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Chapters to Come and New Cover Art! · 3:12pm Aug 6th, 2020


It's been a hot minute, yes. A lot of personal reflection and growth has happened since the last time I've written. But this blog isn't about emotions (unless you are emotional toward the idea of the title of this blog). Yes, I have decided to edit what I have done so far and let it all set sail.

Many times I told myself to finish both climaxes I set out to complete before publishing everything. But it would push the completion of No Hugs even further back. So after completing the most difficult bit of story, in my honest to God's opinion, I am ready to edit. There is a lot to edit, but I know it's much easier than simply putting down words into text documents.

Forgive the unforgivable delay. I know I said this blog wasn't about emotion, but understand that one of my more popular stories had a shaky climax to a good handful of readers; and I feared that I would fail in No Hugs. But fear doesn't have a hold of me now. And if I do fail, better that I did than not complete at all.

Because to me, the worst thing that could happen to this story is incompletion. And knowing me, that's a dreadful nightmare.

As for the cover art, well, take a look at this!

To keep it brief, this art is from an artist that is helping me work on my comic. Her name is Doggy-Kitty. I commissioned her to draw a new cover art because the original doesn't capture Mineral's true feelings. He isn't irritated by her at all. In fact, readers know how much Mineral cares for Sugar. So he is now a happy boy.

Doggy also hates me. Once she finished the commission, she took the liberty to read the story. Instantly, she was captured by the plot and despised how emotional it was. When Doggy complained, I told her, "Now you know what I'm capable of. And the comic will be given the same treatment."

And because she is enamored with the couple, she also drew her version of their potential filly!

I've said the end is near. Now, it has come (to be edited, then uploaded).

Stay tuned...

Comments ( 2 )

Ah, someone finally decided to update their story! :pinkiehappy:

Forgive the unforgivable delay.

Okay, I just checked that last update you did for this story and I hadn't realized your last chapter was posted in May, 2019. :pinkiegasp: You're forgiven though as it gave me time to re-read most of the story.

Glad to hear things are moving along soundly now. I'll be picking up the story again soon, I had to put it down for a bit to refocus on some other pressing matters, but I'm eagerly looking forward to what you have to offer. :twilightsmile:

The new cover art looks great! And the little filly is just adorable. :scootangel:

Thanks :3

And glad to hear from you again

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