• Member Since 16th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 31st, 2022

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Confound these ponies. They drive me to write.

More Blog Posts13

  • 125 weeks
    Their Very Own Suns: Next Chapter Update

    Hey there, Sunbros! It sure has been a long time, about... Let me see here... yeesh, over two years?

    Kudos to those of you who have stuck around. I left the story off at a major cliffhanger, and I can't apologize enough for leaving you all hanging :twilightsheepish: I've had it happen to me, and I'm all too familiar with how much it sucks.

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    8 comments · 959 views
  • 128 weeks
    An Update About My Updates

    I've officially run out of funny ways to say I've been gone for a while, and I'm not going to try to come up with one for fear of sounding real cliche. I do want to give all of you who have been real patient for updates on my stories what I hope is an explanation, rather than a wall of excuses.

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    7 comments · 647 views
  • 259 weeks
    Pardon the Dust!

    I feel like I owe y'all an apology/explanation already :twilightsheepish:

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  • 277 weeks
    10,000 YEARS- will give you such a crick in the neck!

    Starting to feel like a one-trick pony here, but with said trick being coming back to life every now and then, is it really so bad? :twilightblush:

    3 comments · 462 views
  • 330 weeks
    The Part Where I Apologize Again

    Oh man, I wonder when the last time I logged in was-- July 22nd

    Actual footage of me coming back from the dead for the third time.

    Well, it looks like I may have accidentally slipped off the face of the earth again... But I'm back! That's all that matters, right? :twilightsheepish:

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    7 comments · 702 views

Their Very Own Suns: Next Chapter Update · 12:26am Aug 30th, 2022

Hey there, Sunbros! It sure has been a long time, about... Let me see here... yeesh, over two years?

Kudos to those of you who have stuck around. I left the story off at a major cliffhanger, and I can't apologize enough for leaving you all hanging :twilightsheepish: I've had it happen to me, and I'm all too familiar with how much it sucks.

That being said, I wanted to give everyone following the story an update. I'm still not 100% certain how FimFic handles stories being tagged to blog posts (or blog notifications in general), but I'm hoping this will cover any bases I missed in my last update.

First order of business: the story isn't dead!

I mean.. I guess it did die for a little bit there... but what better way to deliver a Dark Souls story than for it to be Undead as well? (I'll come up with a better joke in the author's notes of the next chapter (maybe (probably not))). On a more serious note, I said it a long time ago, but I wanted to reaffirm it; I have a clear goal for where I want the story to go. My original conception of Their Very Own Suns actually began with what is now the final chapters of it, and I'm adamant on taking this story to it.

In more "bittersweet" news, the next chapter for it is taking longer than I anticipated since I came back from the dead, only because the estimated word count of the chapter itself is more than I thought it would be. I made a (admittedly strange) goal of keeping the chapters under 6k words apiece (a goal that I've already broken on 2 occasions), and as I hit 3.4k in Phantoms of the Past, I've come to realize I am nowhere near halfway done with it. I'd prefer not to split the chapter in "half" again (after all, this "Manehattan Arc" was originally supposed to be only two chapters, and now we're waiting on its sixth installment), but if push comes to shove, I'll try to find a good middle point to do so. If nothing else, it'll provide another chapter that can be posted sooner. I suppose we'll find out what I've decided if the word count of the next post is over 7k words :rainbowlaugh:

For those of you following my other story, Human Nature, I figured this was as good of a moment as any to provide an update on that as well. The upcoming chapter is rolling along, slowly but surely (for reasons highlighted in my last update). I'm actually juggling the next three chapters of it at once. Writing "in reverse" has always been a helpful tactic for me to overcome any blocks I've run into, and there have admittedly been a few since I started. That being said, as I'm writing three chapters of it at once while tackling Suns, the progress on the up and coming chapter isn't exactly worth bragging about just yet.

I'm hoping to eventually get a good cadence going again where I can post a chapter on one story and then the next, alternating back and forth. Until then, I'm going to get back to the grind. After all, this blog is ~500 words I could've put to something else :twilightsheepish:

Praise on, Sunbros \ [T]'/

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Comments ( 8 )

The night is darkest before dawn, and this night has been a long one Indeed. a new day is finally breaking, bright golden rays burn away the cold mists and warmth fills the bones of the weary patient.

We also desire to be so grossly incandescent as Celestias sun.

Welcome back.



I can't wait to read it XP

Great news ! I was wondering if the first story I faved on this site would be updated :pinkiehappy:

I am most overjoyed that you have come back to finish these two remarkable stories. A two year Hiatus does not bother me as much as never finishing wonderful stories.

I always find it sad when a writer abandons a story… especially when the story is great.

and they haven't been seen in nearly three years

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