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Austraeoh Fact Checker

"If you are looking for fanfics, I can tell you I don't have any. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career"

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Bard's Songs · 2:03am Dec 20th, 2017

Here are all songs sung by Bard that I can find.

Ynanhluutr 93

Oh dear sweet little melody, you gave me quite a start
Reckon it'd take a siren song to wake this lonely heart
But since you ask me all pretty-like, I'll tell you how my harmony died

Well I've dipped in the streams and slipped amidst the rushes
I've drowned in every drat sea the Queen V's light touches
And I've soaked up every shudder'n'sob this windy world has sighed

Cuz only a ghost like me rides a train with no track
I shoulder my shadow and we sleep with back to back
And I learn what I know, to face the lonely dark
And I carry my burden like my scars and my mark

Oh precious little melody, don't try and make me smile
Life's only a brief candle, flickerin' for a lil' while
But if your chorus burns bright enough then nopony will have to know

Musicians are a mouthpiece for memories in the air
We dress 'em up like angels and put flowers in their hair
And once the smoke has cleared, all that's left is that heavenly glow

But only a ghost like me rides a train with no track
He shoulders his shadow and they sleep with back to back
And he learns what he knows, to face the lonely dark
He carries his burden like his scars and his mark

(Griffon Harmonica Solo)

Oh sweet gentle melody, I know you mean well
But all it takes is a single chord to turn heaven into hell
If you can't handle silence after the lonely heart's song is through

I hear you say you love me, that you'll never ever leave
But it's hard to share a dance if you don't know how to grieve
Over the loss of life it takes to make a beautiful dirge out of you

For it's a ghost who rides a train with no track
You shoulder your shadow and you sleep with back to back
If you wanna know what he knows to face the lonely dark
You gotta carry your burden like your scars and your mark

Darling, only a ghost rides a train with no track
You shoulder your shadow and you sleep with back to back
When you know what he knows to face the lonely dark
You'll carry your burden like your scars and your mark
Like your scars and your mark

Ynanhluutr 117

She said, 'Honey, how do you dare to drift?
On an equatorial breeze?'
And I said, 'Darlin' it's never too late to gloat'
And you'll never keep afloat
On a dead lover's boat
If you refuse to plug the holes
If you refuse to plug the holes

Ynanhluutr 125

Well, we kicked flank and took many a name.
Without want of fortune, flair, or fame
Save for the bars we could carry on our back
Gaining only what the bad guys lack
And that is how the desperadoes roll
Yes, that's how the desperadoes roll

Utaan 149

Wind and wing and go
Wind and wing and go
The years roll back
The storm rumbles black
And your sweet voice calls me home

Rivers ebb and flow
Rivers ebb and flow
Every brook that winds
Constantly reminds
Of the tears flowing back to my home

Oceans black and blue
Oceans black and blue
Foam churns at the edge
As I make my pledge
And carry you back to our home

And with every tide that comes, it's you
And with every sun that sets, it's you
And with every smile that stays, it's you
And with every breath I sob, it's you

Wind and wing and go
Wind and wing and go
Please don't let go
You're my song, you're my soul
And they're calling us back to our home
One of these days
We'll follow them back to our home

Utaan 167

Oh this dayum snow sucks and I can't sleep
This dayum snow sucks and I can't sleep
This dayum snow sucks and I can't sleep
But least I'm not Remna
Yes, at least I'm not Remnaaaaa

Utaan 198

And never say never to a broken home
Your heart is whole in love alone
Don't need no ceiling nor walls of stone
Just a name in a sigh to call your own

Utaan 297

"Hmmmmmmm..." Bard plucked the strings of his guitar, staining the wooden finish red. "...time it was... and what a time it was... it was..."

Report Austraeoh Fact Checker · 385 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

Thank you once again for your service. Also... that last one made my heart drop into my stomach. Just the reminder is a lot to take in.

I wish there was a recording with a tempo to sing to. Figuring out how to sing these sings in a country-like tone is pretty difficult if you're just making up your own tempo.

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