• Member Since 30th Apr, 2019
  • offline last seen September 10th


Where headcanon becomes absurd and canon absurder

More Blog Posts2175

  • 7 weeks
    Not Dead Yet. Surprisingly

    So uh… where the fuck have I been?

    So as some of you know, I don’t log onto Fimfic that much anymore, unless it’s to update a story (I might change that, but Fimfic doesn’t seem to get a lotta traction anymore-)

    So what’s up? Where are the stories? Why am I dead?

    Well, it’s mostly because I’m not particularly smart. Basically, I have a *bunch* of side projects I’ve started working on.

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    0 comments · 48 views
  • 17 weeks
    New Blue Fang chapter out

    Gods above, I really gotta get a schedule or something.

    0 comments · 73 views
  • 28 weeks
    Current Projects

    This is a list of ongoing or planned projects

    Firstly, I have a new saga that’s not MLP!



    This is a new fic series based on a Pokémon AU I’ve had for some time now, but it’s out now on Ao3! Two chapters so far, but many more to come!

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    1 comments · 103 views
  • 29 weeks
    There Do Be a New Chapter

    Already? Surprisingly, yes

    0 comments · 82 views
  • 30 weeks
    The wait is over

    Lads, lasses, and those in between or out, I welcome you to the official

    Blue Fang, Reignited

    This is long past due, and I hope you’ll enjoy my recreating of the story that started my writing journey.

    2 comments · 86 views

A Changeling in The Trenches🎵 · 3:06am May 5th, 2020

I Don’T KnOw WhAt tO pUt hErE

Original Song: A Ghost in the Trenches - Sabaton

Move behind the lines,
A nymph is breaking the confines!


A force deployed from the Queens hive.
A war against the guards, await the changeling recruits
And in their midst, among the soldiers
a young nymph of a different age discovers his roots.

In the battle, the guards have them pinned,
Then this changeling invoke the spirits of the fog.

Under fire,
a nymph that roams the battlefield,
Move behind the lines,
A nymph is breaking the confines
He’s another changeling soldier,
A young nymph turned scout is revealed.
Made his way from trench to trench alone, moving undetected.

And in the trees of White Tail Woods,
His glowing horn of reinforcements leading the way.
And at the Battle of Firestorm,
Trek a long way over the battlefield and fire away.

In the forest, the guards have him pinned,
Private Zenex invoked the spirits of the fog.

Under fire,
a nymph that roams the battlefield,
Move behind the lines,
A nymph is breaking the confines
He’s another changeling soldier,
A young nymph turned scout is revealed.
Made his way from trench to trench alone, moving undetected.


Under fire,
A young nymph...
Under fire!

Under fire,
a nymph that roams the battlefield,
Move behind the lines,
A nymph is breaking the confines
He’s another changeling soldier,
A young nymph turned scout is revealed.
Made his way from trench to trench alone, moving undetected.

Zenex stayed and fought them on his own.
Made his way until the end,

Zenex is a young changeling nymph with Heterochromia Iridum, meaning he has multicolored eyes (his left eye is green, whilst his left is blue). This was a trait he was always picked on for, which caused him to become antisocial. At the age of 13, he lied about his age to join the Devil Horns. He soon found talent in the art of stealth warfare. Because of his size, and carefulness, he was usually sent on scouting and marksman (sniper) missions behind enemy lines. When the War was over, he received the Queen’s Mane, the second highest military achievement and was deemed a war hero for his many actions.

Report MlpHero · 107 views · Story: Blue Fang · #Zenex
Comments ( 7 )

Looks like it’s same original song as the MTCG one.

It’s good though.

I mean, they are pretty similar due to the whole stealth thing

Oh yeah, I forgot

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