslims (some of whom are citizens of this country), any one of Mexican descent (some of whom are citizens of this country), and basically anyone who isn't a white Christian. And even some of them. He was unbelievably rude to Megan Kelly. They've beaten and kicked Black Lives Matter protesters who have shown up at his rallies. His campaign manager actually tackled and threw a female Breitbart reporter onto the ground. Breitbart, for heaven's sake! They're scarcely a hostile news organization from Trump's point of view. They've choked other reporters. There is videotape of it. It's easy to find.

Protesters who showed up to his rally were there because that is a section of Chicago where mostly people of color live. They actually were not hurting anybody. There are people who were there who have videotape of Trump supporters punching police people.

It boggles my mind that anyone could think these protesters were violent.

Any presidential candidate deals with protesters, Republican, Democrat, it doesn't matter. The only ones at which people are getting hurt are Donald Trump events. And even other Republicans will say that. All day on the news they have been distancing themselves from him.

And THIS is the "Love and Tolerate" board. I'm sure Princess Celestia would approve.

5103534 I just read the rest of this thread, which updated as I was typing my response. Bluntly, I'm disgusted. And I am out of here.

1: It doesn't matter what Trump says, this was a shameful reaction to him.
2: That man is in jail for assault, which he should and has little to do with Trump himself.
3: Only deportation illegal immigrants.
4-1: He never said all muslims and saying there isn't a problem in the muslim world is indefectible.
4-2: He has praised mexicans and even chinese, saying that they are smart, too smart for US government.
5: So does he have 75% of the black republican vote? Why did he win Nevada? Why is he winning in FL and IL? Why does he support Israel?
6: So? This violence is not the answer.
7-8: Oh, well, too bad there's nothing to counter that:

9: Citation needed.
10: Yes yes, ignore video evidence above.
11: Not seeing a whole lot of protester doing this:

12:I'm posting this thread to put news out that there's violence happening due to a utter lack of love or tolerance. It's simply not the answer.

PS: There are plenty of problems with Trump, namely his lack of policy, but you seem mad that I'm pointing out violence that he's a victim of and perpetrated by his opposers.

5103858 Condemning senseless violence disgusts you, got it.

5103598 As thankful as I am that you've shared this, as I previously hadn't even heard about this, can we please not talk about trump. His overexposure only seems to make him more popular and drive me up the wall.

As for the protesters , whilst I agree that Trump getting into the Whitehouse would be very bad(**), violently assaulting his supporters and stopping ambulances from reaching those wounded by your childish behaviour is not the way to deal with it. However, I can't help but understand the mindset that started those riots, as I said earlier Trump does nothing but ridicule protesters, once even going so far as to say 'I want to punch him in the face' about a random protester; people protesting Trump's rallies can, and have been, physically assaulted in full view of police officers and have the perpetrators suffer no consequences, quite the opposite, a man protesting a Trump rally was punched in the face and got arrested for it. This is the mentality that Trump breeds in people, he incites violence and hatred and yet acts surprised when those opposing him respond in kind. I know I said let's not talk about him so sorry, but I couldn't find a way to express my point without it.

Here's the video of the guy getting punched:

(should start at 2:49, watch till the end to hear the good news)

**understatement but I want to avoid ranting too much, it'd ruin my weekend

5104011 It's a reasonable stance. I'm only here to denounce the violence in Chicago.

5104019 Sorry, got carried away.

5104075 No no, that's fine.

5103853 So you are basically saying it's okay for someone to attempt physical harm on someone who spouts rheotoric?

What Donald says isn't right, but that does not mean it's perfectly okay for an idiot to attempt physical harm to him. Imagine if this happened to the President or Senator Clinton? The media would go apeshit. No, they're so biased against Donald (even the casual observer would notice) that they blame everything on him. It's not Trump who's attempting to physically harm people, it's those who do not agree with him that are doing it and are to blame.

Freedom of speech does not mean going out and trying to hurt someone or even kill them.


Responsibility is not zero-sum.

An arsonist in Vernal sets fire to a crowded theater. Because the emergency exit for Screen 3 was installed incorrectly, swinging inwards rather than outwards, movie-goers attempting to flee jam up against the emergency exit door. Dozens die from smoke inhalation.

The arsonist murdered those dozens of people. He is 100% responsible for their deaths, and he should be condemned accordingly. That doesn't mean the construction company who installed the damn door backwards isn't also partially responsible. Nor is the manager who allowed that theater screen to be used before having the door re-installed off the hook. Responsibility isn't all-or-nothing -- one person being responsible doesn't make anyone else less responsible for their part.

You are absolutely right to condemn those who resorted to ugliness and violence, because they are responsible for their actions. And their actions are deplorable. The fact that Donald Trump is responsible for the atmosphere that he has created doesn't in any way mitigate the vileness of those people's actions. By the same measure, those like Maddow, Cruz, and Kelly are absolutely right in pointing out Trump's own responsibility for these events.

As a side note: while we are being disgusted at the horrible behavior of people, let's set aside some of that righteous disapproval for the utterly hateful and bigoted person who made this video, trying to use these events to try to score points against the "libtards" and other groups he regularly villifies. His behavior -- as much or moreso than Trump's or the violent protestors -- is the anthesis of what we should be supporting here in Love & Tolerate.

You're making a Straw Man. Clearly, that wasn't scoots2's argument.

I'm surprised you are the first person in this whole thread to bring up the video creator's own bias. It's so painfully obvious that he has an agenda, and it sure as hell isn't uncovering the truth.

Well, here in comes the problem. The first in that, though it is clearly biased and probably doesn't show the whole story, what is being said in this case is backed up by evidence as he is talking about them. So here comes the messy trouble of finding the truth in things like this, because he is clearly biased, but that doesn't inherently mean wrong. You can't deny that that USSR flag wasn't waved, because it was caught on video; you can't say those Twitter posts calling for assassinations didn't happen, and so on. And in the end it's rather difficult to find un-biased sources. The point here is that you have to ascertain what is truth and what isn't.

Since when have flag-waving and Twitter posts been a crime or indicative of the whole?

That's not the point, the point being made was that these things indeed happen. But to answer that, they aren't, but it depends on the overall actions and the volume. Many of the protesters did indeed crash the rally, and there have been a large number of cases where things like this happened. That does not make it a representative of the whole, but it shows actions by an, at least, large minority that were not stopped.

Now here is the interesting part, replacing the flag-waving and posting, could you say the same about the man who punched a protester? Are his actions indicative of the rest of the movement?

And also, yes, posting things calling for assassinations can be illegal and land you in serious trouble, especially if you say you want to do it yourself.

I... I don't know on this one K. Like... I mean people are quite literally (the proper use of the word) going into hysterics over the fact that Trump could very well be president. I don't care much Clinton or Sanders, but I'm not frothing at the mouth or being grammatically incorrect in my witty banter and commentary on either.

Apparently Trump is literally Hitler according to the teens and cool kids, Kkat. Its hip to be another person now adays, thats what all the hip youngsters are up to now Kkat.

Keeping the spirit of this, I'm now literally you Kkat! Huh... so this is what it means to be a woman... and have skills... and be a nice person.

Enjoy my magnum opus Fallot Qestriah folks:pinkiecrazy:

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