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The 4th is Coming... · 9:44pm Jun 21st, 2018

You know what that means.

Report Shinzakura · 419 views · Story: The Breaking Straw ·
Comments ( 25 )

The time has come.

I think so, but where are we gonna find that many dancing albino eskimo midgets?

I thought you had forgotten about this story! Glad to see it coming back and hopefully seeing AAG 2 by Christmas!

So you want me to forget?


No! Please don’t forget!


Yes I am sure. I would love for you to keep working on all of your projects and have a personal life. I am not some heartless monster, that is the governments job.

Don't worry I know a guy.

It means guns, fireworks, hotdogs and burgers, beer and soda, and shouting America Fuck Yeah! As we celebrate American culture tradition and the day we told jolly old England and king George to fuck off!

And to any one calling to change the national anthem from the star spangled banner remember we have awesome songs like this to replace it if that happens.


As we celebrate American culture tradition[...]

Does America actually have a culture?
I mean, other than your idolatry over militarism, and your obsession with finding things to either fear or hate? How about strangling everything that ever made you great, such as starting as a secular country and now being the worst place to be an atheist in the Western World, abandoning Science in favour of short-term profit, and accepting that your military pays a hundred thousand dollars for individual toilets while your schools have to close down due to lack of funding? Or how about your country's economy always having a need for a "nigger" class to prop it up, whether they are black slaves, mostly black prisoners, and now Chinese and Latino illegal aliens?

Should I mention that most of us Mexicans would actually be glad for the Trump Wall, if it would keep grandfathered guns and drug dollars out of Mexico? Because, I swear to you, the country wouldn't be advancing one step and falling back two if the cartels didn't both have better equipment than the Mexican Army, and had the money to buy police, politicians and military and make sure that nothing is ever really achieved.

just for the record, I am a heartless monster and in a government job. I would also like to see this story continued, even at the cost of Shin's immortal soul . If your ok with that?

and flint coal told me shin isn't a wizard !

Sorry, but I'm so effing tired of us Mexicans being reamed every other week by you, so much so that my country is about to elect its own Hugo Chavez (Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, know as "El Peje" ("The Garfish")), simply so he will be as diplomatic as your Trump.

It dose. Despite the leftists socialist lies. Also in America Nazis, kkk (founded by democrats), and communists are all on then left. And most news is bias to support leftist agenda.

That said American culture is about individual greatness and freedoms every one has a equal opportunity to start weather you succeed or fail is solely up to the individual.

As to border we need to in force law and I say make them stricter. My idea USA and Mexico enter joint agreement to hang human traffickers and drug dealer along the border like they used to do to pirates and both countries could declare the cartels enemy combatants attacking the nations people making military force in state of war against them viable. I like to see the cartels try to bribe soldiers backed up by armor and air support.


So your an elected official then. Please do your job for once and work across the aisle instead of cheering the party line. If you where not elected or appointed to fill a vacancy you still have your soul and are not part of the problem.

Your spelling and grammar are all over the place, you can't carry an idea in a bucket, and you think that far- right institutions (the KKK and the Nazi) are actually leftist. You are either drunk, or you are everything I fear the American school system will do to my nephew and niece.

Please attempt replying again when you get sober.

No, I'm a prison guard.
but when it comes to the AAG story line .
Shin = ak yearling:twilightsmile:
rmwar= rainbow dash:rainbowdetermined2:
and flint still needs to apologize for calling shin "not a wizard":pinkiecrazy:

Comment posted by Shinzakura deleted Jun 22nd, 2018

I do write other things, too...

Sorry, but I believe it's your own people's fault for choosing him as much as it was mine for choosing my beloved ex-god you've just mentioned. the US ain't a saint, no one can't deny that, but our countries will NEVER advance if they don't improve their culture and stop blaming the "impierialist pigs" for all our woes. In fact, the left LOVES shifting the blame to others, mainly America

I must say that you are right. Sorry.

One week after the elections, three of the cabinet members of AMLO had already tossed something like seven of his main campaign promises to ground:

  • The Mexican Army will not go back to their bases "from the very first day": it will take at the very least three years.
  • The educational reform will not be repealed: it will be "moderated".
  • The energy reform will not be repealed: AMLO himself is calling for it to be evaluated on its successes and failures.
  • There will not be six new oil refineries by the end of the 6-year administration: at most there will be two, plus expanding the existing ones.
  • The horribly criticised brand-new presidential plane, which costed some $350 million USD, will not be sold for the price it was bought. (Of course, this is obvious, but that was the promise).
  • (and some others that I can't remember at this very moment)

Meanwhile, he very recently gave a press conference giving "50 actions that my government will take" to improve the country. Thing is:

  • Of his fifty actions, something like ten of them refer to creating laws that I know for a fact that they already exist.
  • Another bunch of them basically asks Congress to give give up all of their privileges, their fleet of government-owned cars (for personal use) and to reduce their salaries by more than 80%. Good luck having these approved!
  • He is disintegrating the Secret Service, because he feels safe enough.
  • He wants to sell all civilian-grade helicopters and planes currently owned by the federal government, wants to rely on regularly-scheduled civilian aviation (a.k.a. the regular airlines), and wants to utterly prohibit any government functionary from buying first class tickets.
  • While he wants to minimise IT expenses, starting by his promise that the federal government "will not buy a single computer in my first year in office", he also wants to send most federal ministries out of Mexico City, spreading them throughout the country. Unless he wants his cabinet to teleconference by smoke signals from thousands of kilometres away, and wants the federal bureaucracy to utterly collapse, these two promises are contradictory.

but our countries will NEVER advance if they don't improve their culture and stop blaming the "impierialist pigs" for all our woes.

Well, most of the history of the US Marine Corps is a history of mercenary work...

In fact, the left LOVES shifting the blame to others, mainly America

So does the right. Or will you tell me that the currently ultra-conservative Arab World is "the Left"?
Besides, America is responsible for creating plenty of the world's woes, and spreading hate for yourselves; with your long and "proud" history of invading countries that cannot fight back, and your practice of "defending freedom and spreading democracy" by backing or even imposing America-friendly dictators, while you tolerate genocides like Myanmar and Rwanda.
Should I go on about America being among the only Western countries that haven't joined into the world prohibition for making, stockpiling and deploying landmines?
Should I go on about the teratogenic effects of Agent Orange?
Should I go on about the epidemiology of both cancer and birth defects on places where Depleted Uranium has been used as munition? Or how the US is keeping DU from being classified as a chemical weapon?

In the end, the US is not a net benefit on this world.
Please prove me wrong.

I think you've misunderstood one detail: I'm from venezuela, and I've been here in the US a mere 1.5 years, so I know the perspective from an US hating-blaming country. And trust me, Mexico is doomed, you'll just notice in the upcoming years.

Another thing to consider: the US has indeed caused lots of ill in the world, but wonderful things as well, for example: monetary aid in order to rebuild many countries affected by WWII, which many are prosperous and developed nations today. Took part in founding shipping and trading laws. Is one of the primary engines of worldwide inventions and entertainment, so, next time you browse the internet, take a minute to think where it came from

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