Messages Received :) · 3:30pm Jun 6th, 2018
Now, I'm an adult, lots of folks here are adults, we all ..blah blah blah blah. And that's over with.
I have gotten, through private messages, or otherwise, requests for..shall we say..ohhhh..a 'steamy' story or two, or even a scene in the main story of Legacy itself.
I'm not against anything like that, honestly, people being people. But to be totally truthful, for a whole story like that? I wouldn't even know where to begin. Though, for the moment, I will do my best to put in something to satisfy the very polite requests for something a little
So, there it is, over to you fine and wonderful readers. And I'm sure this will get an absolute ton of comments because..humans :P
Fire away, and I'll work on something nice.
Time to add a new tag and up that rating!
4877550 Both you guys have been waiting for something like this, haven't you? Yeesh :P
Oh dear God... XD. Don't tell me this is going to turn into "Miles To Go", with poor lovestruck NKE?
4877563 Nonono, no sacrifice or anything. Just a side story or something. Believe it or not I'm 1500 words in already..huh..easier to write than I thought :P
Interesting. Wonder what your mind will come up with. Mayhaps you just keep the "steamy" bits to optional chaps till you find your way? Or if you wanna go full story thats fine too. I dont care ether way.
I wasn't referring to the sacrifice bit, unless you want to make this a Shakespearean tragedy kind of hot. XD
No, I didn't mean that. I meant actually taking a step above the description of intimate but emotional scenes, and actually... doing something, I guess it could be said. Unlike "Miles To Go", I mean, where Nike's rationalizing for better the feelings she has for her commander make her closer to him, even if she doesn't want that to happen.
Dangit, another one off the list.
Oh dear, don't make two Bolo war hulls hump each other, the destruction would burn the world XD too much silliness.
now I have the image of one of those euphemism stories like the lusty argonian maid but with two bolos or something and its never explained if its a sex scene or a planetary purge.
I wouldn't say no; but I'd recommend having it as a chapter that is clearly marked and doesn't require reading; or put it in a cloptional side-story.
What a novel idea. The MLP fanfiction sphere sure can use some more 'steamy' stuff. I mean, look around, are there still stories left without such content or not?
If you choose to include something like that, do make sure to change the tags of the story appropriately. I would appreciate that greatly because i can then go ahead and remove it from my 'to read' list.
I liked it just fine without that sort of thing. I love innuendos as much as the next guy (I don't know who it is, but you probably wouldn't want to meet them), but I don't want any actual scenes or even terribly explicit references to "things" happening.
Though you could at least advance the TwiThena shipping a bit.
...Perhaps the one thing I'd sanction is a (probably drunken?) conversation that tells us how accurate the avatars are. I'm curious how Crusader's relationship with Applejack is going.
For the most part, though, I don't want to know what my actual friends are doing, so I really would not want to know details of fictional characters.
THIS should serve as a TL;DR.
And, frankly, it reminds me of this site. Just a bit.
Whatever gave you that idea? And don't you mean past tense?
I don't even.
In my humble opinion, after reading the comments, you silly people. Nice ones by the way. A story can be steamy without descriptions of 'things' happening. Without the things that make them out and out adult. When I say hot, I mean love. Between two characters or whatnot. Don't expect too much..but when two ponies are in (See: Princess Bride, etc.) It will be marked as optional, but I always wanted to write a love scene anyways.
Romantic at heart, nothing more. Like I said, folks asked, I would try, but won't compromise. But hey, love! :)
Damn. Oh well.
Hey. I'm lewd, what can I say?
That would be hilarious for a "Luna's seen some shit (in the Dream realm)" comedy chapter.
4877872 Nothing wrong with liking what ya like, but ya know its worth a nudge :)
4877888 Now something that would be hilarious :)
Yeah, I like shipping, so no problem then.
I forgot to specify earlier: I like funny innuendos, not so much steamy ones. But otherwise, sounds fine.
I am simply curious, though, if Crusader's relationship has been platonic ever since Discord's mess was cleaned up, or if they figured out what apparently the Japanese are getting rather skilled at, at least according to my AI class' teacher.

4877895 Innuendoes are great, so many possibilities. :) As for the platonic thing. You know, not sure. Though after the last..'ahem' massage.. one would wonder :)
That would be pretty funny, and dreams are supposed to be surreal...
I can't believe I am agreeing with any method that allows that disturbing image to happen...
Yeah, I don't even know after the latter. Though, does it count if it was accidental?