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Lord Of Dorkness

Deep into that dorkness peering...

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The King is Dead, Long Live The King · 5:54pm Jul 2nd, 2018

Gree-tings, hu-mans.

I come in peace from the blasted wastelands of planet Skype, to join you in this, the far-off space year 2018 and this strange new but verdant realm known to some only as: 'LOD-Has-Finally-Dusted-Off-His-Two-Rocks-Banging-Together-And-Moved-On-To-A-Gosh-darned-Discord-Account.'


It's name sounds more dignified in it's native tongue, no doubt. And Welsh.

Jokes aside, seldom have the patience and/or quiet-time for voice chat, but feel free to join & throw me a few lines if that's your thing. Noticed that the old Skype was turning into a real ghost-town, so hopefully this should be a breath of fresh air.

In tangential news and to give the rest of you a bone, here's a pic I found recently and decided to use for the Discord server on a lark:

'Not Salmon' does seem to sum it up nicely, huh? :pinkiehappy:


Comments ( 7 )

*Waiting intensifies*


I decided against making a blog about it because the ones I tried writing all ended up too whiny or too chipper, but my contract recently got ended with my former employer and hopefully things should move a bit quicker going forward around here thanks to that.

Think it was worth it going forward... but yeah, I've definitely been feeling both physically and mentally how I've barely had a break for the last two years. And my writing's sure has suffered quite a bit more then I'd wished.

Just~ need a bit of R&R before the muse fully wakes up from her torpor, because right now I'm still utterly pooped. :ajsleepy: :applejackconfused:

Yeah, but I'm waiting for something completely different than most people. I shouldn't hassle you about it at all since it IS marked as hiatus and I generally don't hassle authors about Hiatus works.

Duly noted.


Yeah, but I'm waiting for something completely different than most people. I shouldn't hassle you about it at all since it IS marked as hiatus and I generally don't hassle authors about Hiatus works.

*Gasp!* An actual fan of A Rare Source of Irritation.

The legends were true.


Jokes aside, Sufficiently Advanced, right? I've gotten more 'please tell me this lives' pokes for that then the rest of my stories combined.

And I don't mind at all as long as it's respectful. If anything, I'm deeply touched the story's stuck so hard with people they're still remembering it so fondly, and are still waiting for it to rise again. :raritystarry:

My favourite image for this sort of thing.

I mean, I read them all, so I am technically still waiting on that one too, since I want to know what fresh hell of necromancy Twilight has dug up for my amusement.

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