• Member Since 20th Dec, 2017
  • offline last seen January 6th


Writer, vocalist. Originally had a little story to tell. Over a hundred chapters later, still going strong.

More Blog Posts54

  • 1 week
    Another Year, Another Void

    It's... been busy. If not in the brain or the house, then the body. New cats have helped the brain some, but the body needs more direct intervention. As such, I have surgery scheduled. I think I'll work on filling the chapter void after that, if that's okay.

    On that note, a belated happy new year to everyone!

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  • 47 weeks
    A Small Update

    So, I think I owe you guys an update now that we're two months into the year. Lots has been going on and you deserve to be made aware.

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  • 54 weeks
    New Years Resolution

    I know it's a day late, but happy new year, everyone!

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  • 97 weeks
    Just an update.

    So, motivation is one factor barring chapter progress, yes. But more than that right now is sheer, unending, excrutiating pain.

    I have sciatica.

    So I'm probably gonna focus on getting through that for a while. Hopefully it doesn;t take too long and I'll have new energy with which to write!

    2 comments · 172 views
  • 113 weeks
    Motivation and Chapter Progress

    So, I've been working on this chapter I'm currently on, the one I promised would have more apple shenanigans, off and on all year. I know what I want to do with it, but with how this year has gone and how my mind has been, it's been an unintentional slog. I just haven't been as motivated as I'd like to be to finish it.

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Some kinda conundrum · 8:34am Mar 7th, 2018

Things regarding release may slow down slightly. I've got plenty of ideas, but the big question always ends up being "What do I wanna do next?" And that question is sometimes hard to answer. I've had to displace a chapter that I've got planned because it's gotten a bit difficult on the mental front to write. I feel like if I don't have some kind of musical number fitting for a certain situation, I would be doing the character that is brought forth into the chapter justice. But the situation I have is one that would demand an original number, rather than something previously written. Sad fact is, I'm terrible at writing lyrics. I can write prose, I can write poetry, but coming up with something original for a song in both words and accompaniment is... a little bit beyond me. Despite what I may have written so far, I can't actually read music, nor can I identify a note upon hearing it. I'm mostly vocals and percussion. Not much music reading there in a lot of cases, especially when you're mostly self-taught like I am. However, I still want to do this character justice by having something that fits his personality. So, I'm putting out a request. If you or someone you know can write a good tune, send me a private message! I'll give you the full rundown as to what's going on, and a sneak peek of the chapter in question, and we'll see what we can do.
For a very basic gist of what I'm going for, here's what it is on a very base level. Also, future chapter spoilers ahead.

I need to have a duet for Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich. The party ponies partner up!

Report Boltsinger · 286 views · Story: One Bolt, Moving Forward · #music #lyrics
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