• Member Since 2nd Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago

River Road

Writing Comedy, Adventure and Slice Of Life. Desperately trying to keep up with all the crazy stories my brain comes up with.

More Blog Posts40

  • 156 weeks
    Prompt request: How to dun Goofed: Sherriff's Office Edition

    As some of you might have already heard (or promoted), Estee is doing a contest. And not any contest but a one that both expects strange and out-there crossover ideas as well as (hopefully) doesn't give a leg up to those who write stories of high drama or deep romance but instead focuses

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    5 comments · 332 views
  • 158 weeks
    The Worst Crossover

    I just stumbled across this picture on Derpibooru and oh no, it all fits.

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    7 comments · 367 views
  • 167 weeks
    Alphabittle and Bridlewood - Reading between the lines of the Gen 5 Movie

    Alphabittle may be the named character in the new MLP movie with the least direct characterization. Compared to the CEO of arguably the earth pony city's biggest company and the literal queen of the Pegasi, being the owner of a local teahouse immediately leaves him behind the other two side pony faction 'leaders' just in terms of impact, reach and presumably backstory. All we really learn about

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    1 comments · 462 views
  • 221 weeks
    Mr. & Mrs. S.M.I.L.E. sequel

    Like the title says.

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    0 comments · 343 views
  • 292 weeks

    Two in Exile has a new chapter.
    And it took me only 23 months less than two years to finish it.

    Sunny Days has threatened to motivate me into a weekly update schedule, so let's hope the next chapter will come out before the end of the year month.

    9 comments · 489 views

Dense As Diamonds Anniversary · 9:54pm Apr 18th, 2018

I know it hasn't quite been a year since I published the story yet, but then again Twilight has been working on getting Rarity's attention for some time before that already, hasn't she? Either way, I've already put this post off way too long, so let's do this.

First off, check out this review done by Erina Tail Yellow, a reviewer and fellow author who I've kept waiting way too long on this plug. She put quite a bit of time and work into it and she deserves some appreciation for it. We authors live on comments and attention.

I would've liked to combine this post with some additional art for the story, but sadly both attempts to get the final scene drawn trailed off and went nowhere. So if anyone wants to draw it, or knows someone who'd make a quick commission of a sketch or simple drawing, maybe I could still get one before the story's actual anniversary. In the meantime, I'll take the opportunity to once again plug the amazing Multiversecruise, who made not just one but two cover arts for my stories for that contest, for free and within the deadline. And they both turned out absolutely amazing. I mean, just look at these pones.

And finally, another big thank you to all you readers. Thank you for reading, thank you for commenting, and thank you for keeping a story I wrote at the top of the Feature Box for 72 hours straight, because damn, that's just crazy. And if you have a few minutes, maybe go and give Erina Tail Yellow's review and Multiversecruise's art some love, too, because getting fanwork is not really as common as some authors make it seem, and seeing how I procrastinated on just this blog post for over half a year, I can appreciate someone taking the time to put in that kind of work in support of someone else.

Oh, and go read Monochromatic's stories if you haven't yet. Because if you're reading this then you enjoy Raritwi, and I'm pretty sure Mono is literally the patron saint of that ship.

To many more years of purple marshmallow fluff.

Comments ( 2 )

Thankyou for posting this. It means a ton.

Raritwi, and I'm pretty sure Mono isliterallythe patron saint of that ship

True that.

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