Pardon the Dust! · 2:10am Feb 6th, 2020
I feel like I owe y'all an apology/explanation already
Sorry for the late uploads (and borderline absence); I know I said I'd crank them out faster, but life decided to throw a wrench in my plans again. I've been looking for a new place to live for the last month. Nothing drastic happened; my roommate just decided to move out by the end of next month, and rather than pay full rent for a place I'm only at for half the time, I figured I'd find somewhere a little closer to work so I don't have to drive an hour and a half to and from it every other day. House searching's been cutting in to my writing time, but the situation is going smoothly, and everything should be resolved soon.
Next chapters for Their Very Own Suns and Human Nature are coming along well. Like I said, life's just cutting into my time to actually sit down and work on it. If all goes well, should have uploads for both by the end of the month!
Thank you all for your patience.
Praise on, Sunbros! \ [T]'/
Best of luck to ya!
and we have lost him again.