Metro: Last Light Complete Edition is free on Steam. · 5:43pm May 18th, 2023
The original, to celebrate 10 years. NOT the Redux.
Still, a pretty dang great shooter in its own right. Well worth a click to claim to your library, even if you're not currently in the mood.
Offer is valid until the 25th.
Good luck getting it to work. I never got mine working the last time they gave it out for free.
Haven't heard of it before TBH, but hey, a free game's a free game! Thanks for the heads-up! :P
Really? That sucks.
Personally have barely ever had any trouble with the Metro series, beyond the most basic 'your computer is too old & need to crank down settings' stuff. Hope you manage to fix that one day.
Great series, you're in luck.
One of the best new-ish FPS series from "recent" years.
Just be aware that you'll get a few spoiler for the first game. Last Light is the sequel, but it's one of those that takes up after the bad ending, so there's still some cool stuff to see if you go back later.
i just thought to share this South Scrimshaw, Part One is free on Steam alien garden whales!
Bit weary of episodic games myself, but thanks for the tip!
that's fine it's like a nature documentary they really put some work into this!
Most certainly a cool concept for a game, yeah. Edutainment is an underrated genera.