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This blog is pretty much just me rambling · 4:57pm Aug 4th, 2020

So I've got like 2 big WIP's, a few small oneshot WIP's, a Christmas special for one of the big WIP's, etc... so guess what I'm currently writing?

A stupid thing I came up with because I thought of a silly title and I wanted to use it.

Like, you guys ever do that? I mean, I'm not asking if you procrastinate, because I'm sure you all do that, but like... come up with something to justify something outrageously stupid, and then just let yourself... create something that's probably absolute garbage, but you don't wanna stop because it's fun to shamelessly make something dumb? Because it's wonderfully freeing. I recommend it.

Whoever got this far in my short rambling blog post... uhh, lemme think, a question for whoever reads shit.... uhhhhhhh.... if you could have jell-o served at your wedding/birthday/funeral/ascension-into-godhood in the shape of any animal, what shape would it be, and what flavor?

Comments ( 10 )

I'm allergic to jell-o.

dude how are you allergic to jell-o

also no one said you'd have to eat it

Owl shaped watermelon flavored

Perfectly Insane

Pony shaped watermelon flavored Jello, preferably pink due to my obsession with Pinkie.

I have almost the exact same problem you do. I keep telling myself I should focus on my main fanfiction series, because I intend for it to be long and I really wanna write it. But I also have like at least half a dozen idea for other fanfiction I want to write, I have so many ideas that I had to make a google doc to write them down so I don't forget them. Sometimes I actually do get them written down when I'm really feeling like it, but never end up finishing them.

I also have a super bad habit of getting most of my writing done when it's late at night because I stayed up and hate sleeping, or if I have one of my random moods of inspiration and productivity where I just wanna write, and those usually last for days. I also procrastinate terribly, but it's partly because I'm struggling to write a specific scene and I'm worried I won't do it properly and will mess it up.

Pony, rainbow flavor.


Idk. Gelatin, probably? I just know it gives me headaches so I don't eat it anymore.

Yeah, writing dumb things on a whim is basically all I do. I can't do a big project.

Rat-shaped, rat-flavored.

hello yes this is the most cursed answer I could have possibly gotten

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